
Jun 5, 2001
I'm speechless, we have a conglomoration(SP?) of village idiots headed East!:moon: :moon: Our Country's average IQ just went up.;)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 3, 2000
OK. I'm a military leader in the US and I've got the authority to say "GO" and here are these morons that had there butts parked in front of the white house last week and now they are in the way of my military................Is there a downside to this?

Last minute intelligence report...................one additional target............convoy containing red double decker bus. :flame:

Sorry, got carried away there.
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Again, let the liberals cry into their spilt milk after this one. Ooh, where;s the compasion? Ooh, we can't hurt another human being., etc. Either square your ass away and get with our program, or be gone with you. As far as I'm concerned, "See you in hell, traitors."


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by 99CR125OK
OK. I'm a military leader in the US and I've got the authority to say "GO" and here are these morons that had there butts parked in front of the white house last week and now they are in the way of my military................Is there a downside to this?

Last minute intelligence report...................one additional target............convoy containing red double decker bus. :flame:

Sorry, got carried away there.
Nope! You nailed it right on the head. :thumb:

I also am a military leader and in my understanding, buy taking up an active role (besides politics) to oppose US policy as a US Citizen in a country we are actively engaged with you become a stateless person. If it comes down to open conflict, and are not killed but arrested they will be tried under Treason Laws. Take a look at what happened to John Walker Lind(? SP), the American Taliban. In warfare, collateral damage is an acceptable loss.

That said, I feel badly that innocents get hurt, but these folks in my mind are not innocent, they have chosen to actively oppose policy in support of a country that has a proven history of atrocities to their own peoples. Don't think for a minute that they wouldn't end up with a bullet it their heads if when the get there and oppose what Iraq is doing.

Finally, I am not loosing any sleep over them. A truck load of idiots is not going to stop what you or I will have to do if the word is given.



Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
"God, please let Hillary, Bill, Barbara, Al, Ted, Diane, Tom, Louis, Jesse, Saddam, and Tariq be amoungst the ranks of these individuals who will soon be at the dinner table of your lost angel."


Dec 31, 1969
... and Martin.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Lou, I haven't seen you quite this fired up before. I like it! :)


Sponsoring Member
Apr 20, 2001
Let's not forget Jane.  She's way overdue.

I played in the sandbox the first time around, so to speak.  Had a hand in a few tomahawk targeting coordinate selections in a round about way.  Also spent some time, as apparently Irish did in the company of some very brave and idealistic Kurds.

I know there was colateral damage as a result of my data being selected and it haunts me still.  Every time I think about the Kurds and what befell them after we left though, I just chalk it up to Urban Development.

Let these morons pursue their ideals.  In a sad kind of way I at least admire that they believe in something strongly enough to die for it.  Sadly they will too.

I believe it was Hemingway who said, "No one prays for peace more than the soldier, for it is he alone who must bare the scars of war".



AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Y'know, I take all these entertainers with a grain of salt. None of them know jack about anything, they just think that since they make a buttload of money and they have cameras pointing at them their opinion must mean something. I agree with some of 'em, and I agree that some that don't agree with me are more informed, but the majority (especially those mentioned here) don't know diddley.

I just kick back and enjoy their work (entertainment), forget their politics.


Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by BigLou
Again, let the liberals cry into their spilt milk after this one. Ooh, where;s the compasion? Ooh, we can't hurt another human being., etc. Either square your ass away and get with our program, or be gone with you. As far as I'm concerned, "See you in hell, traitors."

Usually those that have no answer, or at least an intelligent one will suggest that one get with the program or be gone with you

Ooh, where;s the compasion? Ooh, we can't hurt another human being., etc
and so it should be - if we are to be true to our faith, if we are to honor the man that we revere, the name after which our religion is named, then I would hope so.

Love is the most important aspect of our faith - it is the most important commandment given us. Faith without love is nothing.

Did he die in vain. !? :(


Sponsoring Member
Apr 20, 2001
Originally posted by XRpredator
Y'know, I take all these entertainers with a grain of salt. None of them know jack about anything, they just think that since they make a buttload of money and they have cameras pointing at them their opinion must mean something. ......

Ding Ding, folks we have a winner!!!!!!!!

Since when did starring in this years blockbuster action thriller afford a person socialogical significance?  Hell, most of'em voted for Bill and/or Algore for #$%* sake.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
"He" didn't, but I know of 50 who probably will.

Let's hope that none of your loved ones are killed by a terrorist attack funded or supplied by the good government of Iraq, Alan.
Let's just assume for assumptions sake that it did happen, what would YOUR answer be if we don't try to twart the threat now?


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Originally posted by BunduBasher
and so it should be - if we are to be true to our faith, if we are to honor the man that we revere, the name after which our religion is named, then I would hope so.
Love is the most important aspect of our faith - it is the most important commandment given us. Faith without love is nothing.
Did he die in vain. !? :(
Holy Crap!, I have really tried hard to stay away from the latest round of political, religious reverent post but Bunda, that is the stupidest thing I've heard in my life. More humans have been killed in the name of Christ than ANY other religion. Throughout the history of Christendom and through out every period of expansion our religion has been either accept or die. We are a modern world now, and yes we should have more compassion, but lets have that compassion for those whom do not want do destroy freedom. Our war is not with the people of Islamic beliefs, but rather the fanatics that HATE anything that is not their belief.

And NO, he did not die in vain; Through him ALL things are possible! And I believe it is possible to put an end to this mad man and all others like him.

France, Russia, Germany... get with the program! In 5 years you'll be begging for US support over something AGAIN.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by Jaybird
"He" didn't, but I know of 50 who probably will.

Let's hope that none of your loved ones are killed by a terrorist attack funded or supplied by the good government of Iraq, Alan.
Let's just assume for assumptions sake that it did happen, what would YOUR answer be if we don't try to twart the threat now?

"Applause resounds through out the forum."

Well said Jay. :thumb:

I couldn't agree more.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Wow, I go to work an while I'm gone.....

I hope the Hanoi Jane is in the cagle of celebs making there stand. :p   I for one do not if watch these actors so called "entertainment" any more.  I refuse to submit my money to them knowingly.  Yes, I understand that not all of the money made in the entertainment field comes from the box office, but I at least draw the line there.  I hope they all shop at "Target".;)

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