FMF in the mall


dirtbike riding roadracer
Mar 28, 2001
Took the kids to see Santa and bumped into the FMF display at Emporium. Thanks for selling out FMF, when will sears start to carry your pipes. It's bad enough that the profit in the motorcycle industry has gone down to the point where you're almost giving the parts away at cost but to see yet another motorcycle company sell out to non motorcycle related companies just to make a few dollars really sucks. I asked the guy at Emporium what FMF means and he said, "Nothing, its just a logo from some shirt company"

calamari racer

Sponsoring Member
Mar 7, 2001
I've seen kids in the mall wearing Fox jerseys and I'd love to ask them if they ride. It's amazing the trendy things kids wear as a "fashion statement". Of course, just walking around in a mall makes me realize that I'm surrounded by idiots. Most of them in their teens.


May 21, 2001
Do you guys have this conversation every week with a stranger?
Me (to a guy with a fox shirt): What do you ride?
Him: Ride?
People shouldn't wear clothes just to be cool, and they should at least know what the company does.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
That is weird I went to some high trend little girly store with the odd sweater for a guy, and what do I see?:mad: A Long sleeve FMF shirt blue with flames all up the side!
I could not believe it!


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by Sage
. . . It's bad enough that the profit in the motorcycle industry has gone down to the point where you're almost giving the parts away at cost . . .
So if they're giving the parts away at cost, how do you propose they make their money? I say more power to them, and next time you see some little board dork in a Fox/Shift/FMF/Whatever shirt, ask him/her what it stands for. If they don't know, kindly educate them. It can only be better for our sport in the long run.

You guys are really going to freak when all Jeremy McGrath's new gear starts showing up at Wal-Mart/K-Mart/Target/ShopKo!


Sep 15, 2000
I wonder how many more times we are going to have a thread like this???

I honestly don't care what other people wear. As long as they don't try to force their $%^# on me :)


Feb 25, 2001

i remember when it was moto-x-fox and they were best known for there shocks not there baseball caps.. trivia question does anyone remember pat richter on his moto x fox suzuki? i think that i have the name right.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
They all used to be different. Fox for the shocks, Answer swingarms, DG was the top dog for pipes, Pro Circuit was a Husky only outfit, it was Torsten Hallman instead of THOR, Jofa facemasks, Bell Moto 3s, and everybody, I mean everybody wore JT!


Aug 2, 2001
\. . . It's bad enough that the profit in the motorcycle industry has gone down to the point where you're almost giving the parts away at cost . . .

I personally think the companies make a lot more than you guys think the parts are not that heap. I bought a paper gasket from suzuki for 9 dollarsthe other day. If 9 dollars is anywhere close to their cost, we are all in the wrong business!.

Hey if some guy who doesn't ride wearing a jersey or a cap keeps my parts cheaper than I say get it in all the stores!!

Who cares what they wear. I dont get mad when I see someone wearing Prada who has no fashion sense.

Or if I see someone wearing a cowboy hat and has never been on a horse.


BTW who is giving away the parts so cheap?




Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
CRIMINIES! You mean to tell me that if I wear BVDs and don't know what it stands for, I'm a dork.:) Well, I am a dork, but it's not becase of what I wear.

What does BVD stand for?



Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
How many of you play tennis??? I'm sure your grandparents would've been considered strange for wearing tennis shoes around.;)

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Oh I remember

The 80's, I was playing in a rock band and it was a must to wear spandex and leg warmers, the reason you did it was to look outragious enough that people would recognize you are in the band. After a short while everybody in the audience was dressing and looking more outragious than the band. Thank God those days are over, I got to wear underware again.:eek:

That was probably TMI!

I agree with Riz, I say they more they sell, the cheaper they'll get for those of us that need more than one jersey. I bet you they won't cost $45 at Kmart:think


Nov 30, 2001
alot of times i see people with fox hats and what not and i ask them if they ride and alot of times they say they have dont know what sport the company makes clothing for!


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by kingriz1
If 9 dollars is anywhere close to their cost, we are all in the wrong business![/B]
You must know very little about business. A good gross profit margin for any company on a product is around 15-18% EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes). On that $9.00 gaset, the company you puchased it from made a net profit of probably no more than $.35-.40. You have to sell a hell of a lot of product to make any money like that.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Re: Re: Oh I remember

Originally posted by mx547

you're admitting this?

Like I said, "Probably T.M.I." But then again, at the time it was just part of the gear much the way it is today with riding apparel
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Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Originally posted by spanky250
You must know very little about business. A good gross profit margin for any company on a product is around 15-18% EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes). On that $9.00 gaset, the company you puchased it from made a net profit of probably no more than $.35-.40. You have to sell a hell of a lot of product to make any money like that.

Order a OEM top end gasket kit from KTM and then tell me you still agree with your statement.


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by marcusgunby
A exhaust costs about £9 to make($14) so maybe the dealer dont make a huge profit but FMF wont be going out of business soon.
If you factor in all the costs of making that pipe, I'm sure it is more than $14. You can't just include the sheet metal and the labor of the people that cut it, stamped it, and welded it. You have packaging, employee benefits, building maintenance and operating costs, utilities, insurance, advertising, product development, taxes, both direct and indirect labor, etc. etc...the list goes on and on. I stand by my statement that a successful company operates at 15-18% EBIT. If they are eaning 20% EBIT or better, they are turning in world-class record-beating profits.


Jan 9, 2000
Only playing with you spanky:p but i still dont think FMF will be going broke in the near future-anyone know how to find out the profit FMF makes??;)

BTW forgot to say KTM gaskets are extremely cheap in the UK so unless shipping went up massively i think KTM are fleesing you-they have to fund the contingency programme somehow :confused:
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Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
how about this?

stolen from another board:

If this is not an indication that MX is blowin' up, I don't know what is...

Was in my local mall doing my holiday expectations, and I saw a No Fear store...You have no idea how cool it is to see a store in the mall that seels motocross stuff, I mean pants, jerseys, chest protectors, goggles (spy), Moto t-shirts and more.

They even have port-a-cans for changing rooms...HOW FREAKIN COOL IS THAT??

They had a nice soft velvet couch with a coffee table, and what to my surprise is on this table? Motocross Magazines!!

In the mall!!

It was like I died and went to heaven...Moto videos running and it was just cool all around.

Hats off the the folks at No Fear...I hope it works out and they stay.

One suggestion, need the back end of a pickup to sit on to try on stuff also...can you imagine, just like at the track, the lil' ole ladys walking by would freak...LOL

BTW - They also had an RM125 in the window from one of our local riders and some of his pictures and trophies...nice local touch.

Keep it up No Fear!


Jan 3, 2000

I think that most company's would be happy with an EBIT is about 15-18%. To have 18 cents return to your bottom line for every dollar of sales is pretty good. However, I believe their Gross Profit Margin (defined as sales less cost of goods sold) is likely greater than 200% (ie cost of gasket less than $3.00). Therefore, it all depends on your definition of the "cost" of the product to the company.

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