
Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 13, 2003
Smit-Dog said:
And Bike-Line / Markel is one of the very few (perhaps only?) insurance companies that doesn't assess the MCCA surcharge when insuring your dirtbike bike.... and for 2005 that fee is $140 per bike... on top of the premium!

... Now if you do have a street legal bike, you should really be paying this, but I'll stop now...

SHHHH! Yep, but somehow I don't feel bad getting around that fee when those bozos managing that fund are not required and can't even tell ya where the money is going. I want to get on that panel!


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
And do you want to know what the audit trail is for ensuring that all MCCA funds collected by insurance companies are submitted.... none. So I asked the MCCA guy: "How would you know if 100% of the MCCA fund were submitted, or if only 90% of the funds were submitted?" He said they wouldn't know either way, but "who would ever do that?". :think:

Willful or not, the MCCA handles billions of dollars (currently 47 BILLION in future lifetime payments), with what appears to be some pretty loose controls.



Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2002
My insurance is through Auto Owners. But if somebody calls 'em and I suddenly start having to pay, let's just say it won't be pretty.
So if you DO call for a quote, don't freaking mention the surcharge thingy. ;-)


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
It's spelled J-E-R-A-M-E-Y, right? In Rhoads, MI? ;)

No problem.... :cool:

I'm perfectly happy with Bike-Line. And when I was shopping around last year, the MCCA charge was the first question I asked. This was after filing a complaint with the Michigan Office of Financial and Insurance Services (OFIS) against Progressive. After many months of letters, phone calls, and general :bang: , I just switched.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2002
Yeah, I recall reading your escapades last year, sounded pretty frustrating; I was rooting for you though (even bought the T-Shirt "Ask me about my ENORMOUS" and underneath that in smaller print "MCCA Debt").
Of course, I wasn't implying you would break the bad news to AO, but there are plenty of others reading this board that might accidentally ask the wrong questions.
Rotten buggers already get me for enough $$$$ (as they do for everyone).


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
A long time ago when I first discovered I was telling the (at the time) president of the Muskegon Motorcycle Club (Paul) about it - I was paying $18 a bike at the time.. We were talking about the MCCA charges and he said he didnt understand how Bike-Line could do that..
I later made some phone calls (called the Michigan Insurance Commisioiner) and CAREFULLY asked some questions (Jeramy is correct - you wanna be very careful what you say to who!!)..
I found out that we (bike riders) have NO access to these funds UNLESS our catastrophic situation is the result of a CAR related collision!! Think about that one folks!! The he explained it to me - if you crash your Venture Royale into a pole on the side of the highway and are in need of those funds they are NOT available - it MUST involve a CAR!!
NOT GOOD - but good to know!!!!!!!


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
woodsy said:
... I found out that we (bike riders) have NO access to these funds UNLESS our catastrophic situation is the result of a CAR related collision!! Think about that one folks!! The he explained it to me - if you crash your Venture Royale into a pole on the side of the highway and are in need of those funds they are NOT available - it MUST involve a CAR!!
Exactly!!! :bang:

Can you think of another law with more blatantly twisted logic? Think about this.... some bozo in a Neon pulls out in front of you on your Venture Royale. You center-punch him, he's paralyzed. You fly over the handlebars, break your back, and are also paralyzed. He gets unlimited medical benefits for the rest of his life. You don't. AND YOU HAVE BOTH PAID INTO THE FUND! He was at fault, but the only difference being was that you were on a motorcycle. :think: Now think how much further you are removed from this situation riding your dirtbike exclusively in the woods.... yet most insured dirtbikes are paying this fee.

Here's an interesting exception I found regarding the MCCA... The (past?) president of the Michigan Vehicle Historical Society (or something to that effect) was good friends with a lawmaker who was also into historical vehicles. They felt it was unfair to pay the MCCA for insurance on their historical vehicles that in some cases rarely saw public roads. They lobbied, and now registered historical vehicles pay only a small percentage of the MCCA fee. And they did this when the fee was probably less than half of the $140 it is now. I contacted this guy, and got the scoop on how his organization did it, then sent letters to the lawmakers involved in getting the exception on the books. Never heard back from them...

May be time to re-stoke this fire again, 'cause it's burning my a$$...
Last edited:


Nov 30, 2001
Think about this.... some bozo in a Neon pulls out in front of you on your Venture Royale. You center-punch him, he's paralyzed. You fly over the handlebars, break your back, and are also paralyzed. He gets unlimited medical benefits for the rest of his life. You don't. AND YOU HAVE BOTH PAID INTO THE FUND! He was at fault, but the only difference being was that you were on a motorcycle. Now think how much further you are removed from this situation riding your dirtbike exclusively in the woods.... yet most insured dirtbikes are paying this fee.

Going by what Woodsy said wouldn't the biker be covered too in this situation because it involved a car?

The insurance company that lobbied for the exception you talked about is Hagerty---a Traverse City based collector car ins co. I've had a policy with them for years and have 4 cars on that policy. If the vehicle can be registered historic (25 years or older) the MCCA is less. $28.34 instead of the soon to be $141.70. Good deal indeed-----glad to see someone is pushing for the consumer. I wish the bike companies would do the same.

What follows is a brief description by Hagerty on the subject----a little dated because it was written back in 03 when all of this was first coming down:

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. – After a year of legislative wrangling, Michigan’s Governor signed into law a bill that will substantially reduce the fees charged to historic vehicle owners. The Michigan bill decreases by 80 percent the mandatory assessment charged by the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA). Currently, insurance companies in Michigan are required to collect the MCCA assessment of $69.00 per vehicle from their policyholders and forward the funds to the MCCA, which uses the dollars to reimburse costs for personal injury claims that exceed $250,000.
Hagerty Insurance, acting on behalf of its customers and hobbyists throughout Michigan, negotiated the bill that reduces the MCCA assessment on cars, motorcycles and trucks registered as “historic vehicles.” Hagerty was aided by a tremendous response from its customers and auto enthusiasts, who bombarded the Michigan legislature with letters,
e-mails and phone calls.

The fight began in November 2001 when Hagerty Insurance received notice from the State of Michigan that the MCCA assessment on every insured vehicle would jump from $14.41 to $71.15. The company immediately began a targeted campaign through its Hagerty Protection Network legislative services to minimize or eliminate this hefty premium increase for its statewide customers.

“We felt this assessment was extremely unfair to collector car owners whose vehicles are insured under policies that limit their use,” says Hagerty Insurance President McKeel Hagerty. “Vehicles driven daily typically log between 12,000 and 20,000 miles per year, while most collector cars are rarely driven 2,000 miles annually. By implementing these fees, it became significantly more expensive to own and maintain cars of historical value in Michigan than in any other state.”

Jim Pascoe, Hagerty’s vice president of compliance, and Sydney McManus, Hagerty’s public relations director, met with bill sponsor Representative Ron Jelinek in early 2002 to pursue support and passage of his bill (HB 4007). They also contacted Steve McDonald, director of government affairs for the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) to coordinate strategy and mobilize the association’s network of committed hobbyists in Michigan. The company then initiated a letter and e-mail campaign to all of its Michigan customers requesting that they contact their state representatives to support the bill.

“For nearly 30 years, the MCCA assessment has been paid in full by owners of collector vehicles who, because of their infrequent use, are unlikely to ever take advantage of the protections provided through this special funding,” says Hagerty. “We want to thank all of our policy holders, all the Michigan hobbyists and collectors, and SEMA, whose support and commitment made it possible to bring fairness to this issue.”

Hagerty Insurance provides inexpensive insurance for antique and vintage autos, modified and custom cars, street rods, sports cars and exotics, as well as vintage boats. The company has been in the insurance business for five decades and in the specialty insurance field for nearly 20 years. As the leading insurer of collectible vehicles and boats in the United States, Hagerty provides superior insurance coverage and service to collector car and boat owners. Hagerty’s motto, “Be Protected, Not Just Insured,” is supported by many of the company’s Hagerty Protection Network services, products and resources. For more information on Hagerty Insurance and the Hagerty Protection Network, call 800-922-4050 or visit


Dec 2, 2003
Ok Im getting jacked around here.

Had to bring this post back to the top.

I decided to finially get my CRFX inspected so I can get it legal.

It has Horn, Mirror, headlight, tailight/brakelight, Dot tires. Its good to go, except for the high/low beam headlight....Shhhhhhh

So last year I tried to get it inspected and the cop that came over said that he cannot do the safety inspection. That a Officer Chris Hains has to do it. He is the certified safety inspection officer. I explained that just joe blow street cop inspected my yz a year or so back. Still he wouldn't do it. Kinda goes along with what Mark was saying that they are getting a little more strict.

So anyways that was last year. Today I call Muskegon township police. I talked to some lady on the phone who was talking to someone else in the background asking them the questions that I was asking this lady on the phone. Kinda stupid. Just let me talk to the guy that knows what is going on. I could hear him in the background and was answering his questions thru her. DOH!!

Anyways they tell me to just call 911 and they will send someone out there to do it. I told her that I tried this last year and the officer wouldn't do it cause he wasn't "certified" to do a safety inspection. that officer even called central to verify that he couldn't do it. Still this lady said no problem.

I even told her that I need more than a VIN# inspection. I need the SAFETY inspection. She just blew me off and said call 911 and we will send someone out.

So I am gonna try again tonight. If I get screwed again tonight I am gonna go off on someone.

Ok I feel better I just had to vent

And this after trying to get my GSX600F Katana out and running only to loose all power to the electrical system. I think the battery went to a dead short cause I aint getting nothing. Even with jumper cables. Its just dead. It was turning over for a little then it just quit. Never did start. Its always a pain to get running. But at least it turned over. Now I dont have anything. The battery was dead from sitting. So I filled it with water and charged it. Then put the jumper cables on it from the truck. That allowed me to crank it to get the gas flowing. But then it died. I even checked the fuses...Nothing. Strange.


Dec 7, 2004
What?? THere are places that will insure bikes in MI withour that darn MCCA Tax?? I got check them out. Between myself, teh wife and the boys, I insure 5 cars. That's about $700/yr to that fund. THen I have about 5-6 bikes that I could license for the street. If I did that, it would be a total of at least $1400/yr...just in that claim fund!!

I just renewed three bike tags last week. None have current insurance on them yet, but all teh SoS formw they sent me had PIN #'s on them so they didn't ask for the current POI. I do need to get some insurnace on them soon though. So this bike-line is a good place?? ANy others?


Dec 7, 2004
Ok, just went to that site and did all theri online quote stuff adn when it gave me the final quote, they included the MCCA fees!! They weren't any cheapre than what I can get thru State Farm! ????


Nov 30, 2001
CharlieT said:
Ok, just went to that site and did all theri online quote stuff adn when it gave me the final quote, they included the MCCA fees!! They weren't any cheapre than what I can get thru State Farm! ????

I did a quote over the phone with them about a week ago. $180 something for two bikes---I'm currently paying $365 through Wolverine. I asked the lady about the MCCA. She paused and asked her supervisor I guess. Came back and said they don't charge the MCCA. She sent me the quote in the mail and it still didn't have the MCCA on it. Strange. M.


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
I just paid my annual premium of $127 (no MCCA) to Bike-Line (Markel). This is for an '04 200EXC. The original policy was done a year ago, so maybe that has something to do with it.


Dec 2, 2003
CharlieT said:
Ok, just went to that site and did all theri online quote stuff adn when it gave me the final quote, they included the MCCA fees!! They weren't any cheapre than what I can get thru State Farm! ????

I just did a Quote for my CRF250x and they were $50 for the year, no Mcca. I quoted the minimum coverage though. That may be the diferance. I just want enough to get me platted. Not concerned about the coverage.


Dec 7, 2004
It seems the difference is in what bike you put in. You are putting in a dirtbike, even though you may have it converted to street legal. When I put in one of my road bikes, it automatically throws that MCCA in their.

Regardless, it is totally BS that we are paying the full amonut for less than equal coverage on a vehicle that in this state may be used for roughly 6 months out of the year!!!

I'm beginning to think it is petition time, amongst other things................


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
CharlieT said:
It seems the difference is in what bike you put in. You are putting in a dirtbike, even though you may have it converted to street legal. When I put in one of my road bikes, it automatically throws that MCCA in their.

Regardless, it is totally BS that we are paying the full amonut for less than equal coverage on a vehicle that in this state may be used for roughly 6 months out of the year!!!
OK.... makes sense now. Using a bonified street bike, and I can see them adding the MCCA. Not that it's right, it's just "less wrong".

And it's not "less then equal coverage".... it's ZERO coverage!


Dec 2, 2003
When I put in one of my road bikes, it automatically throws that MCCA in their

That is correct. Did the same thing when I put in my Katana GSX600f. Sucks dont it. Just gives me one more reason to ride my dirtbike more.

Anyone got some used 19" and 21" street tires for my YZ400. Thinking of raising the gearing, spooning on some street rubber and calling it a street bike.


Dec 2, 2003
AAAAaaaaaa hahahahahhahahahha............

I got it signed off..... YEAA!!!!!!!!

The cop almost blew me off again saying that " he wasn't certified" But I whined a little and he did the inspection. BUT he nabbed me on the no hi/lo beam headlight.

Sooo I did a little Voodoo with a toggle switch and got one rigged up. I called him back and he signed off on it.

Went online to Bike-line and got my insurance. So with a little luck at the DMV tomorrow I am gonna be a legal dual sporter. Huaaaaaaaa


Dec 2, 2003
morgan said:
If you brush your teeth (a reference to your TT avatar) we'll give you a free membership--> :cool: M.

:rotfl: :laugh: :think: :)


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Dec 2, 2003
Well I got thru SOS without a hitch and I have a plate for Skippy. Im a happy camper.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
YZMAN400 said:
Well I got thru SOS without a hitch and I have a plate for Skippy. Im a happy camper.

CONGRATS DON!!! Now we can D/S together - what are you doing Tuesday??

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