
Apr 20, 2001
I'm in the market for a new bike and have been considering the 2001 SX250 however am a bit apprehensive. My concerns are the suspension, the turning ability, and suggested mods like lowering the subframe by cutting 5mm out of it. Does anyone own one or know of how they perform and hold up?

Just sold a 94 CR250. Currently BIKELESS!



Jul 12, 2000
It kinda sounds like your questions about the bike come from MXA. Nothing personal, but I'd take what they say about the bike with a grain of salt. I have a 2000 KTM 250 exc, I know this bike is different than the one you asked about, but it is very similar. I've never had a problem with the turning or subframe to speak of. I've had some suspension issues, such as soft forks, but part of that is due to my setup such as making the forks really plush for the woods and not adjusting them for the track. Overall I love my KTM and the 01 SX is supposed to have a great motor and improved ergos. I'd say go for it.



Feb 20, 2001
Last race I was at I saw a guy on an '01 250 SX shred the 250 A class (he was a great rider, of course) and it was a proud day to be a KTM rider
If you are going to trail ride, get the MXC.

Subframe mod is done because those factory riders are so short. It only makes swinging your leg over it easier. If you look at any KTM in flight (side view) you will see the rear fender does appear to be pointing upwards a bit. I think it is a very cool, but subjective mod.

If you are a light rider the suspension should be OK, especially for spode riding.

People talk sh*t about magazines, but the best tip I ever learned about my KTM was found there. Move that rear axle all the way back if you like jumping. It really helps balance the bike.

Yes, they do not turn like Jap bikes. It takes 'KTM technique' to turn them. The same traits make it a very stable bike, though, and it has save my body several times.

KTMs are a beautiful sight when new. My next bike will be a 250 SX.

Cary S.


Apr 20, 2001
Thanks for the input. I'm of mixed opinion regarding the magazines. So many seem to contradict one another so I figured I'd get opinions from people who aren't beholden to anyone. Yes, the mods I listed were recommended from MXA. I also agree that the KTM's are awesome new. I was at a shop where they had the SX250 and was amazed at how trick it was. I raced KTM in '80 thru '83 and won races on the 125's and 250's (MX).
I really love the idea of no linkage as they are a pain in the butt to maintenance. Once again thanks for the input, this site is excellent.



Jul 12, 2000
Its not really an attack at the mags, but honestly you don't get a fair judgement in them. They have more influneces on there decisions than we know, not to mention the fact that they say you should do something because a factrory rider does it. Maybe that factory rider has a completely different style/technique that won't work at all for you.
Anyways I stand by the fact that I tink the 01 250SX is a great bike.

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