Helmet protection, it can be deadly if compromised


Jun 3, 2002
I am writing this post as Cobrakid (one of my best friends) is in the hospital in ICU with head trama.

From what I heard, it sounds like his helmet hit either the crossbar or handlebars and then he hit the ground possibly heading his head on the ground also. We are hoping that the protection material held up after the first hit.

When I use to take Chris to the races, you would see riders after a race, throw their helmet on the ground or in the back of a trailer, or even yet, when they were unloading, their helmet would be rolling around unprotected. In reading a report on the internet, the protection material can crush with the helment being dropped 4' onto a hard surface, so fellow riders and parents, make sure that helmet that you or they are wearing isn't compromised for safety, or otherwise you could end up like Cobrakid.

I would hate for any parent or friend to go through what Cobrakid's parents and friends are going through right now.
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Dec 31, 1969
That is some REALLY sad news.... send my best please?


Jun 3, 2002
Thanks Okie,

I went to visit Chris in the hospital yesterday, he is still in a coma, but I still talked to him and he squeezed my hand twice, so I am hoping he heard me.

I'll make sure I tell him hello for you. We are all hoping that there is no permanent damage once he wakes up. He has been unconcious ever since he crashed.
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Alowishus Devadander
Nov 10, 1999
Thanks for the reminder. Everyone at DRN is pulling for the kid.


Sorry to hear that, Rick.

Let us know if there is anything any of us can do. You know the KC contingent has grown by leaps and bounds this year and we are all one big family.


Mar 17, 2000
My hopes are with Chris and his family.I too read that hemets are a 1 time use piece of equipment , and that inculdes small seemingly harmless impacts . Everyone should remember to take good care of thier lids and replace when it s integrety is in question . Mind your mellon !!


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
Damn it! He is a great kid! I was fortunate enough to have met him at Muenster. He really impressed me with his maturity. Rick please send his family and him my best, and if you have his address will you please send it to me, I would like to send him a note.

Keep us posted.

Cobra Kid at Muenster


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There is a parallel thread running with his address. Here is the first post from that thread with Chris' hospital address:
Hospital address for Cobrakid
Ok people, we have a member here that's trying to recoop from a serious head trama accident and is still in a coma and I know Cobrakid and his family would appreciate all the cards and letters that he can received from those members that knew him from the Texas Spodefest.

Chris Davis
PICU Room 11
Children's Mercy Hospital
2401 Gillham Road
Kansas City, Missouri 64108

Chris's brain swelling has gone down, but he has 20 contusions on the brain and the bleeding has increased. The next window that he has to pass is 72 hours before selective surgery is required.

Please keep your prayers up.



CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
Well Rick, you know I've got 2 boys who love motorcycles-so this one hits close to home.
It sounds like the KC riders have a card on the way, but if you, Chris or his family need anything-let us know. My family's prayers are with him.


Dec 18, 2000
I have known for years and have not heard this in the last few so........ If you take a hard fall on your head, you should replace the helmet. The padding has used it's ability to absorb impact and will not provide proper protection in another fall.

Also, do not try to save money on this peice of protective equipment. I have two sons who ride, one BMX and the other on the track w/me. I know it's tough to buy new gear every year because they outgrow it, on top of bikes and parts but, it's better than the potential alternative.

Our prayers and thoughts to Cobra, his family and friends.



Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Hearing this about Cobrakid just makes me sick. My prayers are with him and his family in a full recovery.
Now onto the subject of this post
Thank you for the swift kick in the butt. My wife and I have been putting off buying thekid a new helmet even tho we know better. In July he had several races in a row in which he had get offs in which he bounced his head around but nothing resulting in injury.
We ordered a new helmet tonight and until it arrives he will be wearing my wifes even tho the color isn't his preferance.
Your reminder brought us back to our origonal agreement when he began riding. We will provide the best Helmet and other protective gear we can and he buys the fancy stuff himself.
I pray noone else has to suffer through wwhat Cobrakid and his family are right now but your post may just serve as the reminder that prevents a future case.


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
I want to echo everybodies wishes for a Full and speedy recovery and he is in our prays as well.

Shortly after joining this site I got into a discussion about repainting helmets and I had posted that I wanted to redo my favorite hemet that I had for 16 yrs. and had never hit the ground. I was quickly told to dump it,that they are only good for 3yrs. Funny 30+ yrs of riding and I heard it first on DRN.

So thanks to whoever said dump it and Thank you KDX220rm for the joint kick in the butt


Mar 15, 2001
too bad they don't make replacement inserts. As far as I know, it's just basically styrofoam, and I remember years ago having a helmet or two where the foam was loose or could come out (maybe the glue gave out, these were el cheapo helmets).

That foam piece probably costs $.20 to make, and we spend hundreds to effectively replace it. Safety is worth any price, it's just too bad good helmets are so expensive!


2-Strokes forever
Jul 3, 1999
Get well and God bless you C Kid .


Mar 7, 2001
It's not jsut the inserts, the outside once it is stressed does not disapate the shock around the perimeter of the helmet as well either. I just read that the average pro racer replaces his helmet six times a year.


Mar 15, 2001
true, but I still think the primary change in a helmet after an average blow would be compression of the foam. The materials used for the shell are very strong.

The average pro has sponsors, and would replace a helmet if it had visible scratches (even if undamaged). If I was a pro, I would insist on regular replacement. But this isn't practical for the average rider ($200-$400 every two months?)

The tough part for us is that we can't afford to replace when it isn't needed, so we try to guess when it's time.


Mar 7, 2001
Well if either shell or liner is not in good condition the helmet should be replaced. As far a the average pro, most are priviteers and don't have that much money. I'm sure most change helmets regularly becase they ride so much and wear them out faster than the average person.
Also as far as $200 to $300 per helmet, I got my son's M2R helmet for $98 and my Beiffe for $89, both are Snell 95 approved.
Here is some info from the Snell web-site.

How do helmets works?
Your helmet is normally comprised of four elements: rigid outer shell, crushable liner, chin strap and fit or comfort padding. The rigid outer shell, when present, may add load-spreading capacity and prevent objects from penetrating the helmet. The liner, usually made of EPS (expanded polystyrene), or similar types of materials, absorbs the energy of an impact by crushing. The chin strap, when properly buckled and adjusted, along with the fit padding helps the helmet remain in position during a crash.

Why replace helmet every five years?
The five year replacement recommendation is a consensus position from both the helmet manufacturers and the Snell Foundation. Glues, resins and other materials used in helmet production can affect liner materials, and general liner deterioration as a function of hair oils, body fluids and cosmetics, and normal "wear and tear" all contribute to helmet degradation. Additionally, experience indicates there will be a noticeable improvement in the protective characteristic of helmets over a five year period due to advances in materials, design and the standards. Thus, the recommendation for five year helmet replacement is a judgment call stemming from prudent safety philosophy.
Here is the snell link


Mar 15, 2001
I don't feel comfortable with the cheaper helmets. That doesn't mean they offer any less protection, but you don't have to look very close to see differences in attention to detail between a Bieffe and a Shoei. I think it is reasonable to suggest that there is at least a slight difference in protection as well-you get what you pay for. I have a Bieffe snowmobile helmet, and won't buy another cheap helmet again...I have been less than impressed.

I have found that more expensive helmets tend to fit better than cheaper helmets. That may just be because my head is a certain shape...I'm not sure. Or it might be because they spend more money on engineering the thing to fit better.


Jun 3, 2002
I was told that Chris's helmet passed inspection and its safety wasn't compromised. Boy, that's almost hard to believe, but if it was my helmet, I sure wouldn't want to trust it again after having that kind of a head impact.


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Originally posted by KDX220rm
[B, I sure wouldn't want to trust it again after having that kind of a head impact.

Ya know, I'd be willing to donate some $$ towards buying him a new helmet, maybe some of you guys would too.

Just because :)


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Hey Rick - thanks for starting this thread! My fiancé, Red, took a nasty spill back about a month or so ago and woke up in the ambulance. He broke his visor, broke his goggles in half, and had few pretty nice scratches on the helmet and his head.

What did I do - went and bought him a new visor and never really though about the fact that the helmet took one hell of a crash. Well this past weekend, after reading this post, I took the pads off of his helmet and inspected it and... found something quite... scary.

The protective foam was half the width as normal in one spot and... sure enough... right over this thin spot were the deep scratches from the crash. The impact of his crash squished in the helmet and the foam - and you could now bend in the helmet in that spot with little effort.

We then decided that the helmet just became a "trophy" and went and picked up a buddy's helmet for Red to use this past weekend.

Thank you for posting this, Rick. And I am so glad that Chris is improving!!!

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