
Sep 15, 2006
Has anyone had any experience in any of the stock photography websites? I have looked at 2 of them, one being Shutterstock the other being The Stock Solution I have a ton of decent photos and would like to get some kind of use out of them. Any comments or suggestions?


Dec 29, 2003
I am a full time professional photographer. Most of the "stock" agencies that will pay you more than chump change have some pretty stringent resolution requirements and image quality.Basically. 10mp or more. Don't quit your day job just yet.Try the forums at Unlike here, they can be a nasty bunch over there. Register and do a search on the pro digital talk forum. You will find hundreds of threads about this exact issue..Dating back several years so you can get some background on the business. Those forums are absolutely huge!! A few thoughts, do a search before you ask as it has probably been asked 25 times this week and you will get seriously flamed. Lurk for awhile to get the mood. Don't antagonize. Don't get caught up in the Nikon/Canon wars. It gets old and a**l.
There are some really helpful folks, too. Just remember the basic internet forum guideline..Don't take any one persons advise as gospel. Everyone has their own opinion. There is a certain pro element there that resents the intrusion of the overnight Digital Rebel Pros that do everything cheap or for free to get a portfolio. A thousand bucks of gear and an inkjet set of business cards and they know it all. Me, I do not worry about them too much. I have found my niche and try to help the newbies when I can. It ain't as glamorous as it seems, the competition is intense, the hours are long and the pay can be meager at times.Someone mentored me for a full year (over 25 weddings before I shot one on my own)
There is some good info there. Just weed through the junk and make your own conclusions for what works for you.
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