Originally posted by Jaybird
What exactly is a redneck?
And, btw...what do you have against rednecks?
I live in what is considered "The Prime Place to find Them," Eastern, KY and though I may post jokes I have yet to see one. Who knows I may be one, but what exactly is a "Red Neck?"
Most of the people around my area are hard working individuals who take pride in what they do.
Nephron, despite your education, I would consider how you post further to this forum, fervor excluded. You stated your position well, yes it is about citizens, but it is also about the thin gray line that separates the Church from the State. You can do a search on any engine to find "MacWorld vs. Jihad" and find arguments against the forcing of "Nationalism" on other countries.
The hard line to follow is about American Citizens trying to alter the law to follow their belief's and that is WRONG!
The Separation of Church and State was specifically conscribed just for that.
Language issues don't bother me, this country was built on them. English Vs Native American. Heck, that is what my ancestors had to learn while the British over ran my homeland of both Scotland and Ireland. Much to the chagrin of others I like Gaelic. I don't know any of it but I like hearing it spoken.
While stationed in Germany I had to learn to at least understand the language. I don't have a problem with peoples from other countries being here.
What I do have a problem with is people acting out and telling others they don't belong.
I suggest you read what is written on the Statue of Liberty. Our doors are open to everyone who is willing to make the sacrifice to become a citizen.
To those that wish to enter our country, or in Canada's respect, illegally, I would be happy to either slam the door in your face or arrest you.