
Mar 11, 2006
today i went riding for 30 secs and the i see my friend speeding down the hill where i was and i tried to swerve out of the way but he swerved in the same direction and we hit head on, him going like 35mph and me going about 10mph. ambulance came and at the er the nurse said i had a concusion, broken collerbone, broken arm, and i needed to get stitches on my face.

i have never broken my collerbone or had a concusion before, how long does it take for those 2 injuries to heal?

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Collar bones heal fairly quickly, but it does depend on the break. One that is shattered in several pieces will take longer than a simple break.

I broke mine cleanly and the two pieces were overlapping about an inch. I was cleared to ride again in 5 1/2 weeks. Obviously your doctor will be able to give you the best assessment of when you can ride again.

I used to know something about concussions, but I've hit my head since then... :)


Mar 11, 2006
mine broke in 2 pieces and they float around and hit each other, is that bad? the chin part of my helmet hit my collerbone which made it break.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
That's the way mine break, two pieces. I wore the figure 8 brace TIGHT 23.75 hours per day (ecept in the shower). The trick (for me) was to have it tight so that the shoulder never moved and the bones were able to heal quickly because they were held in the same position (overlapping an inch) all the time.

When people wear a sling, they wear it in different positions at different times and occasionally take their arm out to do stuff. All of that movement can be bad if it keeps the bones from healing to each other.


Sponsoring Member
Jun 8, 2003
the coller bones are very exposed - do you think they could be pinned easily at home with a finishing nail gun :yikes: then they could heal without worrying about movement...


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
mg89 said:
today i went riding for 30 secs and the i see my friend speeding down the hill where i was and i tried to swerve out of the way but he swerved in the same direction and we hit head on, him going like 35mph and me going about 10mph. ambulance came and at the er the nurse said i had a concusion, broken collerbone, broken arm, and i needed to get stitches on my face.

i have never broken my collerbone or had a concusion before, how long does it take for those 2 injuries to heal?

You won't do that again!


Mar 11, 2006
it's only been 3 1/2 weeks and my collerbone is already healed, it's weird because a week and a half ago it was in 2 pieces and floating around, and now they're connected but they overlap about an inch but it feels like I never even broke it. My wrist on the other hand is in a cast and my appointment to get it taken off is in 2 weeks, but I thinks it's already healed.


Jun 9, 2004
Glad to hear you're healing up quickly.

Once you're back to 100%, make sure you slap your friend upside the head for being an idiot. ;)


Mar 11, 2006
mtk said:
Glad to hear you're healing up quickly.

Once you're back to 100%, make sure you slap your friend upside the head for being an idiot. ;)

I already did that twice, 2 days ago at our highschool registration :)
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