Alessi/Tedesco at glen Helen-adult language involved


Dec 18, 2004
oldguy said:
Alessi T-boned (not clear on video but Billywho confirms)

I'm sorry Billywho? Oh, Billywho. If Billywho confirms then it must be.
Me, I’m waiting for more video. :)

oldguy said:
Alessi then stood on Tedesco's front tire so he couldn't lift his bike and get back to racing.

Looks to me like Alessi has two options, stand politely aside and let Tedesco pick up his bike and drive away then pick up his own bike and go,
OR stand on Tedesco's bike, which (from the camera angle) is in the only place Alessi can get leverage, get his bike up.
I know what I’d do.

I do see “from the video” that Alessi appears to be reaching for Tedescos kill switch. That is clear and wrong but I don't think there is a rule that a rider can't push anothers kill switch or stand on another riders front wheel. If there is PLEASE provide it. hehehe

oldguy said:
Not only does he get in everybody's way he also causes a couple more guys to go down.

I'm sorry, the video link doesn't show this. Please send the link to this, :cool:
OR did Billywho tell you this???
Or did you make this one up???

I see Walker make a Honda rider go down which landed on Alessi’s bike making it more difficult for Alessi to pick up his bike. Or did you close your eyes at that point in the movie??? Makes me puke that you’d make up all the other details but miss that!!!

oldguy said:
found this description on another board today
Copied from ProRide:
A couple of people are telling a very bad account of what happened and it is making Ivan Tedesco and Matt Walker look real bad......

Why not post the link to the description from the other “people that are telling a very bad account of what happened.” They might have been sitting in the corner also and have actual real unbiased details.

I’m in NO-WAY saying Alessi is an Angel in this incident but I’m not falling for him being 100% at fault.

Not that it matters, it’s all hearsay and conjecture until different angles of video become available.


Feb 8, 2001
mdkuder said:
The sad thing about the whole situation is that he would be champ if he hadn't pitched it away in a couple of races well and that punk Langston ramming him at Hangtown!
Not to stir things up I did not like what went down at Glen Helen but Langston started the fued at Hangtown and let everyone know it. Mitch Payton and the Monster Team did nothing to defuse it. I think they got great joy all season hassling the kid right from the start.
If they would all just stick to riding it would be better for everyone. We and the Monster Team may not like him but you cannot deny he is going to be a force to reckoned with!!
Last edited:


Jul 21, 2001
I agree that standing there was the best place for Alessi to lift his bike, we know from hangtown that he can't lift a bike, as for the rest of it, I wanna see better video but I have no doubt Alessi was being a punk


Nov 4, 2004
:laugh: I've watched that video like 20 times now and my $.02 is that it looks like they go down, and the first thing Alessi does is dive for Ivans kill switch, then he goes back to get his bike but Ivan shoves him, that kind of throws him and his bike around and that is when it looks like his handle bars are tossed on top of Ivans front tire or at least near his tire, then it looks like he is once again either trying to help his good friend up, or diving for his killswitch again. If you look before he dives for Ivans bike he had alot of room between them to try to pick up his, but with that camera angle there is alot to be desired, I hope we can see it from down near the track. In my mind there is no other reason for him to be reaching with both hands at Ivans handlebars unless he has turned into such a good sport that he is trying to help him up. :) I wonder what would have happened if he did shut off Ivans bike. I would also like to see him do something that with Mike LaRocco.


Oct 19, 2000

Stand up Guy that Matt Walker :nod:


Dec 18, 2004
Okiewan said:
The reason Billywho was mentioned is that he was standing there....
I don't call that "hearsay". You've got a problem with that? Sounds like you've got a serious case of denial going on or something.
Thankyou Okiewan, Yes denial is my Chinese niebours middle name. :nener:
Yes I read that Billywho was in the corner, & yes I have a problem with the way he requested that I go to another site and quickly snuff “the other peoples” side of the story.
Was Billywho drinking, was he drunk was he actually truly there. Makes me wonder with the handful of conflicts in his story and a 65 second video.

Can we trust his account of the events? I say not a inkling!

Lets start again,

oldguy said:
Not only does he get in everybody's way he also causes a couple more guys to go down.
I don’t see this!

oldguy said:
Walker has caught some flack but as he goes by and sees the little prick messing with his teammate walker spins around and pushes Alessi off Tedesco
I don’t see this!!!

oldguy said:
First off, if anyone on this board has a Motonews (Mototalk) account please post the following over there. A couple of people are telling a very bad account of what happened and it is making Ivan Tedesco and Matt Walker look real bad..
Maybe these people were in the same corner with a different view/angle, saw something different and posted it.

I’m not jumping on some oldguys bandwagon of crap and inaccuracies just because he copied and pasted it onto an SX/MX form that I read.

Oh ya, if I tell you something and then you tell them, that is hearsay. Billywho told us NOTHING directly!!
Can Oldguy directly answer these questions? If he has to go back to Billywho to get the answer, wouldn’t that be hearsay?
Denial, I don’t think so, Witch hunter, definitely not, see through Bull***, yep!!

As I said above, Alessi isn’t squeaky clean here but he is a scared little kid in a corner. That is no excuse but yes it is.
There is no way he can win. His old man is a monster on one side, his completion on the other are sand-bagging pros that know this kid can beat them, which doesn’t look good on their next pay checks/contract.

We need to see the straight stretch before the crash. That should explain what set Alessi into panic/crazy must turn off Ivans bike mode. :clue:

Do you think Mikes dad beat him when they got home? :bang:


Dec 18, 2004
steve125 said:
Stand up Guy that Matt Walker :nod:

Sure, Stand Up Guy, Stand up in front of the AMA Judge explaining why he endangered the lives of 39 other AMA race members by deliberately going the wrong way during a race...

See^ the little guy riding the wrong way.

I say, Demote him! There are not enough sand baggers in the 85cc class. :laugh:


Jun 18, 2004
i_955 said:
Sure, Stand Up Guy, Stand up in front of the AMA Judge explaining why he endangered the lives of 39 other AMA race members by deliberately going the wrong way during a race...
Whoa, why don't you just blame Hurricane Katrina on him too. :uh:

I can't view the video anymore... is the site still working?



Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I'll take an account of what Billy said happened relayed by Oldguy or Okie as good enough for me for several reasons.
-I know all three of them well.
-I can easily get the same story first hand by calling Billy.
-There is no doubt in my mind that Billy is significantly more qualified to provide first hand perspective on this than ANYBODY on DRN based upon his credentials. If you don't know what they are then you are without a doubt the clueless one.


Sep 25, 2002
I'm so tired of all this negative energy, man. It's obvious to me that Mr. Alessi has a really hard time picking up his bike when it's fallen. And I'm sure it has weighed heavy on his mind since Hangtown and the little guy just gets all flustered when it happens.

Why don't we try helpin' instead of hatin'
Here you go Mike.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
These controversies are interesting because everyone sees something different. It would certainly help to see some other angles.

Of course additional angles are not going to do much for Alessi's reputation - he's going to be in the dog house for a long, long time. It's not like he's got any popularity credits he can cash in.

Gotta smile at the double standard sometimes, though. ;)

KW takes out DV - The Cobra is French! Serves him right! Go KW!

TP attempts to take out RC, admits it to the announcer - Right On, Travis! Show that troll who's boss!

Langston blantantly takes out Alessi - That's OLD SCHOOL DESIRE for you! Don't let that punk kid get in between you and the checkers! Way to go Grant!

Langston cuts the track -Gotta love it when a rider just won't settle for 2nd!

Reed, Bubba and Byrne get busted for illegal fuel. Hardly worth mentioning. Stupid AMA. Those guys would never cheat. Alessi? Keep an eye on him, his old man is a dick.

Hannah takes out (insert rider's name here) - He's got the heart of a lion! The curent crop is a bunch of pansies.

I also get a chuckle out of the thought that Tedesco (in helmet and full gear) needed Walker to protect him from Alessi.


Mar 24, 2004
I think the announcer would have said something about all of this going on, they said nothing, and the incident was wide open in view of the broadcast booth... I did'nt see the video, however based on descriptions it seems like Tedesco's bike had to be picked up first in order for Mike to get his bike out from under Tedesco's bike, or that they were some how tangled together, or overlapping or something like that...
Mike might have been trying to free a portion of his motorcycle out from under Ivan's and vice versa... Maybe Ivan thought Mike was trying to sabatoge his moto, when he was just trying to get to his own motorcycle by getting Ivan's out of the way... Why would he be standing on Ivan's wheel to keep ivan down instead of trying to get on his own bike first and getting back to racing? Ivan proubably pushed Mike because he was just angry that mike caused him to crash, not becuase of mike dancing on his wheel and grabbing the kill switch... This was not a "pick up pass" at worst Mike was too excieted about the chapionship and passing Tedesco again he just did'nt back off the gas soon enought to enter the next turn and they made contact and went down... If this were any other two riders without a chamionshiop on the line we would'nt even be talking about this... If I'm wrong I'll be the first to admit it, but for now that's my take...


Nov 4, 2004


Nov 4, 2004

No, No, No, absolutley not. When they first went down there appeared to be 3 or so feet between the bikes. I watched it over 20 times, you really need to watch the vid and maybe read my 1'st post on the subject, it is pretty much blow by blow account of what I saw on the vid, it is on the top of page 4.


Oct 19, 2000
dirt bike dave said:
I also get a chuckle out of the thought that Tedesco (in helmet and full gear) needed Walker to protect him from Alessi.

Ivans main concern the whole time was not wanting his bike to stall while alessi was climbing all over it. Then Walker stepped in and pushed him off.

Walker rode backwards on the track about 10 feet. The only way anyone could hit him is if they rode over Ivan first. No doubt he knew what he was doing and not a threat to anyone's safety, accept alessi's. ;)


Seven OUT!
Dec 21, 2000
i-955. you made yourself look like such a jackhole with your ripping of Oldguy.
I dont know all the details either, but it is plain to see Alessi going for Ivans bike and NOT his own at first.


May 17, 2004

You must be a hardcore Alessi fan in denial...That video is


May 17, 2004
There's a few feet of space betwen Alessi's bike and Tedesco's...Alessi had plenty of room in between the bikes to pick up his ktm...

The strange part is Alessi heads straight for Ivan's kill switch...That is NOT trying to find a good place to pick up your bike...That good place to pick up his bike was a few feet over in that wide open spot in between their bikes.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Perhaps Mike was just trying to assist Ivan? Yes that must be it! I'm sure the conversation went something like this.
Mike: "So sorry Ivan, I have caused our bikes to go down. Please let me assist you in righting your cycle. No really I insist, please I'll grab the left side of the handlebar from the front right side of the bike, no problem."
Ivan: "WTF!"
Mike: "No my good man I am only attempting to validate that the safty shutoff switch is in proper operational order. Please don't push me away."
Ivan: "Get off my bike you twit!"
Mike: "It also appears your front wheel may be in a difficult spot, please let me aid in it getting traction so you can right your cycle. See I am even using the weight of my fallen bike to help push your front wheel in to a good traction position to aid in lifting the bike."

Since we don't have actual audio I guess we'll just have to go with what favors young Mike because we all know he'd never do anthing questionable and has been taught by his father to be a most upstanding represertative of the sport. (thank you, I must go hurl now.). LOL!

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
On the bright side, all the antics did not change the championship, and we now have some new terms in MX:

Standing on an opponent's tire while hitting his kill button = Going Full Alessi

Hitting another guy's kill button = A Half Alessi

Breaking a tire's bead by standing/jumping on it = Alessi's Leap

Riding backwards on the track = A Matt Walker

"I grabbed a handful too early in that slippery corner and almost went Matt Walker."
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