dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Trading a KDX straight up for a more valuable bike that is better on the MX track sounds like a decent deal for an MX track rider.

Good luck, and I'll cross my fingers for you!


Dec 30, 2008
Hey Bakersfield! Thanks alot for the encouragement. I appreciate it. I've received alot of great information on this site and I'm still thinking it through. It would be nice if I had enough money to get a newer MXer(or a NEW MXer!),but I don't. Sooo....It is very tempting to just go for it....but I'm gonna take a few more steps(and then go for it!lol). Many helpful people on this site,but about 89r so blowhards.(clever? yes? no?)I hear you,89r. Thanks,holeshot.I've yet to get the proverbial lemon.I hope I don't this time,either!(are lemons proverbial?) Take care,all. flapwick


Oct 1, 2007
Used motorcycles are a gamble, whether they are 2 stroke or a 4 stroke. The only difference is, if (or when) you lose that gamble on a 4 stroke, it's gonna cost you a lot more money (especially if you have a mechanic fix it for you at crazy labor rates.)

Even if I'm buying a used 2 stroke I'll assume it needs the bore replated, down here thats $450 for a decent job plus piston and ring. Near new bikes have been known to bust cases if you kick em a bit slow so lets keep gambling, it's all part of the experience.


Jan 27, 2000
flapwick said:
I hear you,89r. flapwick

But seriously now Mr. Wick. ;)

If you do decide to trade for the 426, there are a few things to keep in mind. Out of all of the modern thumpers of that time period, IMO the Yamahas were probably the best as far as longevity goes. The weak point, as others have pointed out, are the valves. On a used bike, you never really know how it has been treated. If you lose the head of one of your valves, you will most likely have to buy a new cylinder head, piston and cylinder. Or maybe worse. If the valves have a lot of time on them, one of them could be ready to fail.

If it were me buying the bike, I would ask the mechanics to remove the left side cover and expose the flywheel. The flywheel has magnets on it and any steel metal bits and pieces that may be breaking up inside the engine will stick to it and be easy to see. Have them pull the oil filter and cut it apart. Look for metal shavings.

If they don't want to charge too much for it, you could also have them remove the top engine cover and inspect the cams and cam journals. If the cams are discolored or scratched on the lobes or the journals are worn or damaged, you don't want it. Damaged journals mean you have to replace the whole head. A little money spent now to inspect the inside of the engine could save you tons of money later. If everything looks ok, have them check the valve clearance while they are in there. Just takes a few more minutes.

Smell the oil. Does it smell fresh or does it smell like a dinosaur crawled in there and died? If it's been taken care of, the oil will smell fresh and look clean. If the clutch has been mistreated you will also be able to smell burnt friction plates in the oil.

Check the sprockets and wheels. Are the sprockets worn? Are the wheels true and the spokes tight? little things like this will tell you if the bike has been maintained and how much time it has on it.

If you trade for the bike and like it enough to keep it, you may want to do a top end on it right away. Replace the piston, camchain and valves. Use Kibblewhite stainless steel valves as replacement valves and you will have a good solid top end that will last for a very long time.

Like Holeshot said, those bikes had a good power spread and still have good power even today. For your size, it will be a good fit for you. I really did have a WR400 and it was a great bike. Rode it and raced it for a couple of years and sold it to a good friend of mine. He sold it to a friend of his who is still riding it today.

Like everyone has pointed out, buying a used thumper is a crap shoot. Take the time and spend the money now to check it out properly. It could save you tons of money and frustration in the future.

Just my $ .02 now only worth $ .005 and falling fast.


Dec 30, 2008
Thanks 89r,I'm actually on my way to the shop right now. You're advice was very straightforward and easy for even me to understand.Nuts and bolts info without all the hoity-toity preaching.Kind of like a good Sunday morning sermon! I'm going to print it and hand it to the Yamaha guys,just in case they miss something. Thanks. Mr. Wick (or you can call me flap,seein' as were friends and all now.)


Dec 30, 2008
I'm a 4 stroke owner!Yee haw!I couldn't afford to get the check up on the bike done right now.So I'm going with the advice of EVERYBODY who has seen and heard and ridden the bike.I'm sure every one of you good hearted fellow riders are hoping for the best for me.I'm excited and can't wait to start wrenching on it and making it my own. I'm letting everyone who helped me with my decision draw a little bullseye where they think the rod is going to shoot through the case,just like the little critter through that guys belly in the movie "ALIEN". The winner gets to light it on fire. WHOOOO HOOOO!!! flap


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Have fun! I like to see that you are going into this with your eyes wide open. Working on bikes isn't really that hard with the right advise, tools and some patience.

BTW, you do realize this isn't a online dating site, right? I mean, being a brain surgeon I'd hoped you have figured it out! ;)


Dec 30, 2008
Houston,is there a problem? My last post here and in kdxonly didn't come up.Is it something I said? Breath okay?Armpits?Did I forget to press "post reply"?


Jan 27, 2000
flapwick said:
I'm a 4 stroke owner!Yee haw!I couldn't afford to get the check up on the bike done right now.I'm excited and can't wait to start wrenching on it and making it my own. flap


Do yourself a favor and get a service manual if one didn't come with the bike. The Yamaha service manuals are very good and will explain how to do most everything you need to do. Read the manual several times especially the part about checking and adjusting the valves. It's not that hard, just nuts 'n bolts.

BEFORE YOU RIDE THE BIKE, you should take the time to at least check the valve clearance.

Just my $ .02 devalued to $ .00003 now that our new tax rate is in effect. Thanks Arnold you greedy bastage.


Dec 30, 2008
"Bastage"....sounds awesome .That must be french for *******.wait a minute...isn't ******* french for *******?Anyway,it's fitting.Thanks,89r,my bud at Yamaha had a 02 426.He's going to give me his old manuel.(yes,a mexican guy named manuel who is going to do all the work for me)I think I meant "manual".BTW 89r,is that a real quote from Edward R. Murrow?It is hilarious on so many levels.To me ,it's one of those things that looks and sounds funny right away,but gets even funnier as it sinks in.Silly and complex at the same time..........on another note..Now I know why you spelled bastage the way you did.Sorry to the moderators! And I will either have the valves adjusted or do it myself.I did it last year on my 1980 XL185 and it went well.I'm hearing so many warnings about the importance of it on these modern bikes that I have taken note. This bike was pretty neglected for 2 years and maybe longer.As I take it apart,I'm finding more and more little things that need some TLC,and it shows just how little care it received.I was about to start going down the list,but it's a bit long.It tells me the previous owner didn't know anything about bikes or care anything about bikes,he just cleaned the filter and changed the oil and rode it sometimes.I have had a wonderful time gaining knowledge and experience as I've worked on the 2 other bikes I've owned recently(plus the crf70,xl100,yz80,rm85,my son has gone through)and also remembering that I still have a few tricks up my sleeve from when I rode and raced back in the 70's. I have a real love for these machines and I am going to have a blast working on ,riding,and personalizing my 426. WHOOO HOOO!!!! flap
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