
Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I really am not trying to be an a-hole with anyone.
I simply think that each and every forum here at DRN should hold to the same standards.

In certain area's there seems to be a group that doesn't much participate with the rest of the community. It seems that it is like a different world there, where you can post bad info and the like, without any checks and balances as the rest of the forums have.

And don't even think about disagreeing with any of the posts there. That will for sure get you into a flame match with a barrage of personal atttacks and name calling.
What's up with that? It SURE isn't like that elsewhere at DRN.
That sort of stuff gets nipped quick.

I'm sorry, but simply staying away from there is what I do when it concerns DB.com or other sites where that sort of thing is comman and accepted.

I dunno, maybe I'm just not seeing the true picture.
But with all these people including me in their signature lines, having my posts deleted when it was good info that was given and the bad left up, and all these so called guru's mentioning me in deragatory ways in their posts, and even nominating me to be booted out of here, is a bit much for even a hardtail like me.

Am I not seeing things clearly? Help me out here.
Should I just stay away from there, or have I actually been posting bad info, calling folks names, and making a shambles of the place and in need of the boot?


Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Jay, there are people here that I'd trust and some that I take with a grain of salt. You have proven to me your knowlege! :thumb:


Sponsoring Member
Jan 24, 2002
Saw some of the stuff the other day, (don't go in there much, not to keen on green) and I thought to myself, who is this bully thy're talking about, didn't sound like you to me. :laugh:


May 25, 2002
Jaybird said:
In certain area's there seems to be a group that doesn't much participate with the rest of the community. It seems that it is like a different world there, where you can post bad info and the like, without any checks and balances as the rest of the forums have.

Dang, I've been reading in the wrong forums!!!


Resident nudist
Apr 17, 2002
Jay, even though I don't always agree with your opinions, I've come to realize that your facts are pretty darn reliable.

I would have to agree that the Green Room is a bit of a mess. It's information has become unreliable on a few topics. For myself, when I want to learn something about my bike I go anywhere EXCEPT the KDX forum. I think those guys treat that forum as their home (which is fine), but a little too often they go on the defensive when their opinions are challenged by an 'outsider'. The problem is they've done it when the outsider has tried to provide useful information. Dragging personal issues with other members into signature lines is childish. Starting new threads to continue the disagreement is childish.

My proposed solution: I think all of the children should be lined up so I can give them their proper punishment. Where's my bullwhip? :p


Moderator / SuperPowers
Jun 9, 1999
I think Dave posted a very positive and informative response to Renthal and the others. I have a feeling that some of the other trouble makers have drawn the wrath of one of our mods too. :laugh: I wouldn't worry about it.



Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Jay, we've been at odds at times so I don't expect you to put much thought into my reply but I believe most of your 'run ins' are caused by the way you choose to word things and the derogatory nature of your posts. Using terms like 'the less than learned', 'hacks' and the general tone of your posts seems very confrontational to me. <shrug> Try talking 'to' people instead of coming off sounding like you are 'talking down' to them. Questioning Jeff Fredette's mechanical ability or knowledge had me lmao though.


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
If all I had to go by was your posts I wouldn't know how to take you.
Having met you, I don't let it rile me.
I wouldn't worry 'bout it


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
Ivan, she actually whips you with it. I asked, there's no penetration.

Jaybird, when you finally get your avitar, it should be a pic of the Soup Nazi shoving a bullwhip up Ivan's rear end, shouting "NO LUBE FOR YOU!" Some of the morons will think it's cruel and ritualistic. But we'll know you really put a lot of love into your work.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
zio said:
Jaybird, when you finally get your avitar, it should be a pic of the Soup Nazi shoving a bullwhip up Ivan's rear end, shouting "NO LUBE FOR YOU!"

Anybody have any recommendations for cleaning coke off the monitor? :laugh:


Dec 31, 1969
A couple of these people involved are a pain and not worth the time.

Jaybird. You know my opinion on this stuff. You need to tone it down. Plain and simple. You've got good info to share and are always willing to be helpful. BUT! PK hit it, if they haven't met you, all they have to go on is your posts, and your posts are often times harsh. I've lost track, but you've had run ins with most of us at one time or another, maybe it's time to take a look at your approach.

Besides, this site already has it's resident badass and he's better at it than you are.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I realise that I come off a bit...harsh at times. And most time I have no intention at all of talking down to, or try to be condescending to anyone. It simply comes off as such alot. (shrug) ©Predmeister 2004)

Take the thread Eddie mentioned where I questioned Jeff's credentials. I really only asked whether his claim to fame was in riding or wrenching. Well, I realise he is a great wrench, hell most ledgendary riders are, but I was simply making a point, and only one person had enough sense to talk intelligently about the statement. I think he was the only one that was involved who, even though he may not have actually agreed with me, got the point I was trying to make. The Rooster made a comment that was 1/3 joking, 1/3 serious, and 1/3 being an Iowan (smile) and boom...here comes the name calling grudge carrrying crowd with all claws out. I had said something that they took as deragatroy to one of their heros. Plus they felt the gauntlet was down after Roosters comment. And I understand that, but if they had any sense at all they would have at least got a little bit of the point I was trying to make. No discussion at that point, all cussing and throwing darts. Of course the inevitible happens then and things get shut down. (BTW, Rooster and I have zero problems)
I actually had some valid points that I would have loved to contiune a good discussion about, and anywhere else in here it would most definately been a good one, but not there. It can't happen when those guys are let do as they please. No matter what, after an exhange like that one these guys will NOT let up in any thread.

I think that most of us try to keep ourselves in check, and even help one another do so at times. I know I've been counsuled on many occasion by others :) and I actually do try not to diliberately come off with a blatent curse or flame. I find the subtle jab more satisfying anywho.
Thing is, some of these guys are experts throwing completely down on someone, then editing or deleting their crap so they look like angels. I tend to leave what I post, good, bad, or ugly.

And yes, ASCII tends to not show a persons true demeanor. Heck, me and Eddie have went all out at one another, but I actually like the guy very much. And yes, Ed, I do pay attention to your stuff. I've actually come to respect your opinion on many things.
But then, we've shared some good times around one another, and that sure makes a difference.

I find it only fair also to mention that there is alot of great stuff in the Green Room. Everything I've seen from Dave is top shelf. And there are a handfull of others that really know their stuff, and don't hesitate to pass it along to everyone who wants or needs it. But the sound-to-noise ratio is a bit....well...I digress.

I'll do my part to lighten up, but I find it hard not to defend myself when I am being slammed from all sides by numbskulls with less than a clue (see, there I go again)

btw...I would never try to take Rich's seat. Nor have I ever tried. I'm not near big enough.


Resident nudist
Apr 17, 2002
Ivan, I can crack the hairs off of a bull's booty while he's napping. Between you and Zio, who needs the bikini waxing? :p

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
ah heck. jay, it's like Mr Lucky said, it might be the way you respond that rubs people wrong. the written word always comes off harsh. me, personally, i like that style, lay it out , some like the softer approach....now...hmm... how do i include you in some derogitory sig line?


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
FWIW, I tend to agree with Mr. Ed. :cool:

I don't think it's that big a deal when you have proven your worth here, as you have, but maybe that's just me. :)

Try not to let it get to you. I know it's easier said than done, as I tend to take this all a bit too seriously, too. :ohmy:

P.S. Okie is right. FUELGUY is better at it. :laugh:

P.S.S. I use WD 40 on my chain and I'm still faster than you. :cool:


Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
If everybody would just see things my way, we would all get along just fine. :joke:
Sometime you just have to walk away. (and shut up)


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
I've got to go stop in to the KDX site so I can read all of the cool flame posts!

~d~, I've been real naughty...can I get a good a$$ wippin'?


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
Sorry, she's on break. Rich is filling in for her. He's not as good, but he lets you touch his equipment.


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
zio said:
Sorry, she's on break. Rich is filling in for her. He's not as good, but he lets you touch his equipment.


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