Knee sprain! How long for recovery?


Oct 10, 2004
I was at a harescramble type race on Sunday out in western Oklahoma. Baja style racing almost. Anyways, I was flying around a left turn and put my left leg out for balance, It clipped a big rock and totally spun me off the bike. My hip was hurting worse than anything at the time. I thought I might have dislocated my hip at first, but I shook it off pretty quickly and got back on my bike and finished the race which was almost 45 miles later. Anyways, after the race was over and I stood up, that's when the knee really started to hurt. I could barely get in my truck to go home. I went to the doc today and he twisted it around and pressed on it and stuff. He says it is a mild sprain and it will be better in a week or so. True? The pain is on the left side of my left knee. Down below the knee just a bit actually. I can walk fine, but going up and down stairs is painful and making a sharp turn while walking is tricky. I can pick my leg up and move it fine. But if I use my leg muscles to put stress on my leg like lifting it into my truck or climbing stairs, it hurts. Sould like a knee sprain? Matt


Nov 7, 2004
sounds like it.from your name i see you might be air force? my best advice is since your in the states,find a civ. hospital to look at it.i have a very low opinion of the medical community in the military.and i have the torn un-fixed acl and screws in my shoulder to back me up.find a good sports doc. in your area and let him or her take a look at it.all the base hospitals do is issue out motrin..... :cool:

oh, it should be good in a week or 2. :cool:


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
I jacked mine up and it has been 1 month and it still isn't 100%. Basic compression injury... Like you I put my leg out for balance and basically drove my lower leg into my upper leg via the knee. Lots of swelling at 1st, but it is getting better. Just not as fast as I'd have liked :think:

I have been to the gym a couple of times and have started doing some light leg extensions to get it to flex and to regain some strenth. I suspect 3-4 more weeks before it is 100% again. :(
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