
Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Man, every time I read a post about a bunch of the DRN women getting together to ride I can’t help but feel bummed out. Pretty much every time I rode when I lived in CA there was at least one other woman riding as well. I guess I took it for granted since it seemed like quite the norm. I can’t think of a time when I rode anywhere out there that I didn’t run into several other women on dirt bikes.
It doesn’t seem like there’s any women to ride with out here. AnneBrooks and CNM are the only other women I can think of off the top of my head that are even remotely near me and they’re still both in different states. (although, I do look forward to the day I will get the chance to meet up with you guys somewhere)
I really miss riding with the CA DRN women. Firelily, Karna, KTMChick, KTMster, ShrednAnnie and a number of others Kali, Tami, Beverly you guys from nearby states included, Pegasus, The Ant, etc.
I mean really, I haven’t run into one other woman on a dirt bike on the trails since I’ve been out here. (I’m not counting big mammas on quads………quads, that’s a who other peeve I’ve developed since I moved out here) :p
I don’t know, it’s late and I’m probably just feeling sorry for myself. It’s just that I haven’t been having much fun riding since I moved. Unless it’s just me and TTRGuy, it’s me at the back of a pack of fast guys trying to keep up but all I seem to do is get frustrated and lost! :ugg:
Basically what I really wanted to say is I MISS YOU GUYS! You know who you are. :)

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
Hey Amiee- Are you going to DirtWeek? We've been thinking about heading to that this year. It's not too far from the new place, huh? Calamari Racer and his wife Becky (on her snazzy KDX200) were talking about going too when we did a ride up near Idaho Springs a couple of weekends ago. That'd be two women to ride with. We could cause some trouble and roost some boys (hehehe)!

Leapin Lisa

Mar 30, 2001
I have that same problem up North here where I live. I finally had the chance to ride with Girlrider just last year in Steamboat, and that was a new experience. I had to travel a LONG way to do that, and it was worth it.
I'm grateful that the guys are kind enough to let me ride with them.

Are there any wives you can convince to try the sport??


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Aimee you can just hop a plane and come out this way. Someone will lend you a bike, I'm sure!


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Originally posted by gospeedracer
Unless it’s just me and TTRGuy, it’s me at the back of a pack of fast guys trying to keep up but all I seem to do is get frustrated and lost! :ugg:

Uh, join the club, Aimee! :) Maybe you and Eddie can spend some "quality" riding time together and just go out by yourselves, to work on new skills and get your confidence up. Shoot, I don't think I rode with ANY one else for the first five years I was on a bike, let alone another woman. Yes, that was a nice thing you had going out there in CA. It always made me jealous to read those ride reports.

You're more than welcome to hop a plane in this direction, as well. We still have the KDX spare! ;)


Jan 17, 2001
Welcome to my world :scream: That is the way it has been since I started riding---you just don't find any women in the midwest that WANT to ride!! I have recruited a few in the past, but they simply want to ride fire roads, etc...no trails, hills, sand, etc. (I could go on and on). Just last week I talked to Jay Hall (D17 board member) and he said he would be happy to have a women's class at the HS races, but there are no women that sign up. LoriKTM used to live here also, and said the same thing! It just plain sucks! I would much rather ride my KTM than go shopping ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!!

I look in Cycle news at all the races outside of the midwest and there are TONS of women racing---they even have A, B & C classes!! Unbelievable! All my friends/family think I am CRAZY to be riding a dirt bike---they have no idea what fun they are missing out on. (Yes, I still fee that way even after being hurt).

Hang in there, Aimee. Are you sure you guys don't want to move closer to Chicago??



Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
CJ, yup, we plan to be at Dirtweek for the 3rd straight year. That's awesome to hear you are going to try and make it. I'd love to see as many of the DRN women as possible attend. I think it gets a little better each year. Last year there were enough of us to have a Ladies MX race. Heck the first year there were only 7 of us, last year I think there were around 15. :) While it looks like there will be some new faces this year, it's unfortunate that some of the other regulars won't be able to make it. (LoriKTM) :(

Anne, the first Enduro I entered had several women's classes. There were over 20 women signed up over all. It was awesome!

I wonder what the deal is. Why does there seem to be no interest out here? I bet I know what it is, it's the @#$!% woods around here! :p
I didn't notice it until the 2nd time out riding. After I began to realize I was the only woman riding then I started to notice the looks by the other riders. That look of surprise of seeing a woman on a dirtbike. I've seen that look a few times while riding on CA but not often and not just because I was out there but because I was somewhere or did something that was kind of difficult. Here it's just plain surprise period. The second time we were out at St. Joe's a guy rode up and said "Wow! You have a sister? I would LOVE to find a girl that liked to ride dirt bikes!" :)
I don't even know any women around here to recruit. Maybe in time. I'm thinking once we find a local shop to frequent maybe I'll meet some women riders though there.


Oct 9, 2000
Unless it’s just me and TTRGuy, it’s me at the back of a pack of fast guys trying to keep up

Just think of how much faster this will make you. :D I know it's frustrating and I am sorry. I hope you can recruit some women or atleast meet some somewhere (& not on quads :think: )

It sucks moving to a new place, especially when you were "set in your ways" in Cali. I hope it gets better for you.


Dec 31, 1969
But speedy... living in STL means you get to ride with me this weekend! :aj:

Okay, bad point. Never mind.


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
The HS down at Casey actually had 4 or so women racers and one of them was pretty fast (beat me anyway). I am not sure what bike she raced but she was tearing around on a KTM520EXC before the race and looked quite comfortable on it.


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
Originally posted by TTRGuy
I am not sure what bike she raced but she was tearing around on a KTM520EXC before the race and looked quite comfortable on it.
Wow, is she single? If she is send me a picture (of the Bike).

I'm not chicken. All women are, um, err, ahh how do I say this ..........never mind, I'm chicken.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I'm lucky to have met a number of women who ride out here in Spokane (which would be considered by you Californians to be "rural") when I worked at a bike shop. I tried to put together a women's club which failed of course but I did meet riding friends. Would something similar work in your area? Make some quick cheap posters in Publisher and hang them in a few bike shops?
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Jan 22, 2002
Glad to hear from you ;) , but sorry to hear that you can't find many female riders over in MO. :ugg:

Actually I was just thinking about you yesterday when Buddy and I were planning on riding in Kennedy Meadows for 4th of July week. I know thumbs is going. Right, thumbs? Can't you and TTRGuy come and ride with us again?
I still have the cool picture of you riding KTM200 like a speed racer. Yeah, go gospeedracer!

Have you posted in other forums of DRN? Like Organized Rides or Eastern Chapter? I hope you can find some nice people to ride with soon!!!

By the way, please tell me about the life there. I've never been to MO and don't know anybody who is from that part of US, so I would like to know what the differences are between CA and MO.

gospeedracer and CJ, I don't know yet, but I am really hoping that I can go to DW'02, too. Because I miss you ladies!

Mini ;)


Sep 27, 2001
Hi Aimee,

I think MXBabe summed it up well. Keep riding with those "fast guys" and you will eventually be riding as fast if not faster! :) Eventually, you won't want to ride with any of us slowerCA girls...we'll end up holding you back :cool:

How hot is it out there right now? What's it like riding in humid conditions? Does the terrain hold up or does it eventually turn into powdered sugar like CA?

Think of all the pros that you have over us out here in the west! You will probably win the next family enduro if you are the only women in your class!
How about that??

Take Care!


Jan 27, 2000
Originally posted by gospeedracer
:) I was more interested in your wife, but you'll do. ;)

Nope, me neither, not gonna touch that one. :scream:

We miss you too Speedy. Next time you come out to visit Mom, bring your riding gear with you. I'll bet we could come up with a bike for ya. ;)



Dec 16, 2000
hey 'dere GSR,

yah... we had withdrawl symptons as well. had too much fun with all at MR. Just keep riding - you never know who you'll run into...er... run across.... uh, uh. You know, meet someone! <whew>

Our last ride out, Susan and I and two riding buddies were sitting up on top of Chainbreaker (aptly named by the way....) taking a break. Heard a couple of bikes just ripping up the hill, popped over the top (one was wheelieng, the other two just did a stylish zap-powie finish.

Took the helmets off ... shock and amazement.... twas' three ladies! Pardon my surprise - but all three looked way more competent and were riding faster than most of my riding buddies, aka, "guys." Was a good reminder that good riders are good riders - gender is not an issue.

They said there were down from WA, just riding around the area checking it out. And then they split. Wheelieing off on the downhill. oof!

woof. So, there are more wimmen riders out there - just gotta keep ridin!

MINI!! Glad to see you're okay and back riding. Take care, you nut.

lub and kisses. --- E-Ticket
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"Am I lost again?"
Apr 28, 2002
I didn't now that there were other woman riders until I started to dabble with racing. I started with HS and only a few ladies did that when I started. The first race was three woman, the second one had seven. In HS I gave up on the woman class (we only have one out here) and decided to compete in the C-250 class with the guys when I race them. When I went Enduro, it was a little different. There still is only 'one' womans class, but some races will attract as many as fifteen, which is pretty good considering there is only three trophies. All skill levels, coming out to challenge theirselves and have fun in one class! I still spend 99.9% of the time riding with guys, just like before I discovered other woman ride, too. I like riding with people I hafta' follow, because sooner or later I catch'em. And personally, that is a feeling of accomplishment I relish. Like the old saying goes, if you ride with people 3% faster then you, eventually you'll catch them. Just keep hammering away...

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