Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Whew what a race! The weather was nice, cool and the dust was minimal. The course had lots of virgin trails and a few very long sections like 15 miles and 12 miles. I rode on row 32 with Mike "T-bone" Maurer and AA rider Brian Marr.

The first section was off at .5 miles and into the whoops on ORV trail which immediatly pumped my for arms up to precisly maximum volume just in time to hit the virgin woods section. I hung on for dear life and tried to be smooth and grip a loosly as possible. Made it to the first reset with Popeye arms throbbing feeling pretty bad about how I scored but apparently I did OK. (More on that later)

ACE GAS MAN NAPPER fixed my headlite from where I nudged a tree, gave me wome water adn tore the top off mu "GU" packet. I felt like a pro racer!

Off we go for the next section and that went OK for me the arm pump was gone and then I started losing arrows and got lose several times in the long section so at one point I stopped my bike and turned if off to listen for bikes, then I headed for the noise which turned out to be a spot I already rode but at least I thoight I have another crack at finding the right way and I did. Many lost arrow opportunitys along the way and I finally made it out of that section with a miserable 18 points.

Cody Dusendang was passing me all day from 2 rows back by the time I shifted into third!

Well I made it to gas and had a sammich that Erin made for me, Nathan gassed up my bike and Napper checked to see if all the parts were still there.

Off ot the next section and I'm hanging with fast Mike maurer and then the most spectacular save ever made happens before my eyes! He swapped left, then right , then off the trail and then he never fell but I went by him. Soon the mighty 450 was knocking on my back door and off he went, then he went the wrong way and I passed fast mike again! He gets me back and we settle in and then we see our =gas team waving us on and mike gets so excited he misses another turn so I'm ahead of him AGAIN!

At the next reset I told m8ke to stop screwing around because if I have to pass him again I'm going to kick his a ZZ. (NOw we all know that will never happen and I figured I'd be safe because he never makes that many mistakes)

At the next section we take off restart style and 2/10th down the trail Brian is skidding on the brakes and Mike plows into him (T BONE) and they both go down in a pile and I putt on by them. (Crap now I goddabeat up Mike somehow I'm thinking!)

Finally the race ends and we all arrive safe and sound.

Congratulations to Cody Dusendang for winning the "Crwon" and B HI point, but thats not all-he was 4th overall!!!! Beat many of the big dogs! WOOF!
I am proud to report that TEAM PTP had a great day with Mike Maurer getting first in his class B oipen and I won my class-Super Senior!
Also Nate Diver DOg rode his second eiduro ever and wont 4th in C Jr class and Paul NOrth Won that Class. Paul is getting faster every day.
Also TCT Trail rider got 4th place in Super Senior class, way to go Denny!

Scott Luca won the overall and Cody Mastin was 2nd OA with the same score.
Leroy Keen was Third OA and I guess Cody was 4th OA but I never got to see the AA scores.

I want to thank my ACE Pit Crew for contributing to my success- Thanks napper, Nathan and Erin -great job!

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
I just remembered KTM Mike trophied in his class too but I missed where he ended up! Now he rode Saturday and Sunday with a screwed up wrist, way to go Mike!


Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 13, 2003
Damn Cody I knew you were getting fast, but holy crap! No get your Azz out of the B class you cherry picker! Oh yeah but you take after the old man. Seriously dude congrats on the great ride. Oh, and good job Fred.


Oct 2, 2005
bbarel said:
Damn Cody I knew you were getting fast, but holy crap! No get your Azz out of the B class you cherry picker! Oh yeah but you take after the old man. Seriously dude congrats on the great ride. Oh, and good job Fred.
Good one Bret but I moved myself up 3 classes in 7 races last year to A status, I don't think thats cherry pickin - How many years have you been riding in the Vet B class?..Sandbagger :moon:



Mi. Trail Riders
May 2, 2005
Fred T said:
I just remembered KTM Mike trophied in his class too but I missed where he ended up! Now he rode Saturday and Sunday with a screwed up wrist, way to go Mike!

Mike ended up in 6th in C Senior. Congrats to everyone!! The trail looked really nice from what I got to ride Saturday (although little of it, and when you were actually on it).


Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 13, 2003
Wolverine423 said:
Good one Bret but I moved myself up 3 classes in 7 races last year to A status, I don't think thats cherry pickin - How many years have you been riding in the Vet B class?..Sandbagger :moon:
I knew you couldn't leave that one alone. I think you and Trash might be in for some trouble getting that crown back. :ohmy:

UP Magoo

Apr 4, 2002
Congrats to everyone that had a good race!
It was great to see and meet some new (but DRN familiar) faces!
Prayers to Joel -- heres to a speedy and full recovery!

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
UP Magoo said:
Congrats to everyone that had a good race!
It was great to see and meet some new (but DRN familiar) faces!
Prayers to Joel -- heres to a speedy and full recovery!

Hey Magoo, I just remembered you hauled home some hardware too, 3rd Senior B class. Congrats sorry I missed ya! :|


Oct 2, 2005
bbarel said:
I knew you couldn't leave that one alone. I think you and Trash might be in for some trouble getting that crown back. :ohmy:

Cody definitely put it all together yesterday and a big thanks to Mike and Freddy & the Marsh pit crew for watching over my boy for me as I worked this enduro. The last couple of practice sessions Cody has been coming on like a freight train! I called Trash after memorial weekend and told him “I think were all in trouble”. After trophy presentation Cody says “Dad I really wished you would have raced today” Now anyone have idea on what he meant by that statement??

Also for some you that don’t know Cody has 2 other brothers Clinton & Caleb. The youngest is Caleb and he’s 7 yrs. Caleb & I decided he was ready this year to ride the family enduro series and I must tell ya riding behind Caleb and watching him go through the trials & tribulations of an enduro really brings back some fond memories & a wet tear of what me and my dad shared years ago. Caleb slept in the front seat with his 1st place trophy in hand all the way home!

A blessed father,

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Arrow Arrow, whose got the Arrow?

Fred T said:
I just remembered KTM Mike trophied in his class too but I missed where he ended up! Now he rode Saturday and Sunday with a screwed up wrist, way to go Mike!

Thanks Fred! I had a blast! My wrist (actually it is more the hand itself) did much better than I expected it to - though on a number of harder smacks into trees I sure did feel it! (and I am feeling it today - ibuprofen is my friend!)

CR250@winters (Mike K) did well to taking a 3rd place. He and I were only separated by 2 points. That was due to him getting slightly less lost in the second section - otherwise the two of us came into every check together. We had a blast all day long dicing back and forth - everyone once in a while we deliberately took turns leading in tight nasty stuff to let each of us have a shot at finding trail. Sometimes it was easier to NOT have a bike in front of you - as they would only lead you down the wrong line, distracting you from seeing the arrows! C Sr was a pretty tight class - 3rd through 8th place were only 2 points apart, with I think 4th to 8th all down to tie breaker points.

We ended up on Row 18 - way earlier than what I wanted - finding the trail was not easy at all. Smit Dog commented that he even lost the trail riding sweep later that afternoon! There were several instances of coming to a complete stop, with 4 or 5 other bikes nearby, all of us peering into the woods looking for an arrow. Suddenly you would see one bike or another start rolling like they had the scent again, so all the others would pause for a second to see if it were for real...or a false alarm -then all (hopefully) get back on course (for a few minutes!).

Our row also had a 3rd Mike on it - Silver here on DRN. He helped out at a check on Saturday, and Sunday was his first enduro. Unfortunately his YZ fouled a plug about 5 miles in, and he was out of the game. I am sure he will be at the Jackpine though!

Sheila, Mark, Mitch and Mikhail all ran gas for the 3 Mikes, plus Nick Z , Magoo and Mully. They do a great job as a pit crew! Thanks guys! (BTW - nice meeting you Mully)

Saturday Mark and Mikhail did the FES event, along with a friend of mine BJ. All had fun, with Mark getting a 6th, Mikhail a 9th in a much larger class, and I forget what BJ got. Mikhail got lost in the first tight section - got close to catching back up, but some slower riders held him back a bit. 2 of the points the crew lost was totally MY screw up on time keeping - some how we burnt a check by a few seconds. Bummer. Sorry about that.

Bottom line was - both days were a blast! I survived my first enduro since my busted up hand, and seem to be getting back on track now. Now, both CR250 and I need to go buy new pipes for our bikes - seems they did not like getting smacked around so much!


Moderator / SuperPowers
Jun 9, 1999
And fun was had by all.................

Good seeing all of you again, and meeting some of you for the first time.

Many many many thanks to the best pit crew an out of state visitor/racer could have.

My day was nothing but ups and downs. Between brake problems during the first section, to getting lost in the tight stuff (early minute will do that to you. LOL) I just couldn't get it together. Operator error if you will. Couple times in the tight stuff I kept expecting to see Big Foot, or at least Tarzan swing by. :whoa:
but one thing for sure: I will be back......................


ps: I also made friends with Metzler the dog. Some kind of hound, a "U.P. cheeseburger" hound or something like that, I think, I can't remember the exact breed. aaarrrrrorooooorroooo. ;)
Last edited:

Don Marsh

Jun 5, 2001
It was great seeing everyone, congrats to all who rode & trophied. Hope everyone had fun. As for those getting lost, I rode to my check (#3 the last before gas) and made it so it should have been OK if you followed the arrows and not the tracks. I rode the course as a sweeper after my check was done, it was sweet!!!!!!!! The private property sure opened up compared to what it was the weekend before. I sure wished I had raced it. I can't wait until Jack Pine I think it will be simular terrain.


Jan 19, 2004
Don Marsh said:
It was great seeing everyone, congrats to all who rode & trophied. I sure wished I had raced it.

I for one am glad you did not race. One more rider finishing in front of me would have have put me in the familiar position of "one place out of the Trophies". My family accused me of buying it :laugh: . Thanks Team Marsh for hauling gas and bananas, and not racing.


Oct 2, 2005
Well TC you could always loosen up his intake carb bolts again...It seemed to work well for ya at the Battle Creek HS!



May 16, 2006
Congrats to all who did well.Even though things didn't go as I had hoped I still had a great time.I figured it out after joining AMA,D-14 and entry fee it cost $20 a mile.Next time maybe I can go a few more miles. :bang: :laugh: I might even take an extra plug next time. It was nice meeting a bunch of you guys.TCTrailrider thanks again for letting pick your brain about my bike and also for the part.Went right home last night and put it in.Mike


Jan 19, 2004
Wolverine423 said:
Cody definitely put it all together yesterday and a big thanks to Mike and Freddy & the Marsh pit crew for watching over my boy for me as I worked this enduro. The last couple of practice sessions Cody has been coming on like a freight train! I called Trash after memorial weekend and told him “I think were all in trouble”. After trophy presentation Cody says “Dad I really wished you would have raced today” Now anyone have idea on what he meant by that statement??

A blessed father,

Your not the only one concerned about being dethroned. I was standing next to Scott Luca (overall champion) at the trophy presentation. When they announced Cody's age, and score, Mr. Luca was was kind of, :bang: , why does he have to be in my district. Definately impresseed, and I also detected some concern.


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
I always seem to find a way to embarass myself at this enduro. Last year it was an endo 200 yards from the start. This year at least the only spectator was Freddy, but it was numberous events....flopping like a fish after gas or knocking down a AA rider. I do not think our collision cost Brian a trophy, but it may have dropped him down a couple of places. Sorry Brian, AGAIN!!

Great ride to all MTRs! I told Cody that I would be willing to be his "rabbit", especially due to the TC factor!!

I have to ask.....No comments about face slappers???? Did anyone see the Masters rider who rode on # 5 (rows 1-4 were empty)???? He was the last one to leave the staging area, but he was sporting a black eye and a very red nose. He would have preferred a later number, but was content that he spent the day on his motorcycle.


Apr 19, 2003
Thanks KTM MIKE and sheila for running gas for us that was a great help. Fredt for the cold chicken that was great, Smitdog thanks for the use of you RV. Thats what makes enduros great. Now for the complaints maybe it has to do with the insurance industry or what I do not know but FATHERSON the biggest sandbagger of all time didnt want me to have any chicken thanks to fred he saved me. Then UPMAGOO didnt stop complaining till I threatend to stop and buy some WHINE and Cheese. Oh I love after the event.

UP Magoo

Apr 4, 2002
fatherandson said:
I have to ask.....No comments about face slappers???? Did anyone see the Masters rider who rode on # 5 (rows 1-4 were empty)???? He was the last one to leave the staging area, but he was sporting a black eye and a very red nose. He would have preferred a later number, but was content that he spent the day on his motorcycle.
:| Don't make trouble... didn't you know that face slappers are an important part of Enduro?
Remember this?
I believe there was some discussion about THIS ISSUE, as well...
It is what it was....


Oct 2, 2005
Ya I seen the masters guy on row 5 at my restart {all by himself too!}, it looked like Hulk Hogan got a hold of him! I would have offered him a lifesaver but I figured he was still full from the tacks & nails he ate for breakfast...Who said them masters guys arn't TUFF!



Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
Nick - I wanted to make sure you were not eating my dinner. The chicken was good hot or cold. I agree the benchracing after the race is part of the enduro experience that we all enjoy!
I am glad I rode this event and experienced the faceslappers. As a trail captain for one section (NOT the entire event) of the Jack Pine, I will work hard to provide a challenging, but safe trail. You will be following bike tracks and hopefully not get lost.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
I can vouch for Mikes comment on our section at JP.

However on the big picture I was also frustrated with the getting lost, and I had my glasses knocked around from face slappers and the sign up thing sounds bad.....BUT we did have lots of nice trail to ride in one of only 2 enduros still run on state land and I do want to thank Tom Dunn for going through the trouble of spending many days, many npersonal dollars on gas and food, and personal off work hours getting it done for us to ride. I also thank all those guys that strapped on a pouch and stapled what arrows they had to trees, sometimes in the puring rain and sometimes minutes before the riders were due to arrive because some horse riders tore them down. So in the big picture I'm glasd I rode the enduro, I have a new appreciation for the things I can learn to make the things that I CAN control even better for our part of our event. But in the meantime, thanks to all of those that made it possible for me and my kids to ride some sweet trails and we all came home winners. I ride enduros to ride good trail and that was accomplished. Thanks!!


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
Fred, I was going to make some of those same comments in the other post, but it was off topic. We ONLY have four enduros in MI. Tom was attempting to provide another event in Michigan and I fully support him - in fact I plan to work his event next year (if he decides to do it again). Anyone who has not worked at laying out an enduro is welcome to join me. I know some MTRs have a new appreciation for the amount of work required.

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