Whatdoya think ( Pastrana gets hand slaped )


Jun 9, 2004
HiG4s said:
That just means in no uncertian terms that is your opinion..

What part of "in the sole discretion of AMA Pro Racing" can't you read?


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
plain and simple TP is "that guy" ...................one upped only by the guy that gets paid to fish

Solid State

Mar 9, 2001
Chili said:
And this relates to an on track incident how? Has Travis ever injured another racer while showboating on the track? If so I'd love to hear about it.

IMO, Travis and the Nitro Circus crew are not serious, active, successful, competitive racers. However, the rest of the pros he lined up with were. I use the term goofball because, well, that's what he behaves like.

Travis shows a complete disregard for his own safety and, in some cases, for the people around him. On the track, I believe he has been reckless around LaRocco, which caused injury and also when he tried to T-bone RC (self admitted) which did not cause injury. Off the track I believe his showboating cost his friend the use of his legs.

Perhaps he and Robbie Knievel should book a half time show?


Mar 27, 2005
"Discretion" and "AMA Pro Racing" in the same sentence; now THATS funny, I don't care who you are! :laugh: :nod: :eek:


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002

Larocco opted to change lines out of a whoop section after Travis had commited to doubling out like pretty much everyone else in the field other than Larocco. Poor decision by Larocco, if you screw up a section in SX you best hold your line.

Trying to T-Bone RC was a direct result of not allowing RC to push him around, perhaps if more of the racers had this attitude RC might have to race for a title occasionally. If you think this incident was irresponsible you'd pretty much have lost conciousness watching races when Hannah, RJ, Bailey etc went at it.

Matt Bigos (his ex-friend) has the use of his legs although not without much therapy and I believe thier relationship could generously be described as "strained". Not sure how much "showboating" versus poor decision making was involved in that incident.

Again feel free to show me where Pastrana has injured another rider while showboating on the track during a race.


Jun 9, 2004
What if Pastrana had laid himself out? Say he came up with a quarter turn less rotation on that flip and lands on his head, with his RMZ subsequently pile-driving him into the ground? Now, instead of getting up to cheering fans, he's laying there, lifeless, while the crowd looks on in horror.

Is that good for AMA Pro Racing?

Do you think 50,000 horrified fans is a good thing?

Do you think delaying the program for hours, while medical staff picks up his broken body, is good for AMA Pro Racing?

Do you think the morning headlines "Supercross Racer Paralyzed" would be good for AMA Pro Racing?

Most importantly, it is AMA Pro Racing's game. They set the rules. You either play along or leave. You have NO other options.


Aug 21, 2005
I seem to recall a red flag during the lites at Atlanta. I also remember the idiot announcers trying to figure out where the track maintenance was happening while the medical staff tended to a rider that had landed on another and went down hard. Neither incident took more than 10 minutes. Also, where is James Marshall? Isn't he a "supercross racer paralyzed". Ernie is in the same boat. Don't forget Ricky James and David Bailey. While not all of these incidents occurred during sanctioned competition. Supercross is an inherently dangerous game. If the AMA braintrust doesn't want riders getting hurt, they need to take out all of the jumps, line the track with mattresses, and make sure the dirt is no more than 6 inches deep (so deep ruts don't form). Then the racers can go out and race the left handed oval one at at time so there is no contact between riders. But not without the restricter plate in place to limit the horsepower to a safe level. I'm beginning to think that you are one of the AMA rulemakers. Do you work for Whitelock?


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002

And this would be different from if the same thing happened with one of RC's Final Lap Can Can's or Mc's Nac Nac how?

mtk said:
Is that good for AMA Pro Racing?

As far as I know AMA Pro no longer exists, they disbanded several weeks ago during the fuel fiasco.

mtk said:
Do you think 50,000 horrified fans is a good thing?

Do you think 50,000 extremely excited fans are a good thing? Did you happen to notice the most noise you heard all night was when Pastrana was charging the whoops trying to catch Tedesco. The kid brings excitement to the table.

mtk said:
Do you think delaying the program for hours, while medical staff picks up his broken body, is good for AMA Pro Racing?

Didn't happen, and if it did it would be different from the other times they need to stop the program to pick up an injured rider?

mtk said:
Do you think the morning headlines "Supercross Racer Paralyzed" would be good for AMA Pro Racing?

Unless you haven't been paying attention we've seen this headline or one similar twice in less than a month, are they good for the sport not likely are they a reality of the sport? very much so.

mtk said:
Most importantly, it is AMA Pro Racing's game. They set the rules. You either play along or leave. You have NO other options.

Once again AMA Pro Racing no longer exists, and you do have options just ask Carmichael, Suzuki and the FIM.


Jun 9, 2004
You know what, you're right. Backflips are the same as anything else.

I suggest you go out and practice them, frequently.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
LOL, no debate? I don't agree so that's it, throw a backhanded insult and sulk away?

Where's the line? What tricks are acceptable by your standards? Please feel free to explain why one trick is more acceptable than others?

I just get a kick out of all these folks that have their panties in a bunch over Travis doing a trick he's done numerous times and one he's comfortable attempting with no one else anywhere near him on the track. Meanwhile MC busts a Nac Nac on the first lap at Anaheim 2 or 3 (can't recall) and it's the greatest thing since sliced bread by most people's views. In my mind MC's Nac Nac was a far more Dangerous stunt as he had 19 other riders in the air directly behind him at the time.

In keeping with the theme of your reply I suggest you go out and play in traffic on the freeway, frequently.


Jun 18, 2004
Chili said:
Where's the line? What tricks are acceptable by your standards? Please feel free to explain why one trick is more acceptable than others?
Would you still feel this way if Tyler Evans had done a backflip? How about Deegan, or Bartram?

I believe that a backflip has it's place, and it's not on a supercross track. I think it's cool that TP did one at Daytona, but I'm glad that he got it out of his system and I couldn't care less if I ever see another backflip on a dirtbike as long as I live. The flip RUINED freestyle, IMO. It's a boring trick.

Also, TP has done tons and tons of backflips... why do you think he didn't land this one? It's because the jump wasn't made for performing flips. Trying it on a thumper probably added to the failed attempt, but that's sort of a cop-out if he's done so many flips before and it's basically just a standard whip to Travis Pastrana... right?

And as much as the AMA has botched so many other cases, they got this one right. Now Travis can show up and RACE instead of pulling out of the main before even lining up to the gate. If he has to please the crowd, they should build a ramp on the oval of the speedway, and he can only do a flip if he FINISHES the main event.



Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Ryone said:
Would you still feel this way if Tyler Evans had done a backflip? How about Deegan, or Bartram?

Yes, it doesn't matter to me who the rider was, it was done with no other riders near him and he was the only one at risk. If you want to ban all tricks then go for it then there will be no questions about where the line is. I've seen the arguement that a whip/can can/nac nac are not dangerous. Pretty sure it was a whip gone wrong that ended Vuillemin' title hopes a few years back. RC also almost tossed away his whip at St. Louis during the parade lap, still not sure how he saved it.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Ryone said:
Now Travis can show up and RACE instead of pulling out of the main before even lining up to the gate.

I seriously doubt his missed backflip had anything to do with him not racing the main.

Solid State

Mar 9, 2001
Chili said:
I seriously doubt his missed backflip had anything to do with him not racing the main.

For all we know, it may have been the only reason he showed up in the first place!


Aug 21, 2005
Ryone said:
TP has done tons and tons of backflips... why do you think he didn't land this one?
Add to that, why did Stewart endo into the tuff blocks? Stuff happens, riders make mistakes.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
the guy is allowed to do whatever he wants to with his talent(life) but i wonder what he could really do if he put his mind to racing full time? showing up after 2 other events wore out , on his first sx of the season and still battles with suzukis #2 rider?


Jun 9, 2004
Chili said:
LOL, no debate? I don't agree so that's it, throw a backhanded insult and sulk away?

No, I just give up on asinine discussions like this.

He did it and the AMA came down on him like a load of bricks. Something they were COMPLETELY within their rights to do. It is also COMPLETELY up to thier discretion to decide what is, and what is not, acceptable in an AMA Supercross race. They have decided, in no uncertain terms, that Nac Nacs, Whips, and all the rest are A-OK and backflips are verboten. You're the only one who can't seem to grasp that fact. Further discussion is pointless.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
He did it and the AMA came down on him like a load of bricks.

a load of something , i doubt it was bricks. :rotfl:


Mar 27, 2005
mtk said:
1.No, I just give up on asinine discussions like this.
2.You're the only one who can't seem to grasp that fact.
3. Further discussion is pointless.
1. Thank you!
2. Sorry, not true.
3. Finally, you have said something that makes sense to me!


Dec 31, 2002
XRpredator said:
How different is it from Deegan's ghost ride? Pastrana lost control of the bike, could it have hit someone? Maybe.

I think he'd have gotten his hand slapped even if he'd pulled it off.

That was Los Angeles supercross 97. Didn't Deegan get a big fine for that?


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
ellandoh said:
a load of something , i doubt it was bricks. :rotfl:

They gave him a slap on the wrist :laugh:
Be funny if he shows up too the next race and does a nice trick :aj:


Aug 21, 2005
rickyd said:
Be funny if he shows up too the next race and does a nice trick :aj:
It would. Do you think Trav knows how to just do a whip? Or even a simple Nac-Nac? I'm not sure he could keep it simple if he tried.


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
I am impressed, this much discussion on rules and actually some people actually READ rule books......now lets hope they all race.


do you know how many people i meet that never have read a rule book in their life.......scary but it's over 50%.
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