Wow, I think this is the most quietness I've seen since I began perusal of this site in 2000 (if memory serves me). So, sometimes someone shared cookie recipes, or some kind of bacon story. It's snowing in western Michigan this morning, is'nt that just grand. I missed a good halloween party - my son's. Travis P. and Sarah W. were there, I was in Boston. Good thing too because my other son, well that's another story (Tracie - if you read this you were there, you know). So, here's a good pancake recipe that you cannot screw up: 3 cups whole wheat flour, 3 cups whole milk, 1 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1/2 tsp salt, 1 egg, handful of blueberries. Mix (very well) everything but the blueberries. Use a non-stick skillet and a small amount of oil. Get a 1/2 cup measuring cup and fill it with batter, now add a few blueberries, pour this in the skillet. When bubbles form check the underside, it should be golden brown, now flip. poke the center to check for doneness. Only serve these with real butter, pure maple syrup (from a tree), and did I forget to mention - bacon.
Time to get to work again.
Time to get to work again.