Just got back home. When I left AJ he was feeling much better.
He now has a rod in his Tibia that he can elect to have removed eventually but not for at least a year. He is looking at 16-20 weeks of recovery.
I didn't see AJ go down at the track but knew there was some sort of pile up in one of the corners. It took me some time to realise I hadn't seen AJ come around in a while. My first thought was "maybe he's over in the corner helping that poor guy that crashed". Ken Faught came runing up to me and told me AJ broke his leg! I dropped my water and just started running. I hit the track and hauled ass out there. When I got to him they were trying to remove his boot. I grabbed on to his hands and started talking to him. I felt so bad, he was in so much pain and when they got his boot off, it wasn't pretty. You could tell it didn't look right. :( Thumbs and I followed the ambulance and after they gave him the once over in the trama room they took him into the ER and allowed one person in. I told them I was his friend, but I guess one woman thought I was his wife. :eek: I wondered why the OR nurse said "okay, now is your last chance for hugs and kisses" before she wheeled him into surgery. A doped up AJ exclaimed: "REALLY!" I told him he didn't have anough broken limbs for any "hugging and kissing" but I might doodle on him before he comes to in recovery. ;)
AJ was a real trooper despite the long waiting and the pain. It wasn't long before he was more himself and irritating the ICU nurse. :p They won't be putting a cast on until the swelling goes down. But he was up and catassin' through the hallway with his hot rod walker this afternoon. His cute lil nurse thinks he looks like Patrick Dempsey. I bought him a truck load of girly mags and a hot wheels coloring book, among other things, so he should be able to amuse himself during his stay in the hospital. :)
If they let him out tomorrow, TTRGuy will take him to go stay at case de' buster. I'll see him on Saturday so I'll make sure to print out this thread and pass on your well wishes to him.