Chick's Ride - January 22nd @ Hollister


Apr 3, 2002
Are you and Susan contemplating coming down to Hollister? If you do, we will make it a weekend thing! Let us know. You can always stay at our place!

I do believe that I am part of the "wife wars" thread.... My hubby is a bit crazy... you'll see at Hollister! Also, I have an extra chest protector. Nat, if you do not want to loan out Bratt's stuff... I'll bring along my chest protector.

I am really looking forward to riding with all of you! Pierre and I are getting ready to roll down to Hollister today to check out the dirt and the fun. If there are any ladies out there.... introduce yourself! We have two KTM's + a brownish Toyota Tundra with a Barf sticker on it!


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Jen where's the WifeWars thread? Is it on DRN? I'll go ahead and bring the chest protector, I know she won't mind! Karna and I are going to drive over together and meet everyone at Jerry's. I think I might call Jerry's and let them know we might need a big table. I roll call for Jerry's by Friday!

Have fun at Hollister!


Apr 3, 2002
Jen where's the WifeWars thread? Is it on DRN?
Hey Nat, the thread is on

I am sure Randy could shim in and post some killer pics of Susan. For now it is pretty tight. We'll see how the crash round goes... :p :laugh: :joke:

Pierre a.k.a. Joebar (and vice versa)


Dec 14, 2004
Nat & Jen thanks for the loaner. I really appreciate it. I'll be driving my white Dodge Dakota quad cab with my crf230 in the back. I'm trying to get my stepbrother to come along and ride with the men. He just got himself the new 250 and he really needs to break that puppy in.



Sep 27, 2001
OMG! I don't get on line for a few days (or since my post) and I have to read 8 WHOLE PAGES!
I can't wait until Saturday! I just started nursing school, have been working full time, have been the single mom of 2 kids (since Justin works in another state 2 weeks out of the month) and I am SO looking forward to this.

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. As of right now, Justin will be home with the babies. I am trying to get him to come along but he will only be home for 3 days then he leaves again. He wants to spend some time with the boys. We'll see, he might change his mind and get his mom to come over to watch them!

I am not back into riding shape since I had my son. I have only ridden a handfulf of times since he was born...So, don't leave me in the dust, ok? I actually have a new Trial's bike in the garage that I have only ridden twice since Thanksgiving. It SUCKS to be responsible and studious!

I am looking forward to seeing everyone and meeting more women riders!

See you next weekend!



Dec 7, 2004
Ive been talking to Mini.. I may just come down and visit ya'all while work is slow..riding depends on weather I suppose.
Dont know about Reno yet.

Halloween ride was good and amusing as always !
We're working on getting set up to where we can be gone a bit and ride some new areas this summer...would still like to see yur neck of the woods.


Dec 7, 2004
Hey Jenn,
It would be good to see you guys too.If I can put a trip together to someplace warm in Feb Im outta here..but if that doesnt fly and Reno is rideable..Im there.

When ya coming back up here..plenty of room ..always !!!

Amber Farris

Mar 14, 2003
Well, and am going to do my best and make the ride. I ran into a couple of snags on Sunday with my bike and it will be tough getting everything ready by Sat. I don't get home until late so my husband said he will work on some stuff while I am at work in the evening and I will get things ready on my breaks during the day. I just bought the bike about a month ago, and I new I was going to have to fix some little things. I got it for a good deal, so I didn't mind. My right fork seal was leaking a little so I was hoping that it was just a dirty dust seal. We cleaned them out and put some brand new fork oil in them. The old stuff was pretty gross. Well I went out to Hollister yesterday and by the end of the day that sucker was leaking pretty bad. In stead of just ordering fork seals, I thought I would order a kit that had dust seals, fork seals and upper and lower bushings. We will probably get the stuff by Wed or Thurs. We have never done this before and nothing ever goes smooth the first time.

I also snapped a brand new chain. It took my huband. me and my brother inlaw close to an hour to get the bike back to the staging area. I was beat.

Before that I when to kick my kickstand up and the damn thing flew about 10 feet and almost hit my husband. The bolt snapped. :eek: LOL I can't touch the ground on the bike and I guess I shouldn't be starting it on the kickstand anymore. :clue: Of all the crap that happened yesterday, it was still a great day. The lower right part of Hollister was tacky with some mud and the traction was awesome. The upper part was great too, but getting a little dry. I can't wait to get up there again and hopefully that will be Saturday. :)


Apr 3, 2002
Kenpogirl. Fork seals are intimidating if you have never done them before. Both of my seals were bad on my KTM a few months ago. It took a few hours for the first fork seal but the second one went much faster. Good Luck getting everything fixed. Sounds like you had a tough day.... wasn't the dirt great a Hollister though?


Apr 3, 2002
Ellen, hope to see you in Reno then! Not sure when we will be planning a trip to OR. Sounds like fun though! We would love to come up! Maybe now that we have another year under our belts those knarly OR climbs won't seem as bad!


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Holy Crap Kenpogirl!! I've had some of the same things happen to me...kickstand bolts on the KTM's are notorious for failing.

I lost my fork seal integrity after the 24 hour race in October had to have everything replaced. I just took the bike into the shop to save time and aggravation. I actually got to help out on a fork seal job once with two friends who knew what they were doing. The bike was a DRZ400. It was still a big deal and was difficult at times, even though they knew what they were doing.

Looking forward to meeting you!

Ellen, you are officially added to the list! I just updated the first post of this thread. :joke:


Sponsoring Member
Aug 28, 2003
I'm thinking that we might want to move our meeting time up to 9:00 or 9:30. Ben and I called Hollister at 10:45 yesterday morning, and the ranger told us that the park was already "full" and that no bikes were being allowed entry. We ended up at Clear Creek (my first time there) for a short but awesome ride. I'm still figuring out the differences between my new KTM 400EXC and my CRF230F. Had an incredible day at Hollister on Friday, but yesterday at Clear Creek I had some hard lessons involving deep creek crossings (3 feet in places) and steep hill climbs (I tangoed with a few unfortunate bushes). I love my new bike!!!! Anyway, perhaps we should meet earlier at Hollister to ensure that we all get through the gate in case it is as crowded as it was this past weekend.

Amber Farris

Mar 14, 2003
Jennifer, to answer your question, Yes the dirt was great!!!! :cool: The conditions at Hollister were just perfect.

Getmetoca...I'm glad am not the only one. ;) I expect things like that to happen, just not all in one day. :laugh: Well hopefully my parts come in and we get them in before Sat. I am looking forward to meet my fellow dirt riding chickies. :yeehaw:


Sponsoring Member
Aug 28, 2003
Hi, Petra! I know that you have to leave at noon. I'll plan on being there at 9:00 too. If others still want to meet at 10:00, maybe you and I can get an early ride in. The day will be so much fun!


Sep 27, 2001
I am up for an earlier entry (I get up several times a night anways because of the new little one)...Natalie, what do you think? If we get turned around at the gate we can head down to clear creek. I know how to get there but we would need an official tour guide. No matter how many times we ride there, I get turned around. I know some of the trails...we could do the same 10-15 miles over and over and over again! Tami, would you be up for it? Hopefully, we won't get turned around!

Just saw the weather and things look pretty least no rain in the forecast.


So, what about a 9:00-9:30 meeting time?? We can always go for a short loop and meet up with the others at a later time?



Crash Master
Damn Yankees
Jan 20, 2001
I'm a go for sure. I got an orange sticker for my bike :p

see you all there


Jan 17, 2005

I'm brand new on DRN - what a cool site! Found out about the Girls ride from a post by JoeBar (Pierre, yes?) over on BARF.

If you-all will have me, I'd like to come on the ride Sat. I'm on a little bike (TTR125) - hopefully I won't be too much of an anchor. ;)

Cheers! (and, btw - it is so VERY cool to see women who ride actually posting about, well.... RIDING!!!)

-tamara (aka "BigMeanTam" in other parts...)


Jan 22, 2002
Welcome aboard, hammera!
Looking forward to meeting you on Saturday.

Natalie, can you please tell me where the Radio Ridge parking lot is? I have only been to Hollister two times, and it has been a long time since then. I know how to get there, but I don't know where the meeting place is. Could you point out in the map? I have a Hollister Hills map here. Thank you.


Amber Farris

Mar 14, 2003
FireLily said:
Welcome aboard, hammera!
Looking forward to meeting you on Saturday.

Natalie, can you please tell me where the Radio Ridge parking lot is? I have only been to Hollister two times, and it has been a long time since then. I know how to get there, but I don't know where the meeting place is. Could you point out in the map? I have a Hollister Hills map here. Thank you.


When you go into the main gate the road curves around to your left. As you go staight you will pass a couple tracks to your right. It will be the first driveway to you left. The drivway goes upward and the were all the parking is. There is also an oval track up in that staging area. That is Radio Ridge. :cool:


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Kenpogirl said:
When you go into the main gate the road curves around to your left. As you go staight you will pass a couple tracks to your right. It will be the first driveway to you left. The drivway goes upward and the were all the parking is. There is also an oval track up in that staging area. That is Radio Ridge. :cool:

:cool: Thank you Kenpogirl. That's 'NatalieProof" directions if I ever saw them. ;) Those who know me also know that I get lost easy and need EXPLICIT directions to where we're going.

Hey hammera!! Of course you're coming with us!! I'm adding you to the list!!!! :aj:


May 23, 2000
If anyone wants to make a really early start on Saturday, rickyd and myself will be there by 7-7:30 a.m. I was a little concerned about the 10 a.m. start time as well because the park is pretty full by 9 a.m. on weekends where the weather is nice. If we don't see you at Radio Ridge and you're out on the trails, just look for a guy on a KTM trying desperately to keep up with a guy on a Kawasaki. That will be us!

Sorry you can't make it bbbom! I'll try to remember my camera.
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