
Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
how about everyone attending posting a mini-biography so we'll know a little more about each other before we get there? particularly the ones that don't post often. we could each print it off for reference. the members list is kind of a hassle to go through.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
I'm a middle-aged teenager. That is, I want to do the things a teenager does but I feel old. I work in the Fire Alarm industry, married with no kids:( . I live and breath dirtbikes. I've raced 5 H/S and hope to do a MX and enduro soon. :)


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
37 going on 17! I've been into dirtbikes for 23 years. Married with one child. I've worked for the same retail company for 18 years. Huge Bob Hannah fan. Love MX, and really any thing to do with dirtbikes. Haven't raced in 10 years due to a bad crash that scared me silly. Even though the mind is willing, racing hasn't worked out this year like I planned. MX547 keeps asking when I'm going to show up and give the over 30 class a try. Guess I need to quit talking, and surprise him by showing up! That's my bio, and I'm sticking to it. O yea, GO CHIEFS!
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Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
I'm 23 years old. Going to college for Construction Engineering. I am a Structural Steel and Reinforced Concrete designer at Apex Engineering. I am married with no kids.:) We just built our house(that I designed, contracted, and built.):scream:

I have been riding since I was 4. My first YZinger 50 had training wheels.:o If harescrambles weren't on Sundays, I would pursue racing harescrambles. Not much on motocross.

I'm into muscle cars about as much as dirtbikes. I have a 1969 Camaro that my father and I built. Have won a few shows with it.

I'm pretty active. I lift weights, ride mountain bikes occasionally, and always stay busy around the house.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
47 married (wife and son -thekid coming along). Get to ride very little between keeping thekid racing and trying to stand upright without aches. I raced way back when I was 13 and 14 but had a compression fracture to 2 verts in lower back and didn't even sit on a dirtbike again til thekid started riding.
Thekid- 13 years and single:cool: . Races at least once a week and is a strong upper 3rd of the pack rider. Goes by nickname 'SPIDER' since he can climb just about anything from trees to walls.
My wife Trudy- ageless and I think still married. Just rode a bike for the first time ever this summer and has almost 4 hrs riding experiance to date:silly: . Addicted to taking thekid to races and hopefully she will race the womens MX at DW:scream:
All our bikes will be sporting #35 (mine is the old POS bike):think


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
35 year old with a wife and two sons, 8 and 10. I ride enduros. I have ridden cross countries and plan on doing a mx soon. I've ridden since I was 9, starting with cow trails. I ride 2-3 times a month.
My wife rides and both of my sons race mini enduros.
I'm an assistant high school principal.


Aug 28, 2000
36... Married 11 years, No kids. Have been riding dirtbikes for just 2 years now. Previous to that had never swung my leg over anything that did not require asphalt.

Been in the computer industry for over 10 years. Currently work in IT Consulting.

Raced my first race just this summer... 250C, District 15... I sucked... but was not last!!!

Looking forward to seeing everyone there... Last year was a blast... considering...I spent the whole event nursing an extremely painful broken toe. Oh yeah... also this year should not require any last minute visits to TeTown for Nitrogen recharging....:D



Jul 24, 1999
47 years old. Been married for 21 years and been in Arizona, from Il. for 21 years. One daughter 16.

I ride at least once a week on singletrack trails. My second favorite thing to do is riding with people I've met on the internet!:)


35 going on 16. Single, no yungins. Been riding for 18 years, er, I mean, months!:o Former Avionics Technician in the Marine Corps & for government contract. Currently a Test Engineer for a contract furniture company (Business and Institutional). Ride and raced mountain bikes(8+ years) and road bikes (3 years, the pedal kind) despite my considerable bulk! Riding the MS150 bike tour this Saturday for the 5th straight year. Bring on the pain!!!
Originally posted by Sawblade:
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Oct 10, 2000
I'm 33 years old, married 2 kids and one on the way. I started riding when I was 12 and quit when I was 18 (started to have more interest in girls). Just started back up 3 years ago (not chasing girls now, just my wife). I belong to Stoney Lonesome MC club and ride up there about once a week. I race Harescrambles and currently lead the 4 stroke B class in pts. This is my first Dirtweek and can't wait to ride with you guys/gals.
I crashed my bike hard about 3 weeks ago and my shoulder isn't healed up yet. Hopefully by DirtWeek I'll be fine, if not you'll be riding with a guy thats taken alot of pain killers.


Jun 8, 1999
39 yrs young ... Ride a KDX (SLOWLY) ...Maried with 2 daughters 15 and 11 .. Which explains the loss of both hair and sanity. Have ridden for too many years to count and race local hare scrambles in the older than dirt class. Member of Memphis Motorcycle club.


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Just turned 34. Married with two step children. None of them can quite understand my obsession. But, at least they tolerate it. :)
I'm about as spodely as they come. That doesn't matter! I've got a perma-grin whenever I put on my helmet and go for a ride.
I've never been involved in any form of racing. Strictly trail riding, and gravel pits.
Never been to a track.
Never been off the East Coast.
Never thought I'd want to drive 1000 miles to ride with a bunch of people I've never met.
I plan on erasing a lot of the " NEVERS " in my life in the next couple of weeks!!!!:cool:
:think I think I'll start packing tonight!:D I can't wait!!!!!


Sponsoring Member
Aug 19, 2000
27 yrs old married (March this year) with 2 kids. My son is 3 1/2 months old and my daughter is 21 months old today....(What was I thinking!!!!!!) Rode dirt bikes up until I was stationed in Japan for 3 years. Got back into it at DirtWeek, formerly know as SpodeFest, last year. I try to ride at least once a week MX, however, I've never been know to turn down a good trail ride. Can't wait for Casey!!!:cool:


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
20 years old, single (and looking :D ) I started riding at age 8, didn't even own a bike until age 18 because my parents said they were dangerous. I mooched from my friends up until I svaed enough cash to by my first bike. I am a full time student, work for a prestigious academic institution as a draftsman. I'm a slow KDX rider, have been practicing a little light MX here lately but my perferred style is trail/enduro.


Jun 25, 1999
I'm 32 and work in the IS dept at UPS. I have a 6 year old son (hope he starts riding soon) and a girlfriend of 4 years that also rides. I ride trails mostly, although I can occassionally be found at the local mx track rolling over the doubles. This is my first full season riding the BJEC enduro series and I am having a blast.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Let’s see….
I’m 26, a professional male model and occasional actor (X films only please I have my standards), I started riding last month and have already been offered a contract for the ’02 SX/MX season, I enjoy Freestyle MX (just can get enough air). I was married but aliens abducted my wife so I am now dating Amber Marie. Thump is my little brother, TwinSpar is our older brother and Okie is our much older brother that unfortunately didn’t end up with the looks of the rest of the clan. Oldguy is our grandfather and GSR is our little sister that TTRGuy managed to steal away (I kept tellin’ everybody we need to keep the good ‘uns in the family). Rich is a second cousin three times removed to Gomer who is somehow related to Billywho but we’re not sure exactly how. MotoXsparks is also in the Gomer side of the family (can ya’ tell? He keeps tryin’ to nail jello to the walls of his house) and Offroadr shows his genetic linage in his spelling. Mully and LoriKTM were a couple of kids from our old neighborhood that ended up getting packed in some wardrobe boxes when we moved (OK had to move) and have been with us ever since. Senior KX Rider is Oldguy’s significant other that has been with us ever since Wardy stole Oldguy’s first wife at a Flower Power Reunion in 1986. Jeremy Wilkey lives across the street with his big brother AJ, uncle Eric Gorr and a man that lives in their attic called MX Tuner.

Oh and I have a phone in my house.


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Thats funny Patman! Nailing jello to the wall? Don't think I want to ask the details on that one! :eek:


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
I'm 21 and my fiancé, Red (Scott), is 26. We have been together for 3 years (we met at the Joliet motocross - or as Okie would correct me - Joliet supercross track in '98). I am an accountant for Quaker Oats in downtown Chicago and Red is a foreman for a tunneling and boring company.

I started riding in '98 and have been hooked ever since. Red has been riding for a few more years than me. We both started racing MX in '99 and this year we started racing every weekend. I race the women's class (currently 2nd in points) and Red races the Open class (currently 3rd in points). Together - we've been to a good 30-something MX tracks!! We also love going to Nationals and Supercrosses and hanging out in the pits!

I'm a sports nut - I enjoy playing softball, volleyball, basketball, swimming, snow and water skiing, bicycle riding, rollerblading, go carts, mini golf, and going to the movies (oh - and I LOVE food). :) Red is into goose and duck hunting in the winter (when I wanna drive south to go riding!!), fishing, bicycle riding, go carts, golf, swimming, going to the movies, and food too :confused:

We both are looking forward to meeting everyone at Dirtweek!! Only bad thing is that we have a wedding on Saturday that Red is standing up in and rehersal on Friday night - so we will only be around Thursday and some of Friday :(


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Patman, if Okie is your older brother, then I am your mother and we HAVE to talk!LOL

You know you can talk to me anytime MOM;)

Farmer John

T.C.F.<br>(tire changin' fool)
Mar 8, 2000
I'm 34, married (all dirt riders should marry a nurse), & have 2 germ I mean children.
I started riding when I was 4, but never got into dirt riding until I was 28.
I am allergic to tools. You will understand this more when you see my CR.
I like to say that I ride tight trails, but this is only because I can't stay on the intended trail.

My wife does not want to understand why I would travel accros the country when I can ride close to home. I can't understand why she said yes.

slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
I am 39 (and holding), a poster child for the posers and relaxed fit riding gear. I spend way too much time on the job. Married for 20 years, father of one son who is a current one-kid motorcycle wrecking crew and a 11 yr. old daughter who I have now conviced to give up her horse for a bike. I dream of actually someday getting the nads to compete in MX but last place always hurts my peelings. :(
BTW - anyone up for jerky at DW? Don't ask/don't tell :D


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
I'm single, semi-retired, and starting a new career as a sandwich artist. I'm 41, but I don't look a day over 40. No kids, no wife, no house. I have my eye on a mobile home, but I don't like the color of the couch in the front yard. I started riding at 12, and stopped at 20. Picked it back up at 33, and I've ridden ever since. I never was fast, and I never will be, but I make up for my lack of speed by looking really good on the track.

I'm gonna be in the tent trash contingent at DW, so save me a spot next to the Porta- Potties.


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Originally posted by slo' mo
BTW - anyone up for jerky at DW? Don't ask/don't tell :D

Umm, Road kill I'm in!

Lets see, soon to be 30 in 8 days. I havent decided if it should be this :( or this :cool: Yet? I've been riding off and on for the last 20 years of so. The first half was just stealing my uncles KX100? (It was a kawasaki, green, had a 100, and fun). Then went to a moped, only thing allowed on base since i was a military brat. Once my dad retired i was allowed a dirtbike to play on the 70acre farm.

I've never been on a MX track but have been building one on the farm. I've never raced a HS or even an enduro. I've rode a poker run course after the event so i didnt have to deal with 1000 people on quads! Depending on how i do at Dirtweek on a track i would love to race next year. I just wanted to beable to ride a track once without having to worry about someone landing on me or taking me out. I think i'm going to be safe at Dirtweek as long as i stay away from certian people ( you know who you are!) ;)

I work for Nabisco as a Rep for the last 5 years. Been in the grocery business for over 12 years doing everything for bagging groceries to being the big boss. Never married, no kids, and with the way things are going for most of the people i know, may never. I know i say that now, but when Miss Right comes along i will forget everything i know.

See everyone in afew days!


Ready to bang some trees!
Jan 4, 2000
I am 35, married with one poop generator(she will be the youngest DW attendee at three months). I work in IT as a supervisor. Wife enjoys my bike hobby as well. My other obsession is hunting.

Started riding at 6, late bloomer on racing at 32. Mostly Enduros (Open A) and a few HS. My one MX race a year is the DW headlight class.

Geez is my spelling that bad Pat? :silly:
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