Green Sticker/Red Sticker Season


Nov 1, 2001
Does anyone know when the "No Red Sticker" season starts. If it matters (and I think it does), I want to ride at Gorman/Hungry Valley in Southern California?

Also, does anybody know what happens if you bring a Red Stickered bike up there when you're not supposed to? Are the rangers turning people away, are they giving tickets or are they merely telling them to bring a different bike next time?




Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
EBOD, don't mean to crowd in on your topic, but I have a question along the same long does it take to get my green sticker in the mail from the CA DMV?? I just got my pink reg. in the mail yesterday (bought the bike March 22nd - dealer handled the paperwork with the DMV) No sticker with the pink slip?? Comes separate or what? I have no idea if this is normal or if I should be hunting down the green sticker at this point. Hmmmmmm. Thanks.


Jul 24, 1999
I was riding the first weekend of April at Georgetown (NorCal), and a ranger came by sound testing bikes. While we waited for our turn, the ranger was saying how they don't feel the red/green sticker riding periods will ever be enforced. DMV is too screwed up. What'll happen is that the two strokes will stop being sold in the U.S., and that'll thin out the number you see over time. The sound requirement is the issue the ranger was saying is the big issue right now. They're being pressured to heavily enforce that right now!

Who knows for sure, but that's what we were told by the NorCal Forest Dept.

EM rider

Apr 27, 2001
I ride often at Hungry Valley and have recently heard the same thing from the rangers. Red sticker season won't be enforced in 2002 because of DMV problems and errors. I've never seen them do any sound testing, but they always check for spark arresters. Those are a must or you cannot ride.

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