People, the christian religion, and who knows what

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Mar 29, 2001
I'm homeschooled and the organization that runs the thing is Christian.
I thought nothing of it at first. They sent the books, and i worked just like any other student. But now, after 3 years of being with these people, i have started to realize something about their pamphlets. (instead of books, they're 50pg. pamphlets)
Half the stuff i don't mind, like the Scriptures, in fact, those are cool.
In the pamphlets (sp?), like English, and Etymology, there are a few pages, where they mention God, and things like that. I had no problem with that, i am a christian after all.
But now its like, that's all they talk about, i know its a christian homeshcoled organization and everything, but they can be real narrow-minded. I mean, say for example, recently, they were mentioning something like "if you're a christian, you should only date a christian, because non-christians don't believe in God."
"What?" It just doesn't make sense.:silly:
I understood what they were saying, but some christians (like me) aren't die-hard christians. we don't have a one-track mind, and don't believe in the "complete surrender to god" ordeal.
Sure, they have reasons for that, they can do what they want, because, yeah, its a free country, but trying to make people think that you must listen to god, and do what he says and nothing else and that you must marry this person because he/she's a christian, etc, etc. it just seems to me that these are real narrow-minded people. Like they say, "Broaden your horizons."
Also, there was recently a discussion with a few friends of mine about anime. (japanese animation)
Some people, who happen to be Christian associate anime with porn or devil worshipping or things like that. Or anime is from the devil. They could at least give anime a chance before making assumptions like that. Anime isn't just for kids. Adults watch it too, and that is no lie. I don't mean Pokemon or Sailor Moon, THAT is kiddie.
There was an anime called Gundam Wing that was aired on Toonami last year, and the year before. I watched it, and i tell ya, the story line was quite close to reality (well,..other than certain machinery and a few things, but hey! it was cool) It involved a war, and if you were to watch the whole thing (49 episodes), you'd have seen the viewpoint from both sides of the 'war for peace'. It was thoroughly detailed, but not something for little kids.
(thats what cartoons are for) This was more for teens and +, because it was a war thing in a way, and it was sort of confusing at times.
But back to the christian thing, yes, i believe in god, but i believe in my own way, i don't believe that i will 'get what i want' through praying, but through working hard, and earning it. I just wonder sometimes, if there will ever be a time, when they see whats out in the world, and not in their mind.

N: I'm sorry if i offended or insult anyone. I'm just telling it as i see it. Again, yes, they have their reasons/ways/thoughts, but you could be a little open to others.
Sorry if this was a long post. lots of reading. ^-^
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