
Jul 4, 2001
Whoever did'nt come, you mised a great ride. No serious wrecks. great day. Thanks for those that came, the new and the old friends!


Aug 26, 2004
I agree - a great day of riding and it was great to meet you guys. Thanks to all of you for making a noob like me feel very welcome and for your patience.

Looking forward to the next one already. Yee haaa!!


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
You did damn good for the amount of time on a bike. You're more than welcome to ride with us again. I think I'm done for the season but will be ready, willing and able come Spring!!! I woke up to 1/4 inch of snow on the ground today...YUK!!!


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
Ditto Kryten.. Well done!~ I didn't do nearly as well my first few times out. You will have a long and rewarding hobby in Dirtbiking! Keep it up!

I would like to get back out there in the next 2-3 weeks, so all of you who made it this time, please come back! Those who missed it, get on that bike and make the next one.. Not many nice weekends left...

Awesome rides all weekend, stellar weather both days, and the conditions, although I think slightly rockier and maybe a bit damper than usual, were awesome. The single track was fantastic, if not still as tight as last year, the leaves hid alot of rocks, I like that though. Dave's hill claimed yet another KDX (Nate should have the photos soon) Turtle was tamer than I thought it would be post hurricane, Mike (my friend) did the insane hill climbs :eek: :worship: at the play area, (Nate got a good photo of that on Sunday) and Jason's halloween helmet mask was very cool!

No serious mechanical or physicial issues except maybe triggers compressed disk, (get well soon bro) and my twisted ankle from a funky tip over I had in the rock gardenand of course, a full spread of monkey butt for everyone! ;)

Can't wait to get back out there.. what do you guys think about the 3rd, 4th, and 5th if we are still snow free?

Optionally, I'm thinking maybe weekend after next (Nov. 20-21) or the weekend of 12/3 and 12/4)

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