FMF in the mall


Feb 1, 2001
the point was keep pulling the bread & butter out of the shops and see what happens

I used to work at a local archery shop when I was younger and the shop was great. Plenty of business was coming in and life was good. A couple of Jumbo Sports, Kmarts, etc. popped up and the business vanished quickly. The small stores can't compete with the huge department store chains as far as parts are concerned. The one thing that kept the store a-float for a while was the service. It ended up closing down because everyone ran the the department stores because of the cheaper parts prices. I make a point to shop at the small stores to help keep these guys going. The service is 200 times better at these smaller stores than at those department stores. Just imagine going to a Kmart to get a bottom end serviced....

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
I havnt seen them selling parts at the mall yet.
Could happen someday.
If the sport gets so big Kmart is carrying pipes and pistons..i'm sure the dealerships will be selling enough bikes to
"do ok"
As far as clothes will only ultimately help the sport.
More people involved means
more bikes sold
more parts sold
more clothing sold..
more public interest directly means
more places to ride eventually.

Please explain how that could be a bad thing..just because several thousand people wear a shirt that they dont understand the origins of the logo?

I wonder how much NBA NFL stuff is sold to people that actually play those sports? Or dont know where the browns or cardinals originated at?

On the busines profit margin issues..
Sorry you cannot make sweeping generalazations on wether a company will be "successful" at a given profit margin.

Many companirees .like the one i used to work for,are federally and state regulated around 10% or whatever they can get thier state commerce commision to approve..but its between 9 and 11
It is well regulated and strickly enforced.
However it is a guaranteed margin so yes they can be profitable at it..

Hey , tell you what -give me a 50 million start and guarantee me and my shareholders 10%- i'll take it. :D


Sep 15, 2000
Hey, I got one of those long sleeve FMF shirts for Xmas from my gf!! I was floored when I walked into the "Bootlegger" and saw a couple hanging off the rack. Who cares, so they sell in the mall. You should be pissed at all tjhe people wearing FOX hats because the logo is cool :)


Sep 3, 2001
A.J., I agree with most of your post, but concerning the comment that there will inevitably be more places to ride...maybe so, but from what I have seen, these places will be overpopulated with many rutts, dusty, dangerous two way trails, etc. Even as our sport becomes more popular, most of the world still doesn't like us (can we blame it all on the loud diesel pigs with aftermarket pipes?)


Sep 30, 2001
Profit margins - these margins vary between the type of goods and from manufacturers to retailers. Clothing sold at retail can have several hundred percent mark up. Clothing is cheap to make - cheap labor, cheap equipment, etc... However, hard goods such as ignition covers, gaskets, blah, blah, blah, require tooling, more expensive equipment, more expensive engineering.

I can go to a foundry and have an aluminum ignition cover caste. It would probably cost big bucks- machining even more expensive. So to recoupe that cost you have to sell quite a few units. The profit margin is going to be less because the overhead is going to be more. But money is made or the company wouldn't be in business - for long.

Clothing is very lucrative. And to be more lucrative the big boys with their ties hanging down to their knees have closed alot of textile industries here in the USA and moved them over seas and south of the border for the $0.25/hour wage.

Think of new cars. I have recently watched a few car dealers here in Alabama spend several million dollars in site prep for each site to build car lots. We are talking months of drilling, blasting, rock removal, tons and tons, and huge equipment. Now, we all know that those dealers have to re-coupe that cost somewhere.

Oh - back in the 70's and early 80's I was considered a trouble maker and hoodlum for riding a motorcycle. So, who gives a rat's #### what they sell in the mall, those same idiots still think I am a hoodlum. I'm sure 90 percent of the people that wear cowboy boots have never stepped in manure.

So, if you think your identity is all wrapped up in an FMF or FOX logo and some mindless, fashionless, mallites are wantonly desecrating the altar of your ego then you have truly suffered the rapture-of-the-deep, and are irreversibly shattered. You have my condolences - would you like some cheeze with that whine?:p :p :p

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Tell me when they start selling pants

helmets, boots etc. I sure could use a break on these higher priced fashion statements from the mall;)

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
Yeah, the who cares responses pretty much sum it up. Most of the time the whiner(s) complaining about their gear being mainstream now are also the ones who have to be cutting edge on music/food/fads/whatever:silly:

Me? Hell, I'm happy if my pants from last year still fit my mid-30's arse, let alone if Johnny-pimple face and his non-riding buddies are now wearing the same brand. If my Fox gear fits, looks like I'm riding Fox. If my Moose still fits, well let's wear Moose. Said it before and I'll say it again-Just ride!

And yes it is the Flying Machine Factory. Now hows about CR and what little SoCal retirement village was it named after, YZ and WFO?


Apr 28, 2000
Originally posted by CanadianRidr
That is weird I went to some high trend little girly store with the odd sweater for a guy, and what do I see?:mad: A Long sleeve FMF shirt blue with flames all up the side!
I could not believe it!

Well that clears a lot up for me. I was wondering why a non rider from our school was wearing that exact shirt. If it would have been fox I would have just put it with the others, but this one had me confused until now.


Oct 24, 2000
I was in JC Pennys last year and what did I find on the closeout table but No Fear jearsey's for 3 bucks each. End of story is I guess I have a life time supply of red no fear jersery's know

Pete Odegaard


Professional Mud Tester
Aug 30, 2001
Wow... lots of different opinions around here. I really don't care if some kid or adult for that matter is wearing MX gear and doesn't know his clutch from his "powerband". Maybe there is some merit to extra clothing sales keeping the rest of the operating/mfg. costs down to the end user (me) for the other parts that I buy. Great... I don't care if they sell 'em at Wal-Mart or donated them to Goodwill, I buy and support the people that support me and this site. Check links at left.;) I shop there if I can't find what I want locally.

The person on the other side of the sales counter that sees me regularly and waits on me and helps me with SERVICE and EXPERIENCE is who gets my business. They are brethren/sisters in our community. Sorry, I don't think Wal-Mart/Target/etc... will be able to provide any of that.

I have seen local dealers rent space in the mall for holiday's and I say good for them! Make their money, keep my prices down later and give us some exposure in a friendly and professional manner. Not the exposure from some doof doing donuts on his quad in the vacant lot with his FOX hat on backwards and his No Fear t-shirt.:think


Jul 5, 2001
Haha do I have a story for you about posers! HA! I went to this gas station in a busy part of our shopping district, and i saw a sweet looking chevy lowered with a license plate that read, "FOXRACN". So I walk in and see this chick who's the cashier and her boyfriend with MATCHING Fox Racing jackets on and I asked them hey what kinda bike do you have? They looked at me like I was from Mars or something? They said we don't ride we just think that Fox Racing is cool is a cool logo and no one else around here has clothing like it. I was like ummmmmmmmmmm ooooooooooooooooook loooooooooooooooooooooosers!!! What the hell is this world coming too with all these posers around?? I felt like just saying out loud, "you two are a bunch of jump-on-the-bandwagon, fair-weather fan, pathetic spodes!!"

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