

Mar 12, 2001
Hi all,

About two weeks ago, I subluxed my right shoulder while motorcycling. The front wheel was deflected by a rock and sent my right arm straight It sounded like velcro. I didn't even wipe out :) Anyway, the mri shows a partial tear of my supraspinatus tendon. I have an appointment with an orthapedic surgeon today at 3pm. Anything I should know about before or ask when I get there?

Also, my left shoulder is the bad one. It's popped out several times before but I've never Anyway, it's been bothering me too since I'm favoring my right shoulder now. Should I ask him about the left shoulder too?



Sponsoring Member
Jan 29, 2001
I tore the left AC Rotator Cuff in my shoulder in the August. I was in kind of similar situation as you are before that. The Mel Gibson, Lethal Weapon shoulder trick. My shoulders just like to pop out at any given time. But when I tore my rotator cuff, that hurt. I still cannot sleep on it. But hey at least I can ride with it now. I am not sure how long this will take to get over because my Dr. for some reason could'nt specify. I think Spanky hit the nail on the head though with the most important question. "Hey doc, when can I go riding again?" If anyone has any idea how long torn rotator cuff's take to heal, can you please enlighten me?


Mar 12, 2001
Originally posted by Spanky250
'Hey doc, when can I go riding again?"

Well, that's a given!:) I, however, won't tell him about attempting to load my bike in the truck to go riding last weekend. I got it in the truck but I decided not to go. It just hurt too much and plus the wife said, "NO!":(



Jun 5, 2001
I had a level 3 separation of my left shoulder in 1993. I am finally able to sleep on that side now. It took a long time to heal though but I was able to ride soon thereafter. It didn't take long for me to start using it but it did take a while to sleep on that side. I had the option to have surgery but the doctor said it would be a 50/50 chance that it would help. That's not good enough for me to get cut. My colorbone still sticks up about 3/4" and will always be that way. They suggested that they could cut off the end of it. I think not! Good luck


Sponsoring Member
Jan 29, 2001

My collarbone sticks up about 3\4 of an inch too. They spoke of possible shoulder replacement in the future. No thanks! Did it take years for this to heal, or just months?


Jun 5, 2001
The colorbone deal has always been there since the crash and it won't change. It seemed to be the problem with it pinching my shoulder when I laid on that side. It doesn't hurt anymore now but it happened back in 93'. I had a deep ache in that shoulder up until 99' and it finally went away. It aches once and a while now but not nearly as much as it used to. I was able to live with it and I chose not to take the surgery route.


Sponsoring Member
Jan 29, 2001
6-years to heal????????? Ugggghhh! Why could'nt I just have broke a bone or something?? Oh well, at least I can ride. May not be able to sleep, but I can ride.


Mar 12, 2001
Hey guys,

I'm back from the doctor. I don't know if I have good news or not. My MRi showed evidence of a posterior subluxation, glenoid labral tear(small), labral cyst(5mm,fluid), supraspinatus tear(small), and bone marrow edema(bone bruise).
The doctor wants to treat it conservatively. He wants me to go through 6wks of therapy and then see how it is. I don't want to have surgery but I also don't want to have to go through 6wks of therapy, then surgery, then therapy again.

I went through therapy on my left shoulder and it still isn't that great. I don't know. I do have ok range of motion but it definitely doesn't feel stable.

What do you guys think? Anyone have a similar injury and have therapy? Did it work? How about with arthroscopic surgery?

By the way, thanks for all the replies guys,


Mar 12, 2001
Just an update. It looks as though I will be going to physical therapy for 6wks. At that time, if my shoulder isn't where I think it should be, I will have it scoped and fixed. I'm still not sure if PT will fix my shoulder but I guess I will give it a try first.



Nov 12, 2001
I have been reading this thread with interest. I crashed about 4 months ago and hit a tree root with my left shoulder. I continued to ride but with alot of pain. It has taken about 2-1/2 months to be able to sleep on that side. I can only sleep a certain way now. I did not go to the doctor. Not sure what I did, but my arm feels like is comes out of socket slightly at times.

My question is chest protectors help with shoulder injuries. I have never worn one, but am interested in there performance in crashes.


May 16, 2001
Sounds like the right move to me. Most chronic problems with subluxing shoulders are from anterior capsular weakness. A partial tear of the supraspinatus can be easily overcome with some good rehab. Most of us have a very weak rotator cuff and posterior musculature to start with so P.T. should help. Don't believe for a second that all P.T's are the same, find a clinic that see a lot of shoulder injury or athletic injuries. Tell them your goals up front and the fact that you ride so they understand the unique forces applied to the shoulder when riding. More important than what you do in P.T. is what you do on your own!! Get a written home exercise program from the P.T. for your home therapy. One last thing, avoid comparing your rehab to others that have had shoulder injuries, they are all unique. From your description of your injury, I think you will do well with rehab. Separated shoulders do not equal dislocated shoulders. Two totally different injuries with different healing times, properties and prognosis. Let us know how your therapy is going, I would be interested to hear what you are doing and could possibly lend some advice.

Good Luck, Keith


Mar 12, 2001

I had my first pt session on Wednesday. It started out with a strength assessment. My right arm had 50% strength of the left arm. All we did was some stretching and he had me do some bent over rows. I tried the bent over rows with a 3lb weight but it hurt so I did them without any weight.

That night, I rolled over in bed(pulling my arm towards me) and it made a loud "pop." Followed by alot of pain. Thursday the arm was extremely sore. Called the therapist and was told that it might have popped out of joint and if I thought it was back in place. He said not to do that again! And to not do any other exercises until he saw me on Friday.

Today, just did ultrasound/ice and some passive range of motion. Shoulder is still very sore and he said it was swollen and slightly raised and sitting further forward than the left one.

I go back tomorrow.


Nov 18, 2001
i know how you feel

ive had my shoulder go in and out all the time >didn't bother to go to PT
no cuff now no nothing anymore.had sugery...a long time ago ...i still didn't go to any PT....stupid me...just wanted to play....i can't sleep on it .i only sleep on my back although it still gets numb everynite.....its weak. but for me its too late because of scar tissue to actually benefit me ill just have to live with it because of not listening to the DR.and doing my PT excercises regularly....i was going to PT for a while and learned all the excercise's that i needed to do and stopped going because of time and my pocket book..
The sad thing about it was not doing the excercises that ive learned that would have given better results in the long run .i got lazy ,tired of it because it was taking to long>i had better things to do .right?< Wrong!>anxiety took over and i knew or thought that it would be okay,right?<Wrong!> 2 wrongs and its still not right >>>ive been in discomfort for 20 yrs. now due to my stupidity>it pops here and there,aches,numbs straight to my little fingers
i hope that you will get better .>>the more it pops out or what ever the easier it'll get ,then its surgery....
Hang in there man >believe me i feel for ya< i had a doctor look at it 3 wks ago, because ,i was tired of always being in discomfort and asked what can anyone do?he told me that id have to live with it....

:cool: later>whyz good luck too>>>>:)


Jul 8, 2001

I was wearing my chest protector when I crashed bigtime at the track - and I KNOW it helped save my shoulder. I flew about 20 feet and landed on my shoulder and neck, and should have busted something - I got off lucky, I think! Only a separated shoulder and whiplash - Dr. said if I hadn't had my CP on, I would have been in a whole lotta trouble!

I actually bought my CP to protect other parts of me - but after several crashes, I think most of it's value has come from shoulder and back protection.

I guess I'm not the only one with the chronic shoulder pain! I think working out and keeping the muscles around it strong really helps - but if you overdo it too soon, you will just hurt yourself again!:)


Mar 12, 2001
Well, it has been awhile. I had to have surgery this morning on my right shoulder since it didn't really improve with therapy. I had a diagnostic scope done with a local block and general anesthesia. Unfortunately the scope revealed a partially separated labram so I will have to have the full-blown shoulder surgery in another week.

P.S. Typing with one hand sucks...
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