Most people don't need a 60 inch TV, or a $50,000 Lexus, or a $500 suit, but that's what makes this country so great. You can blow all the money you wish on anything you want to buy. Isn't that why you work, anyway? To have the money to spend on toys, and to live a good life? JMD, why should it bother you if there are people that buy things they really don't need? Is it your money they are spending? Or does it just bother you that they can buy things that you can't afford? Personally, I only spend money on my bike for things that it needs, like the horrible suspension it came with that made it unrideable, or new pistons or tires when neccessary. Heck, I don't have the first sticker on my bike, but I certainly don't care if Joe Cool down the street wants to have the trickest bike on the block. It's his money, and his bike.the vast majority of riders don't NEED a lot of the toys they buy. Dave
I'm sure that the suspension stae-of-the-art has come a long way since Decoster's days, but he was racing against other bikes of his era, with the same level of suspension technology. My bike's suspension in stock form was no where near the level of what was considered acceptable when it was new. The forks were sprung for a 130 lb. rider, while the shock was sprung for a 200 lb. rider. It was so baddly unbalanced that it would spit you off at the first sight of a jump or whoop.Originally posted by JMD
Spanky, it's all a matter of perspective. That "unrideable" suspension you mention is probably vastly better than anything Roger DeCoster ever won a GP on. We're spoiled.
At the time, you probably thought you were on the most incredibly advanced machine on the planet, and you were griping about how "spoiled" you were with the bikes you had to ride compared to what they were like thirty years previously. The more things change, the more they stay the same...Originally posted by JMD
when I started riding 30 years ago, even though I was mounted on a heavy, ill-handling, no-suspension, blubbering, vibrating, unreliable piece of coprolite,