My wife currently has a TTR125L that is too small. I was about to buy her a TR230 when I came up with a thought. How bout a YZ85? This way, my oldest son can step into this bike next.
She's 5'6
Conservative rider
Intermediate level
Mostly trail rides
I realize the YZ is a lot of bike, but the seat height seems like it would be comfortable for her and we'll get more use of it. The weight of the 230 has her kinda worried as well and the 85 would be a super light bike. She would really like this aspect of it. Please let me know.
She's 5'6
Conservative rider
Intermediate level
Mostly trail rides
I realize the YZ is a lot of bike, but the seat height seems like it would be comfortable for her and we'll get more use of it. The weight of the 230 has her kinda worried as well and the 85 would be a super light bike. She would really like this aspect of it. Please let me know.