Pastrana, Suzuki, and the X-Games


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Short but sweet:

If you can't hang in the race (Millville) because you feel you're unhealthy, how can you be healthy enough to compete in the X-Games, then come out and say you won't be racing the rest of the year?

I guess we know where Travis and Suzuki have their priorities.:silly:


Jul 31, 2000
You could look at it that way, but I tend to think differently and since this is the flame board I'm gonna lay it out as I see it:

All it shows is that all the Freestyle riders (Deegan and the likes) are a bunch of crybabies and think too much of themselves. Obviously a sick (?) Pastrana mops the floor with them.
I also think that unless you crash, FMX is physically less challenging. Same ramp, same landing areas, no other riders interfere etc. and I can imagine that at the level Travis rides he can pull this stuff off fairly effortless and safely.

Now I know some of you are going to throw stones right now, but before you do, let me also say that I admire the brass testacles some of these guys have and that I always enjoy watching it.

By the way, I heard Deegans lame excuse for his lousy runs....
"I'm only here to have fun and promote the Metal Mulisha" :scream: or should we say "Meathead Mulisha"


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Don't get me wrong, XR (SX?) wolf, I like watching the FMX show as much as the next guy. It just seems a little hypocritical to me.:think


Dec 31, 1969
History is made!

I agree with everything the spodley one said above. (Note: His posts are usually so long there will be something I disagree with :D ) .


Aug 26, 2000
I also have to agree with XR Wolf and Truespode. FMX is about as strenuous for Travis as it is for you to walk over to the fridge and pop open a cold one to watch it with.;)

OT- Sweeeeet new avitar Okie.:cool:


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Maybe I'm just old-school as far as the racing goes. Seems that should be priority one, and getting ready for next year more important than the X-games.

I wonder how Roger D feels about it?:think


Feb 18, 2000
I agree that FMX isn't physically as tough as riding national moto's, but it seems like the risk of another hit to the mellon is pretty high.....

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Given how talented he is it's easy to forget HE'S JUST A KID. A kid having the time of his life from my vantage point. He has the rest of his life to be deadly serious about things. Even though I think FMX is the dumbest thing on two-wheels I always watch him ride because I love watching someone having that much fun on a motorcycle.
Kind of reminds me of Malcolm Smith in On Any Sunday. He always wanted to win, but he never seemed to lose sight of the fact that motorcycles are supposed to be a fun.


Jan 5, 2001
I dont know if you were following the skateboard best trick competition, but the guy who won, Matt Dove has it right, the X-games is a crock. His shirt said
and the judges, who always have given medals to contestants who have pulled insane tricks after the alloted time, were going to give another skater the gold because he was the best in the alloted time. ESPN only gave Matt Dove the medal because they knew they would get lots of flak about changing the rules and denying a true champion.
Anyways, Travis' run was not nearly as awesome as Adoptante who pulled his "Flintstone" which is a no handed, no footed can-can where he runs by the side of the bike. Travis has to be in cahoots with the ESPN crew. At least they didnt try to lower the bar in stepup and lie about the height for him or something. Justin Homan's mulisha air/ no handed lander (no tweak on the bars after he pulled himself back) was amazing! i didnt think it was possible


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Originally posted by FMX_novice
Anyways, Travis' run was not nearly as awesome as Adoptante who pulled his "Flintstone" which is a no handed, no footed can-can where he runs by the side of the bike. Travis has to be in cahoots with the ESPN crew.

I agree Adoptante had the best trick but, Travis linked his routine a lot tighter than any other rider, best use of time and layout= more stunts

And as far as the step up comp, Wasn't Tommy on a 250 and Travis on a 125 ?, just wondering


Jul 14, 2000
Travis uses a 250 now for free-style and step up. Also I don't care how much Travis timed it, adoptante's trick was much better. Didn't travis end up with a 5th place or something?


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Hey don't get me wrong, Adoptantes Flintstone was the best trick, Travis pulled more of them off


May 30, 2001

Travis was in 8th in best trick after one round, dead last wasn't it :think can't recall.

Wolf is dead on. I think the majority of the FMX guys are are to motocross what rap music is to rock and roll. Watching Pastrana outdoors win the gold in freestyle was AWESOME... You could see by watching him tear up the arena, ground and air, that CLEARLY this guy had more motorcycle talent.

Half the guys running FMX have all said they couldn't cut it in MX. Anyone of us here could pull a hundred foot gap in those arena's. I said 'could' not will or should. NOW, how many of us could muster better than next to last place in a pro-moto? About none.

Don't get me wrong, I dig all the FMX and big air and step up contests, A LOT! And am happy to see it. I'm just dissapointed to see that the stars of FMX (some of my kids heros) are outta shape, tattood, pierced, cigarette smoking, MX wannabe's with their underwear hanging out... I hope Pastrana keeps sticking it to these guys.

Sure Pastrana pulled out of MX for the season, it's tough and demanding, and he can't afford another serious injury, the guy needs time to heal. the likely hood of getting hurt at FMX for Pastrana is about ZERO. PLUS, it's all about viewers. It's likely that the X-GAMES got more viewers for Suzuki than all the stuff we see on TV normally, and it's new guys that need bikes. AND, Jake Windham got his bike stolen at the games, who stepped in and loand him a bike? PASTRANA-Suzuki... Tell me that won't go a long way in the advertising wars. And now Pastrana has attracted PUMA to our sport... I think it's all good... except for the piercings, tattoos, and other garbage that the FMX guys are all about. The NON-Wholesome side of our sport.


Dec 31, 1969
Yes, I have an earring (of course I had one in 1975 too, I hid it from my parents) I have a tattoo, no one sees it cept scooter, lol)...

While I agree with your overall comment, don't use things like piercing and tattoos to make it. My tat came from my military days, wanna bag on that? My Earring was my way of nosing-up my X-corporate days, think either is really a wrong thing? I also had ripped-up bell bottoms in the 70's, was anti-disco in the 70-80's. Was anti "commercial rock" (hair bands… GAG) in the 80's, Hendrix fan as a kid in the 60's, REALLY was into Jeff Beck, didn't like the Stones or the Who, liked Ginger Baker... guess I'm just strange? If it was Top 40, I wasn’t listening….

It's all an "expression" thing... problem is this. The expression in this case relates to riding motorcycles in the dirt, which takes too much heat as it is. While we'd like the world to see Joe family putting around in nature, they broadcast the X- games. Dangerous youth expression; they really don’t need any more ammo... but hey... we were allowed our expression I guess, they get their's?

Okay, I digress...


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Okie....earrings and tats, my Mr. Rodgers image of you has been shattered:( now I have this image of Dennis Rodman:scream: :scream:


Jan 5, 2001
Ok Travis rode a 125 for freestyle and a 250 for stepup, i dont know what he rode in the Big Air comp tho. The x-games are on a tape, not live.
Ok all of us have the ballz do ride any of the nationals tracks (except maybe Glen Helens downhills) but none of us have the balls to go off those steel ramps and jump off the bike, hang one with a few fingers, pull your self back on and land without your hands on the bars. If you think FMX is easy its not, It requires precision timing and guts. it isnt physically depleting to do a 90 second run, but they dont stop riding every 90 seconds when filmin a video or practicing.


May 30, 2001

Maybe I should clairfy tattoos that are vulgar and obscene as objectionable to my 8 and 12 year old X-game lovers, as well as myself. =0)

Got a tat myself, small and on my ankle (just a simple flame design)

There is never a good reason for a nose piercing and ring though, is there?

I got a kick out of our Montana Senator Conrad Burns. (printed story) He walked into his office one afternoon and some 'temp' was there working. Well dressed, in the senator's office with a huge nose ring... Being from Montana, he walked up and just flat out asked, "What tribe are you from". I personally found it hilarious, about 10% of the people found it 'not funny' to comment on. I think it's great that he speaks his mind. Although unrelated to this thread and agree with him or not, Jesse Ventura is right there with my official thumbs up. Eventually, we will not be so lucky to speak our minds in public, as it will become 'un-acceptable' or 'illegal'

I was merely pointing out my version of acceptable and un-acceptable. I don't consider an earing a piercing, per say. That's been going on forever. Having 14 rings in an eyebrow one through your tongue and a nosering...what's that about...? I don't want some of those guys as role models to my kids. Pastrana, as an example, can sit at my table anytime.

BTW, I dig your new avatar... very sporty.


Aug 17, 2001
did you guys hear what happened to jake windham???
the night before the Big-Air comp started someone stole his bike out of the parking lot... that is just sad. Travis was kind enough to lend a bike for windham to use. the Mr. Nice Guy


Jan 5, 2001
Next year at the x-games im going to steal some guys bike and leave my bike there, the guy will never notice the difference and win the x-games on my bike. Then i will say he stole it and be paid the prize money and given the gold medal. Shhh... dont tell anyone and dont steal my awesome idea


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I have mixed emotions about the freestyle, all of which have already been stated here. I don't think it's interesting for more than a few minutes although I do admire the acrobatics. I for one value skill above "ballz" as FMX Novice put it. Each to their own. They are good for the sport in that while not many know what sx or mx is, far more have seen the x-games. They are bad in some ways too . . . for example Deegan. I find him vulgar and annoying. I know he thinks he's making a statement but I'm not impressed. I just like seeing Travis do anything on a motorcycle whether it's freestyle or mx.

And as far as tattoos and piercings, I have both . . . I'll let you all wonder what and where . . . :p

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