Any mod, Joined DRN 2 days ago and still can't>>>


Jan 29, 2000
post in the For sale forum. No access to sigs etc, keep getting a message telling me I have to join, I'm not joining again. Still haven't received any type of confirmation except from Paypal telling me how happy they are to take my money. I figured it was because of DW but I see others have joined and been acknowledged by Okie since then... What happened, did I slip through a crack?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
If you mean you joined as a subscriber then I'm sorry but I think your going to have to hang until the big cheese gets back next week. As an added bonus he's also relocating Okie HQ so it will be an interesting time. I'll mention it to him Wednesday evening though.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Jake - when you mean others have joined & been acknowledged, what exactly do you mean & how can you tell?

Under your name at the moment it says "registered", this is the free option, which I think is still instantaneous.

Once you've paid your money, it will either say "subscriber" or "sponsoring member" once Okie has loaded you.

(I'm thinking your getting confused with the "new member" thingy on the front page of the forums, which isn't the same as becoming a subscriber/sponsoring member). Don't panic, I doubt you're forgotten, I'd almost put money on it being the fact it's DW time (sorry, I don't really gamble hehehe)


Jan 29, 2000
Hi Michelle, in the fifth thread down about the DRN subs, there are several posts from guys who subscribed on the 30th. I subscribed on the 27th. Okie answered several of their posts a couple days after I joined, the 30th. I kind of figured with DW it would be delayed but in his posts he states it should be only 24 hrs. It's been about 5 days now and I still have no benefits. That's why I thought maybe I fell through a crack somewhere.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Originally posted by Knobbyjake
in the fifth thread down about the DRN subs, there are several posts from guys who subscribed on the 30th. I subscribed on the 27th. Okie answered several of their posts a couple days after I joined, the 30th. I kind of figured with DW it would be delayed but in his posts he states it should be only 24 hrs.

If I'm looking at the right thread there hasn't been a new post in that thread since the 10th of July this year. Any posts your seeing from Sept 30th would be from 2002. With this being DW Okie is unavailable and I'm sure he will get your squared away ASAP upon his return. Thanks for supporting the site :thumb:


Jan 29, 2000
I guess what they say about working midnite turn is true, it definitely turns your brain to mush, lol. For some reason when I woke up today, (just now), that same thought hit me. Thanks for confirming it Chili. Last week was my 20th anniversary, we started getting cards in the mail for it. I said to my wife "What's wrong with these people, they're a month too early." Needless to say that went over real well, LOL. OK, I'll just sit back, shut up and enjoy the ride until Okie gets back. Thanks for the help. Jake
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