crank shaft tool help

war child

Jan 4, 2009
1996 yz80 for sale one owner from new, just had full engine rebuild, the engine has been full race lightend with a new (not) putting washers in Techknique, special light weight clutch bcos of missing(snaped) basket tooth, new special invisible stator plate
and a new piston that is posibly put in backwards for extra power,
£10,000 or about 17.000 canadian dollars first to see probably will buy,

my brother would go ill have it! ha ha ha


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Does it fit over the countershaft, just like the sprocket? The big end of the rod has 2 thrust washers, pressed in of course, hopefully. But they have a bunch of dimples in them. The English to American English is unreal?

war child

Jan 4, 2009
hi do you mean the crank shaft foxforks, when you say countershaft, if so i havent had the crank shaft apart just re turned in a machine, so if the washer you mean is one of them then i cant of took it out of the crank shaft, now if you think that ther is a washer between the crank and the new bearings,that it got pressed into, then i havent got a washer on any end of the crank just the bearings,then the new seals, we need to remember that the washer is the out side size diameter of the new main bearings, so any rod in the case would go througth the inner core of the bearings and so be too small, because mine is the size of the outside of the main bearings, if you took a hammer and smashed the inside out the bearings then you would have 3 things (1) the inside metal ring that the crank goes througth
(2) the ball bearings that turn round ---(between the inner ring and outer ring)
(3) the outside metal ring which is bigger than the inside ring

my washer is the same size as the outer(bigger ring) of the bearings,
and yes the English to American English is unreal, its because i cant spell very good !!!!

war child

Jan 4, 2009
The only washer I can think of thats that big, is the shim on the sprocket side of the counter shaft. Reference number 17 on that parts break down. I hope it's not that one

i think sharky was right, i think its number 17 on that parts break down !!

if so what would that mean- in the worst case


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
That you need to put in back in.

helio lucas

Jun 20, 2007
hi war child... could you post the actual dimentions of the washer in mm?

be sure that is not the washer that is between the rotor (magneto) and the nut that holds it...
or the washer that is between the chain sprocket and the nut that hold it that you should bent to keep the nut in place..

if is the number 17 then place it in outer side of countershaf because is the same diameter as inner (inside the cases) side..


Dec 14, 2008
WOW !! Thats huge !! definitly not from a trany. shaft. It almost looks like an exhaust gasket from the exhaust port were the pipe hooks up. If this is the case, there will be carbon along the inside edge of that washer.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
My guess is it would be item #2 on the exhaust diagram.

Or maybe you just have really small hands.

war child

Jan 4, 2009
shift drum, or something else , it came from some where, if i took the engine apart i dont think i would find it, do you think i should just move on and hope it runs ,

war child

Jan 4, 2009
please post exaust diagram if you can ,im at my girlfriends again no log book, but you guys might be onto somthing here


Dec 14, 2008
War Child, Check your e-mails. I've tried to send you a break down of the exhaust through e-mail. I hope it worked !!! LOL !
I'm pretty positive that it's the exhaust washer.

war child

Jan 4, 2009
hi sharky i think you are right, i got your email thanks ,but no parts breakdown,i can look tomorow , so you dont need to try again thanks any way thougth, u could tell me where it goes if you can, i just have a hole in my cylinder head about this size ! and my exhaust just puyshes in

war child

Jan 4, 2009
heh pretty good site heh , what u think ?
double click mouse to zoom in on site,
i just need my bloody magnito to come now, i dont want to order anougther just incase it turns up


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
That washer is way to big, for any dirtbike. It looked more like a broken bearing race. If you look at the side of the bearing, it will have the measurement in mm's. But 40mm, that's about the size of the steering head bearing! Missing, or miss-placing a washer can destroy the transmission, if it will work at all. After the bottom end is together, go through all the gears. The shafts should have the same in and out play, not tight, just enough clearance. The shafts should turn pretty easy in neutral, while spinning, shift it. There is a big difference between the owners manual and a shop manual. The shop manual is detailed about all the parts. The owners manual covers the basic things. That washer looks like an exhaust washer. Spooge held it in place, while you were working on the engine, it fell out? I have ran across the name Ron Ayers somewhere before? I set my browser to single click, less work! The link that Pat posted is about the same type of site. Service Honda has a very nice, unique parts program, for explorer. Firefox is another story. What kind of plumbing do you do? Service calls, new construction, houses or commercial buildings?

war child

Jan 4, 2009
hi i fit combi boillers and full heating systems , all types of plumbing that you find in houses, i work for my uncle so the moneys poor but less stress than working for my self, when working in peoples houses , its called domestic plumbing in england, schools big buildings etc then its called comercial, and realy big buildings and big plants is called industrial, i just do domestic, i am corgi registard which is the highest qualification in natural gas appliances and the one you must have to work with gas in england, and i do bathrooms alot too ,

plumbing doesnt light myfire as much now as it use too, but im sure you know how that feels,

and just so we dont get shouted at for straying off the yz80 , i think it is the exhaust washer, so i took your advice and checked the gears i put on the kick shift and tryed to select the gears, i could get every gear, but it did feel abit non smooth, a little bit crunchy, and some times it was hard to select the gear but i could select it!

and when you say the shafts should all have the same play mine dont all of them feel nice and snug no play, but one moves in and out about 2mm not much! but it does move,

im getting a bit sick off this bike now i just want to get it working and some idiot hasnt sent my magnito


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Hold it up to the exhaust flange on the exhaust, if it matches up guess what.
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