Alessi/Tedesco at glen Helen-adult language involved


Feb 8, 2001
Okiewan said:
Last I heard, there are several Vet Nats held around the country as well as Vet 4-Stroke Nats.. maybe I'm confusing the two or maybe it's just a "name" thing and they don't keep points. I have no doubt that there could be one race in SoCal called a "Championship" (one race) though.

Please explain the "Who he is that pisses everyone off" thing? I've met the guy and talked with him at DirtWeek, I've seen him teach the kids (and actually care about it), I suppose if he pulled an Alessi at some point in his career I should just write him off.
As I stated in the so called B.S. reply It is the White Brothers World Vet Championships Held every fall at Glen Helen a 3 day event Big-rigs ,corporate folks ,industry displays the whole nine yards. Its not a could it does exist.
And by no means should you write Doug off for making a boner move just like we should not be so quick to write off young Mr.Allesi.

As far as the WHO is that would be Mike Alessi.
Not Doug he is a great guy. Thats my point if you are a great guy like Doug and you make a boner move at a big race because you are caught up in the moment it can be wriitten off. But because you are young upstart like Allesi we better get out the rope and hang him.


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
steve125 said:
Walker rode backwards on the track about 10 feet. The only way anyone could hit him is if they rode over Ivan first. No doubt he knew what he was doing and not a threat to anyone's safety, accept alessi's. ;)

Watch the video again, it was way more then 10 ft. None the less, 10 ft. or 100 ft. he rode backwards on the track and should be fined for this infraction. As for the confrontation with Alessi, thats another story as to what should happen there.


May 17, 2004
I would like to thankyou for confirming my belief as well as a few others here that its not WHAT he did. Because its been done before!!! Its about WHO he is that pisses everybody off!!!!!

It is what he did...We wouldn't be sitting here typing away if the incident didn't happen......Do you really think that if anyone else did the same thing In the MX national series we wouldn't be talking or less disturbed about it ?

You don't hear about what happened with Doug because there's very few following the races he competes in.

I'm pretty sure that if this was 1989 and Doug was racing the MX nationals and did that then you would hear ALOT about it. There is alot less interest and awareness in Doug and the Vet Championships....
Last edited:


Oct 19, 2000
Sawblade said:
Watch the video again, it was way more then 10 ft. None the less, 10 ft. or 100 ft. he rode backwards on the track and should be fined for this infraction. As for the confrontation with Alessi, thats another story as to what should happen there.

Ok 15 feet?, alright maybe 20. I know rules are rules. I hope the AMA cuts him some slack after the review. Not only because he was very careful to ride to and park his bike behind Ivans, never in the line of on-coming traffic. But also that he's currently laid up in the hospital with quite the list of serious injurys.


Dec 31, 1969
What's the update on Walker?


Jan 30, 2000
Walker has a broken jaw and a bunch of other less serious injuries.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
marcusgunby said:
So whats the ama done about Mike?

Still investigating the incident...

The following release is from AMA Pro Racing...

AMA Pro Racing is investigating an incident that occurred during Sunday’s second 125 moto at Glen Helen Raceway in the final round of the AMA Motocross Championship presented by FMF.

Early in the race, Mike Alessi and Ivan Tedesco came together resulting in both riders falling. Specifically, AMA Pro Racing is investigating the actions of the riders immediately following the crash. Additionally, the actions of Tedesco’s teammate Matt Walker are being examined.

At the conclusion of the investigation AMA Pro Racing will announce the results of its findings


May 23, 2000
Walker has only slightly redeemed himself in my eyes. I still remember seeing him deliberately send Travis Preston into the finish line scaffolding in SF a few years ago. I thought that was the weakest move I'd ever seen on a track...until I saw the Alessi thing.


Jan 5, 2002
Kawidude said:
Walker has only slightly redeemed himself in my eyes. I still remember seeing him deliberately send Travis Preston into the finish line scaffolding in SF a few years ago. I thought that was the weakest move I'd ever seen on a track...until I saw the Alessi thing.

I concur with all of the above! Walker's a punk, no doubt about it. Although he's entertaining as he!! when he gets fired up!

Cappra, in defense of Okie, "As I stated in the so called B.S. reply It is the White Brothers World Vet Championships"...I'm still struggling to find the post you claim you made that confirms this quote. You and i-995 need to lay off the crack!

I can't believe how twisted many of the views are...even with the video! Dave and Pat....good grief! You two have me :rotfl:

I'm done with this thread!

CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
Dear Abby, I have a problem.

I want to get my hate on, but I can't cause I haven't seen the video.. I still haven't seen the video b/c the link still doesn't work.

What should I do?
<pls provide working link. I'm to dumn to Googelate>


Apr 1, 2001
Dear Capt:

You can see from all of the above responses that viewing the video can bring no good into your life. Find other more useful things to do with your time such as cleaning the bathroom and kitchen. This will bring the kind of hate into your life that is more appropriate.

Love, Abby.

CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
jboomer, can you email that to me again pls? I had an old addy ... it's updated now. TIA!


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
dirt bike dave said:
These controversies are interesting because everyone sees something different. It would certainly help to see some other angles.

Of course additional angles are not going to do much for Alessi's reputation - he's going to be in the dog house for a long, long time. It's not like he's got any popularity credits he can cash in.

Gotta smile at the double standard sometimes, though. ;)

KW takes out DV - The Cobra is French! Serves him right! Go KW!

TP attempts to take out RC, admits it to the announcer - Right On, Travis! Show that troll who's boss!

Langston blantantly takes out Alessi - That's OLD SCHOOL DESIRE for you! Don't let that punk kid get in between you and the checkers! Way to go Grant!

Langston cuts the track -Gotta love it when a rider just won't settle for 2nd!

Reed, Bubba and Byrne get busted for illegal fuel. Hardly worth mentioning. Stupid AMA. Those guys would never cheat. Alessi? Keep an eye on him, his old man is a dick.

Hannah takes out (insert rider's name here) - He's got the heart of a lion! The curent crop is a bunch of pansies.

I also get a chuckle out of the thought that Tedesco (in helmet and full gear) needed Walker to protect him from Alessi.
Well said,
I can remember awhile back Walker looking back and intentionally blocking Travis Preston, then he parks Preston intoo the finish line structure, gets boo'd by the Frisco crowd and cries on the podium HA!!

Wheres superrat when we need him LOL


Dec 29, 2004
nice try

I think that the AMA should take james stewart and mike alessis the sanitation plant and dump these piles of decrepit **** from the mx scene, both of these riders show they have no class and can't win unless they cheat. Here is what they should be riding :ride:


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
CRF both these riders have the skill and talent to win races they just have to USE those abilities and stop making stupid/immature decisions (Stewart) or egotistical/ immature (Alessi).
Both riders can someday dominate but they gotta get their *&^% together first


Nov 9, 2000
I'm not saying I'm a huge fan or hater of either rider, but to compare what "immature" decisions Stewart made to what Alessi pulled? C'mon man.

lynch racing

Aug 13, 2004
steve125 said:
Ivans main concern the whole time was not wanting his bike to stall while alessi was climbing all over it. Then Walker stepped in and pushed him off.

Walker rode backwards on the track about 10 feet. The only way anyone could hit him is if they rode over Ivan first. No doubt he knew what he was doing and not a threat to anyone's safety, accept alessi's. ;)
You are totally correct-Walker was not a threat and he knows what he is doing-He`s a professional who has been on the track in the line of fire many years AND he`s not going to do anything stupid to put himself in danger of a injury.the only thing he did wrong was to get off his bike instead of just ramming Alessi and then turn back around and get on with the race-he wasted time and could of pulled a muscle pushing the kid!

lynch racing

Aug 13, 2004
ktmboy said:
"The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree." Young Mr. Alessi needs a new mentor, and time away from dad. His dad was a dick 25 years ago when I was introduced to him by his mom, a super lady, and he's obviously not changed, and now his boys are showing the same attitude.
WOW another one i agree with-it is really a shame because Alessi was over to europe for a GP in Ireland and got a podium and a interview afterwards and I was not proud to be American motocrosser overseas.The kid does not have a clue and is totally brainwwashed,they are suppose to talk about the race in the interviews but he only rattled off the rehearsed "thanks to his sponsers" spill.It was a slap in the face to the American Motocross Business,He came over here to ride in the Grand Prix and you act like a Grand Prix rider where it is still more of a sport than business.He also rode over his head and took out a rider from Italy 4th in the GP standings and stood and yelled at him also!!!Poor little Jeff just battled around in his brother`s shadow and put in a nice performance-Remember the OTHER Alessi?

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