
Dec 31, 1969
in my mind the best countries in the world to live in.
Where else have you lived?


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Cam and Bruce make very sound points.  Although I wish to add to this, I see a huge potential for this thread to go completely political or religious fast.  My comments will best served, kept to myself. :(


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
What gripes me is when people come here expecting to change our contries into a glorified version of what they had "back home".

That's the problem with this--now you're expecting everyone that moves to this country to change to be like you. Hopefully, someday you'll realize that's just plain wrong and frankly, impossible. You expect someone from Mexico who has emigrated here legally, to move into the burbs, drive a suburban, watch Friends every Thursday night, take their kids to the ballgame on Sunday, etc....????These people are unique, they have their own culture, and they have the right in this country to live any damn way they want. I, for one, am grateful for their presence in this country, as some of them do work that wouldn't otherwise get done, they bring unbelievable talent in certain areas, great tradition and culture, and more....

By default, these little "pockets" of cultural identity pop up everywhere--eg, Chinatown. I for one, am all for these people setting up little focii of population in an attempt to remind them of home. What the hell's so bad about that? Who are they harming?

Bruce, what you said is right on. :thumb:

And I think the drivers' license issue is an important one to think about, because it's one of those rare instances of absolute clash between state law and right to freedom of religion.


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
Originally posted by nephron

And I think the drivers' license issue is an important one to think about, because it's one of those rare instances of absolute clash between state law and right to freedom of religion.

So, what does freedom of religion have to do with getting your drivers liscence? Did I miss something? Was anybody complaining about any religious issues? I think the main point of this thread was language and the inability of many new immigrants who don't speak it. I think what Cam said hit it right on. If you move to a foreign country, do you expect them to accomadate your lack of (insert language of said country here) speaking skills? I sure hope not. And now, I'm off to work to deal with more Mexicans who can't speak a lick of English (isn't this country great :flame: )


Jun 11, 2002
Since everybody else is on their soap box I would like a little time on mine.  Mr. Nephron, it seem obvious that you are a liberal democrat, so let me ask you a question.  Why is it that our government gives money to the baby killing machine (planned parenthood), and enables them to go into public high school and hand out free condoms to kids promoting premarital sex and teaching the students that it is not a baby but it is a glob of guu, and killing it is an easy choice.  But when a young man from Penn, wears a t-shirt saying that abortion is murder and it is disrespecting God, and you will not kill my generation, he is told he cannot wear it and has been suspended indefiantely, the principal compared the t-shirt to a Nazi symbol.  A 5th grade class in Texas was going to sing a song that said, God bless America in it.  One student of the 30 said she didn't believe in God so the school took out that line.  That means that 29 other kids lost out because of the 1 student.  The truth about American freedom is as long as what you believe doesn't go against the popular norm then it is tolarated.  I thought that this country was founded on the principal that majority wins, well 29 to 1 majority lost.  And the student in Penn., well almost all of the students were on his side and he lost.  The ACLU has been and will continue to be the death of our nation.  And just so you are all aware I am a God fearing christian, a Republican and I am a conservative.  And for you who don't know the ACLU letters stand for, ANTI-CHRIST-LAWYERS-UNION.  That is my .02$   :thumb:


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
The count down begins......10.....9..... :silly:


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Originally posted by BSWIFT
Cam and Bruce make very sound points.  Although I wish to add to this, I see a huge potential for this thread to go completely political or religious fast.  My comments will best served, kept to myself. :(

Painfully obvious. :|


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I have to side with richkx250.
It's a stinkin' shame we can't continue our country the way it was designed. It has worked and served us all very well up until the last decade or so.
Neph, yes pockets of culturism are great, and in fact, what we are made of. BUT the fact remains that we are a seperate nation from the rest of the world. Now, when we become a "one world order" as so many toasted minded individuals invision us, then yes...everything goes. But untill that time, there are also "OBLIGATIONS" that we as members of the American society have to abide by.
Complete socialism is a scarey thing, and quite frankly, has failed in every venue it was ever tried.

Whilst this thread is still around, I want to offer this real fast...
I saw a very interesting interview today concerning the rights of men. In it, it was discussed that perhaps a single man should have the opportunity to sign a document just months after inpregnating a woman that would divest him of all obligations to the child to be. He would only be exercizing the same rights that a woman now has to divest herself of all responsibilities of child rearing. Women now have the legal right to give up a child for adoption, have the child aborted before birth, and in some states can return the child after birth to any hospital or health care facility without any repercussions of law or responsibility. Should not the other 50% partner in a pregnancy have the same opportunity to excersize his rights to total divestment of responsibility?

Just chew on that for a bit.
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Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
Nephron, Please don't put words into my mouth. Or make the assumption that I meant something that I didn't. It even says in the orginal article that "cultural pockets" are what makes this country up.

I don't think that anyone should have to watch friends or shape themselves into this mould where they all have to have 2.5 kids and a SUV with a big house with a white picket fence.

I am glad and 100% happy that these people bring their culture to us, infact i just got back from going to little Italy to get some great food, meet some friends of mine from school and have a good time.

The thing I said that gripes me is when some groups come to these countries and right away start red flagging everything. They want to knock our religions and ideals to suit them, like the idea of canceling Christmas festivals at schools because it encroaches on their rights? This is where this is coming from. Some think that "In god we trust" is WRONG? WRONG?

Why would you move to a country in which you think the motto is WRONG?

And then have the nerve to form a group to change it?

Please :silly:

and okie, I may be "young" in your eyes, but I have seen and done a lot :think:


Oct 3, 1999
Originally posted by nephron

[size=2[font=Tahoma]And I think the drivers' license issue is an important one to think about, because it's one of those rare instances of absolute clash between state law and right to freedom of religion.

I don't see it that way at all. Getting a drivers license is not a right, it is a privelidge. A person can express their freedom of religion all they want, if it clashes with getting a drivers license, then they don't have to get one. Nobody is going to make them give up their religion and go get a drivers license.


Resident nudist
Apr 17, 2002
Ok here's something to think about...

People from Europe moved here trying to find a better life for themselves. They met the Natives and for a time lived in 'harmony' until they decided THEY deserved to have things the way THEY wanted them. Over time the Natives were put in a position to adapt to the new ways, move along or die. In most cases they weren't really given a choice. Seems fair doesn't it?

So to hear people whine and complain about someone coming into this country hoping to maintain who THEY are, while making a new life for themselves, REALLY doesn't do a thing for me. :silly:

Just to clarify... I'm not addressing the post that started this thread. I'm addressing the attitudes about the 'truth' that have followed it.


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
By the way guys, I'm a Republican AND a Christian. Way off mr. judgemental rickkx250 guy. Way off. There's a big difference between being a LIBERAL democrat, and being a Christian Republican with an OPEN MIND and practicing the absence of hippocracy. Let's see, I'm a farmboy who grew up in western Kansas in a town of 2000. Yep, sounds pretty realistic that I'd be a left wing nut. A little more info: I'm adopted myself, and do not believe in abortion. On the other hand, I don't judge those who do. And as you see, I'm very tolerant of hippocritical ignorants.

Do I get tired somedays, and angry that the patient I'm seeing can't speak my language? Sure I do, but rarely. That's the initial response, the id response, so to speak. Be a bit more accepting of others for who and what they are; it's a refining experience.

And the driver's license thing is about the face-coverage issue, isn't it? Isn't that a religious belief among Muslim women? What are you missing? Religion vs. State. Pretty clear to me. The priviledge thing is another issue, and that's why I said it would be a difficult decision. As you know, Florida is OVERWHELMINGLY REPUBLICAN (joke), so some republican judges, I'm sure, were in on a decision there. Wasn't me....


Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
Dirty, I think okie's last post in that old thread sums it up pretty good.

Now the scary thing is I searched before I posted this, but what makes it even worse is I posted in that old thread LOL :ugg:


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999


Feb 9, 2000
You know Brian, there is an old saying 'Adapt or die' - Nothing remains static in life, change is constant. Culture is evolutionary. A hundred years ago we drank tea, spoke the Queens English, and enjoyed roast beef - Today it is Enchilladas, Coronas, and TexMex.

Ese, La Onda is our destiny - Vato Locos Forever ;) - from the movie 'Blood in blood out' - there are some profetic words in that movie - From Califas to Tejas, the way of life is changing forever.

I grew up in a country which forced us to learn two languages, English and Afrikaans(Dutch) - you had to pass in both languages in order to graduate high school and go onto college. Most of us resented this as we both believed we had a right to our own language and culture - Only after school did I find that it was extremely advantageous having a knowledge of two or more languages - also it helps in understanding and enjoying the 'other' culture/s - listening to music, watching TV and understanding the humor, and culture makes a huge difference to ones perception and appreciation.

I am amazed to hear that kids here in the US prefer to learn German or French as a second language and refuse to learn Spanish.

You can learn so much more, do so much more, enjoy life that much more, by learning that second language.

Adios amigos:)


May 7, 1999
Galena, IL
...if you want to know how legions of illegals REALLY feel about  America, read "their" websites. Here's 2: www.aztlan.org (English and Spanish) and www.univision.com/foros (spanish only)..scan the forums under immigration and put your head in a vice, for you will shake it hard... you could write these people off as the exceptional hot heads, but they are numerous and do have a HUGE chip on their shoulder.

aztlan: they want the southwest "back" because the gringo stole it from "them"; the map of "Aztlan" will amaze you; Aztlan claims that 40% of all US Marines are Mexican-American...

the forums of the Spanish-language TV channel Univision are bursting at the seams with legal and not-so-legal advice on how to get around US law, especially ref SS cards and driver's licenses and free medical treatment; then long-winded diatribes (in CAPITAL letters) against the bad white gringo, Cubans and South Americans (because they think that they are the better latinos), and of course anti-jewish, anti-black and heavily pro-Palestinian; the crowning message to us is: "you had better learn Spanish because we are taking over"...

IMO illegals make a mockery of those of us who waited our turn and did it legally; for the most part, they do not share our values, they do NOT want to assimilate.  As one of them finally admitted to me: "well, you were from a different generation.... you must be one of those South Americans who are a disgrace to the race"... The Matricula Consular is already an affront if not a blatant violatin of US sovereignty...

The good news is that most Cubans and South Americans (as opposed to Central Americans and Mexicans) are in fact anti-illegal in attitude




Dec 31, 1969
That by a guy who posts (and speaks) Spanish so well that the Latino board members think he IS Latino :p

I'm not sure what your deal is Neph and you are certainly entitled to it... but (a small example) the DOMINATE language in the US is English. As I said, last I heard, in the States, the majority rules. Pretty simple no? If you come here, want it all, but aren't willing to learn how to communicate with the majority... you've got a problem.

Of course if you want to confine yourself to a small Spanish speaking neighborhood in NY... you are welcome to do so. But I'm not required to learn a language that represents a percentage in the low teens in this country. I'm guessing the days of closed borders may not be far off... if not only the southern borders.

BTW, coming here and learning the language is the easy part... for many, learning how to deal with freedom and unlimited possibilities is much more difficult.


Feb 9, 2000
Pokie, I had a look at some of that stuff, pretty ugly stuff - hopefully a representation of a sick few. Most Latinos I know and love, are hard working, law abiding citizens.

Yes Okie, the majority rules ... for as long as it is the majority ... not so ! - Mind you just what the terms majority and minority are, are a mystery to me. Are not woman in the majority and men a minority. Are Christians a majority, and other faiths the minority. Are gays not a minority and hetros the majority - all very confusing !!! Is a black Christian woman not in the majority and a white gay male a minority - is a white Muslim in the minority, and a Latino Christian the majority.

To my mind, there are no majorities or minorities, just differing majorities and minorities - we are all individuals with different beliefs, cultures, faiths and languages - if we respect the individual, we respect whatever their affiliation.

Tennessee Thumper

Sponsoring Member
Jan 23, 2000
'Adapt or die'

Yep,"THEY" need to adapt. ;) Just like my Irish/Welch/German/ ancestors did. :)
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Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Interesting thread.

IMHO there is much truth in both sides of the arguments. America is a great country because of its ability to recognize and reinforce the inherent successful streak within the human spirit.

Many people have immigrated to America believing that they could achieve a portion of this success. There are many dominant features on the American cultural landscape that have fostered the success we enjoy. I believe the greatest reason for our success is our ability to adapt to change. Our founding fathers clearly based the foundation of this great country on the beliefs of Christianity, and they used English as the spoken language to record their words. Over the course of the almost 230 years of American history we have struggled with the adaptation of this model to the changing view of the American and now World human landscape. English is still the “dominant” language in America, but it is increasingly sprinkled with words from other cultures. Border slang is but one example.

I have read many articles about the “anger and resentment” of the rest of the world with American values, but they damn sure love our “stuff”. They appear to what we have achieve without paying the price of the change necessary to achieve that success. Jealousy and anger have never been components of a successful psyche. This seems to get lost in the sensationalism of the live TV coverage of “protests” against American imperialism. I have always wondered how American culture has invaded other countries? We build a McDonald’s overseas and they complain. We distribute a movie and they complain. There is a clear answer to this invasion. Don’t buy into it. If we don’t succeed, we will simply leave and go elsewhere. We will shrug our shoulders, adapt and move on, unfettered by the past.

Many groups and some countries desperately want to destroy America. I don’t know how many of you have read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, but I will suggest it as relevant to many of the thoughts within this thread. For those that have, when the rest of the world destroys America they will find the same thing the police did when they opened the door into John Galt’s closet that housed his transmitter. Nothing! This is because America is founded on one real principal only. That is the Spirit of Freedom. When is gone, America will cease to exist.

Many liberals continually attack the freedoms present in the name of freedom, as do many conservatives. Neither position is correct for the long term. For the record, I vote conservative on most issues although I am closest to a libertarian by philosophy, and because I believe that economic freedom will ultimately prove to be the foundation of the salvation of all mankind. The rising economic tide will float all boats and destroy the underpinnings of socialism and totalitarianism. Confusion of the line of demarcation between the state and the individual by liberals and the continued intrusion into the lives of the individual by the “federal” government contribute to the erosion of personal rights.

Take abortion as an example. Why is it correct that only one side of the story can be presented under the auspices of the government? The separation between church and state is not the answer, because to limit access to one is to support only one position.

The veil is another example. Driving is a privilege, not a right. She always has the right to walk or take public transportation. By allowing the veil, the state has recognized her religion over the rights of other religions.

French is but another example. At the rate they are going French will become like Latin, an unused and unspoken language, because the language does not adapt to the needs of a growing and changing world. It is to difficult to get a word added to the “official” French language. As far as I know there is no official body for any other language except French. English is becoming the defacto language of business around the globe and (with the exception of Russia) the only language spoken between air traffic controllers and pilots. Spanish is the dominant language of many of the “working” class poor in America. We just need to accept that and move on. Some new language may develop or English and Spanish may blend into something new. Only God knows and only time will tell.

BTW - I will hold the door and pay for the one way ticket for anyone want to leave, that will really do it. :thumb:
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Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
I apologize for the fervor of my comments. ;)

There is, however, a misunderstanding of my position here. Sure, I believe those who move here and want everything, should in fact, adapt and learn the language. No doubt about it. My opinion in that regard, differs none from yours. The problem is that the above article comes off very hateful--no, doesn't come off, IS very hateful. There was a time in my life that I felt the same way, I'm sure. But because of the experiences I have had, and in reviewing historical events, I feel that that attitude is not only wrong, but dangerous for America.

This subject is not about how other countries hate us, yet eat McDonalds. It's not about illegal aliens. It's about American citizens. Maybe they've just gotten here, and don't know the language. Maybe they're lazy and are trying to fleece America for all its worth. I don't know. But I do know this: they're no different than you and me. We're all citizens of this country, and its diversity was not fostered by hateful redneck letters, but by cooperative cohabitation.

Now I'm off to learn Navajo, Hopi, Cro Magnan, and Neanderthal....


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Nephron, I'm confused...just what article is it that you feel was constructed by a hateful redneck? What exactly is a redneck?
And, btw...what do you have against rednecks? Are they not part of the American fabric as well? Do I detect a bit of hipocricy in your words?
In your wisdom, do you find that you can name-call and stand on better ground than others?
Just some questions.


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
Rednecks aren't a particular people, Jaybird. It's a behavior. And yes, I despise them all. Do I stand higher than them? I consider someone with an open mind who gives every human a shot irregardless of race, culture, country of origin, or even language better than what at least I understand as a redneck.

Just some answers...

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