YZ250 year preferences from '01 to '03

Bob Brooks

Jan 6, 2001
I currently ride an ’01 KTM 300 MXC, mostly in the woods, and I’m selling it and probably going back to a Yamaha. I’ve always liked YZ’s and feel very comfortable on them. Finances dictate that I’ll be buying used. For you Yamaha lovers out there…what are the best years of the YZ250? Any preferences? I’ve ridden a couple of ’02 models and really enjoyed them…nice handling, light weight and I loved the motor on the ’02, low-end like my KTM with faster revving and quicker acceleration. Any experience with the ’01 model and how does it compare to the ’02 and ’03? I know that Yamaha didn’t change the YZ 250s much from ’02 to ’04, but I don’t know as much about the ’01 models and am curious in the event that I find a deal on one.


Aug 8, 2003
I have a 2000 YZ250. Not much changed from '00 to '01 (since you are asking about an '01). My brother has an '03 that stays at my house so I switch bikes often. I am a good C to B rider but far from a professional but I don't feel a lot of difference between my '00 and his '03. The '03 is a nice bike but if you can find a good deal on an '00 of '01 (which is easy to do these days) I don't think you would be disappointed. Take the money you save by buying a '00 or '01 and put it into some aftermarket parts (Pipe & silencer) or suspension mods. and have a better bike than the newer one.


Feb 4, 2004
I liked the 00-01 before the they made the frame change in 02. I felt the vibration or track more on my 02 than I did on my 00 and 01 Yamaha's. If you find an 01 in good shape I would for that if the year makes no difference.


Jul 20, 2002

I've had both '01 and '02 KTM 300 EXCs. I now ride an 03' YZ 250. Everytime I would trade bikes with one of my riding buddys with a YZ, I liked it much better than my 300. I have ridden quite a bit on 2001, '02, and '03 YZ 250s. The consensus in our group (and others I have spoken with), and my own preference is the '02. The '03 has a little less bottom mid, in exchange for mid top, but it's almost imperceptable. The '03 and '04 engines are the same (Barrel, head, pipe, etc. are the same part number) The '02 thru '04 also share the same pipe. Our favorite pipe is Pro Circuit. We found that changing to an aftermarket muffler makes a noticable difference on the bottom. We also prefer the V Force reed over stock, again more bottom response. In our group of about a dozen riders, probably 9 YZ's, and 3 2003/4 CR's. The Honda guys say they are switching to YZ next year, clearly a better motor, although the Honda is a great bike, ti suffers in low end response compared to the YZs. The '02 barrel is a direct swap to the '03/4 if you want more bottom acceleration, I put the 5th gear from the WR 4 stroke in mine for more top end cruiseability.............I switched with a friend with a KTM 300 a couple of weeks ago, and the KTM feels very old tech after riding the YZs.


May 6, 2001
Bob Brooks,

I tried to PM you, but you have your messages turned off. Send me a PM if you are interested in a lead on a good '02 YZ.



Mar 2, 2003
I know this is nit-picky, but I hate the look of the white airbox on the 01. All I have seen turn kind of brown. That was the main reason I bought an 02, pretty sad, huh?


Sponsoring Member
Apr 18, 2000
Having raced all 3 year models 00,01 and 02 I think the best of the bunch is the 01 model. The suspension is much better on the 01 and easier to set up. The 01 also turns better than the 02. If I had to rank them it would be 01,00,02.

Bob Brooks

Jan 6, 2001
How is the ’01 motor compared to the ’02 and ’03? Anybody have any opinions on that? The ‘02’s that I’ve ridden have had really nice motors…lots of power off the bottom all the way up, similar to my 300 KTM only quicker revving and maybe not quite as tractor-like off the bottom.


Nov 5, 2001
ive got the 01, i like it (apart from the forks, LOL) but they redesigned overthing on the chassis for 02 so they look nicer and should have better resale


Jan 29, 2002
well on my journey to buy a new bike (couldnt decide between 125 or 250) i came upon riding a slightly modified 01YZ250 and have never looked back at a 125.. that bike sold me 110% on buying a 250, it is so amazing! ive since ridden 02 and 03 yz250s and I like the 01 the best.. the power was UNBELIVEABLY controlable, i mean - you turn the throttle and you go forward with the same amount of the twist.. want more power? turn it more! wow, the power was amazingly broad, much more then my 04RM250.. it was 4 stroke like, but i loved it! the suspenders were great, but also revalved and freshly serviced..

my 04RM250 hits like a ******* and is so hard to control its kind of wild.. i still love it though :D


Jul 20, 2002

Going back to the original question, I think ANY of the YZ's you are considering, are a major improvement over you 300. I would look for the one with the best condition for the money, you can split hairs forever, everybody want to justify whatever he owns. Get the best one you can afford, they are all good.


Aug 8, 2003
I don't think people are trying to justify what they have. A few have owned various years and have given their input as to what they saw as advantages and disadvantages over other years. It looks to me as though some prefer the '01 to the newer models. But as you said they are all good bikes.
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zuki dave

Apr 30, 2001
owned a 02 yz thought it was very good bike got 03 rode both bikes and found 03 was just a little better. both need suspension work for serious racing. front forks are like a big sponge. bottom badly on rough tracks. ran fmf on 02 was good more top end. ran p.c on 03 less bottom end got hit and more top end. installed dep. pipe + pc silencer that combo was really good all the way thru rpm. for mx racing.


Jan 27, 2004
I know a guy that is selling a fast 01 yamaha for 2800. It is in great shape. I believe nothing is wrong with it other that so decail scratches in it and a small dent in radiator which is very miner. Oh it also has nver been raced just trail riden.


Apr 30, 2002
I love my 01 YZ250 (in fact, the KTM 200 test failed because the YZ is hard to replace) but I can't imagine there being that much diff between the three years. I always try to go as new as my my budget allows but either way, get the best deal you can and don't think twice - you'll be riding an awesome bike regardless. Odds are you'll do suspension work because you're a woods guy riding a MX bike. :thumb:

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