Nov 1, 2001
I'm looking for a bike shoe/wheel chock that I can mount on the floor of my utility trailer. I'm looking for the kind that claims to make tie-downs unnecessary (but I'll still use them). I've heard of the ATK bike shoe, but I can't get much info on it (a google search yielded very little, other than an old post of mine on the same issue). I need one for a full-sized dirt bike and one for my kid's KLX 110 (unless there's one that works with both sizes).

Does anyone have any product names or helpful links for products that may fit the bill for me?

Thanks in advance!


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
I've used a bike shoe for the past three seasons in a enclosed trailer. Its the way to go. I've never had a bike come loose. In fact two years ago I didn't lock down the mechanism all the way. I was sure glad to see the bike shoe still keep the bike in place! Do a search on E-b a y for bike shoe.


Feb 16, 2001
I just bought the ATK bike shoe from Pit Posse.They had the best prices from what I seen.Beware of the knock-off shoes on that auction site.not sure of their quality.I am still working on my installation...one will be for my daughters kx100.The shoe pretty much fits the 17" in tire,and i might be able to modify the metal band that your pull down to tighten on the tire by cutting off the last 4" or so and re-welding it at a 90 degree angle so that end does not hit the forks when you clamp it down(up towards the tire) I will let you know if that works or not.never-the less my plans are in addition to the shoe is to mount some D-rings under each footpeg and use a turnbuckle to pull the bikes down and forward slightly to stop them from swaying and extra security.If this works I will weld a bar across the turn buckle to aid in spinning it tight.it's a work in progress right now.


Nov 1, 2001
Thanks for the input. I'm going to go with the ATK shoe, at least for the full sized bike. Fabrication like that described above is above my skill set. Thus, I'll have to find another solution (or a real fabricator) for my smaller bike. Because of the lack of information on the bike shoe, I can't really picture how it works. I'll just trust that it does. Thanks again.


2-Strokes forever
Jul 3, 1999

Have you seen one iof the bike boots? It looks like the way to go for a KLX 125(small wheel)


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
I haven't seen any of them in person. I opted to go for using turnbuckles to the footpegs of our bikes while on a center stand. This way it fits any bike and I don't have anything on the floor of the trailer other than a recessed D-ring when we want to use it for other purposes.


Feb 16, 2001
Hi EBOD,In your case I would opt for the ATK bike shoe for your larger bike and the bike boot for the smaller one.You can be confident that this set up will work well for you.


May 3, 2001
I've seen the bikeboots since Patman has them in his utility trailer. He bought both full-size and the smaller size for a CR80 and they work great.


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
Hey. I realize this is an old thread but it looks like all you guys are still around participating. I am in the process of doing a set up for transport exactly like this thread discusses- for a ttr125 and a klx110. Is the atk chock too big for the klx110 then? (We have three bikes, but will only travel with two at a time, most likely. The other bike is full size. I do not know if I need the versatility of the full atk or should go with the babybikeboot.

Is the pitposse chock actually the atk under a different name? They look identical...At twenty bucks price savings....(times 2) it really is a big savings. However, I would hate to buy an inferior version of the same item when the atk was what was recommended to me by a friend who has one.
Unfortunately the bikeboot com site is under construction- no pics.

Speedy suggestions appreciated as we'll be traveling this winter with these bikes.



Sponsoring Member
Jun 8, 2003
bike shoe mods

i did a much easier mod to fit smaller bikes. i simply moved the bolt attach point on the frame of the bike boot - down for smaller wheels. simply drill a few holes - no cutting or welding required. i did enough that i can adjust for the various bikes we ride. however, since today each bike is assigned its trailer position, i don't move much.

I just bought the ATK bike shoe from Pit Posse.They had the best prices from what I seen.Beware of the knock-off shoes on that auction site.not sure of their quality.I am still working on my installation...one will be for my daughters kx100.The shoe pretty much fits the 17" in tire,and i might be able to modify the metal band that your pull down to tighten on the tire by cutting off the last 4" or so and re-welding it at a 90 degree angle so that end does not hit the forks when you clamp it down(up towards the tire) I will let you know if that works or not.never-the less my plans are in addition to the shoe is to mount some D-rings under each footpeg and use a turnbuckle to pull the bikes down and forward slightly to stop them from swaying and extra security.If this works I will weld a bar across the turn buckle to aid in spinning it tight.it's a work in progress right now.
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