OK, I've almost decided on the Sidi Force


Mar 20, 2000
I think I've about decided on the Sidi Force boot, haven't decided on the SRS or regular sole. The one thing that has kept me from getting them has been that they are supposed to wear your frame more. Do they just wear the paint off faster or do they actually scratch the metal? There is no more paint on my frame any way but if they do more than that I may have to think about this more.

Maybe I'm just going crazy thinking about getting this cast off and riding again in some top of the line boots.

Do most of you like the SRS or regular sole, I can't decide on this either, yet?


Jan 23, 2002
I bought the regular soled, good ankle support. The part of the boot that rubs is a type of plastic, frame guards would take care of a problem of rubbing the paint off. The complaint with the SRS soles are that many cannot feel the foot pegs, they are designed for big mx jumping. The reular soles seem to be holding up well after about six months of wearing them. A quality boot, for a review check out DRN tested link to the left.
Good Luck :thumb:


Jun 25, 1999
I bought the SRS soles and ride mainly in the woods. Although they are a little stiffer, I tend to like them more since they allow me to keep my feet closer in to the pegs due to the decreased amount of boot sole protruding from the boot.


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
I'll take some pics tonight. I will never go bck to another boot. As a matter of fact I jst gave Taraker my T8's that I paid 300 for amd wore them for 6 rides... hated them. SRS is the oly way for me to go.


Apr 30, 2001
I went with regular sole Sidi's. I tried on t-8's & t-6's, the Sidi boots fit my wider feet much more comfortably. They broke in so quickly I was amazed,and have stayed comfy.About the paint? what boot doesn't wear the frame paint? It's about getting a quality boot to keep you safe.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
My son went with the SRS and he loves them. Says the support is great and the hinge flex is exactly the movement he wanted.
As to the frame rubbing he has a CR125 and the inside plastic on the boot is black (origonally red) from rubbing the Aluminum frame. Don't really see wear on the frame.


Mar 20, 2000
Thanks for the replys. Thump I would like to see the pics if you have time. I'm about 99% sure I'm getting the Sidi Force, just still have decide on which sole. I still have about a month before I can ride anyway.


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
I just bought a pair of the Sidi Flex Force Boots last night and upon jumping on my bike for a quick ride, immediately noticed that I needed to adjust my shift lever up about 4 or 5 spline north to fit the boot under. I would have had to point my toe amost perpendicular to the ground in order to fit in.

I know it's not much feedback, but once I moved the lever up a bit, I was sweet, although, I have to take my foot a little off the peg to downshift now (At least until break in I suppose).

I wear a size 12 though, and am riding a KDX 200 so....your application will vary.

Just my 2 cents... Great boot as far as I can tell! Feels like minimal break in too!



Oct 25, 2000
I also have the Force SRS boots. The soles are stiff and it is harder to feel the pegs, but you gain much better protection for hard landings. I have a CR and have not noticed any excessive frame wear. My next pair of boots will also be Sidi's. Great boot, great protection, great buckles.


Jun 29, 1999
How do they wear compared to tech6/8's? My tech 6's got a hole in them from upshifting before they were a year old.

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