ridding website
this website is my buddies but it has me on it and my stuff and soem info about me and my ridding buddies its pretty cool check it out and if u dont like it thats cool too just check it and i am
Todd Springer #776http://www.geocities.com/lil_fisha14/home.html
and yes that is me on the front page on my old banshee and a custom helment that Joe More painted for me.
this website is my buddies but it has me on it and my stuff and soem info about me and my ridding buddies its pretty cool check it out and if u dont like it thats cool too just check it and i am
Todd Springer #776http://www.geocities.com/lil_fisha14/home.html
and yes that is me on the front page on my old banshee and a custom helment that Joe More painted for me.