
Apr 8, 2005
I went to a new motocross track in our area for the first practice. Great track - built by a 33 y/o "A" Rider who also rode at Loretta Lynn's this year. Track has great dirt and 1.1 miles. Mostly natural terrain with couple step ups, tabletops, etc . . .

Link to track website is:

Pics to be posted soon.

Anyway, there is one VERY difficult rhythm section. Single, Triple, Single, Double, Step Up Double, Whoops.


Single, Triple, Long Double, Single, Step Up Double, Whoops.

The first time I went for the triple I didn't get enough drive after the single and came up about 1 1/2 feet short. I knew I was screwed the moment I left the ground. I ended up on the face of the next jump with the bike on top of me. 90% of my body felt fine but my spine felt like a 200 lb weight had been slammed against it. My head felt fine, I wasn't knocked out. Neck felt fine. Only two small bruises on elbow and shoulder. Weird.

Thankfully, I walked away, but now five days later my vertebrae are out in three places. Time for a visit to the Chiro!!

I plan on clearing that triple but I suspect it will be next spring. LOL.


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