
Jan 9, 2000
I watched the clip a few times but still cant work out what went wrong, it looks like he was expecting it to rebound faster and just when he decides it wont rebound , it does??anyone else have any clue?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
It almost looks like he grabbed a bunch on rear brake and went a little too nose down.

Pretty much like Sr. said he spazzed out :laugh:


May 23, 2000
It looks like he thought it was a triple after the finish line jump and it turned out to be a double. You can see he leaned way forward right off the lip of the jump and then realized it would be a flat landing and bailed out over the bars. Very nasty.


Dec 31, 1969
why anyone finds it humorus, I'm not sure... that would have ended this old body's season.


Mar 7, 2001
If he is out the possible 6 weeks he would miss 5 events. If he won every race left that would be 350 point for the season. Jesseman had more than that for second last year.


Feb 1, 2001

"Our initial report of James Stewart breaking his collarbone at the Las Vegas Supercross was correct. Despite the crash, where he broke his collarbone and got knocked out for a few minutes, Stewart attended the 2003 THQ World Supercross GP/AMA Supercross Series Awards Banquet Sunday night, May 4, with his right arm in a sling.

Stewart says he’s definitely going to sit out the first two rounds of the outdoor National Series. If someone in the 125cc class dominates those first two rounds at Glen Helen and Hangtown, he’ll try to make his return at High Point on May 24. Otherwise, he’ll skip High Point and shoot for Southwick on June 7."


Nov 5, 2001
Originally posted by Patman
I think some folks may take what he says wrong because of his accent. Cripes have any of you ever sat down and had a beer with Kiwi? The guy is super funny but at first you don't know if he's being sharp tongued or sharp witted. :)

if you can remember that you sat down and had a beer with kiwi, your not doing bad in my book! ;)

accents are a funny thing:

i was in ECC the other week looking at bikes, i was talking to the guy, he asked me "where are you from with that accent", "i am from the United Kingdom" i replied. He turned and said to me, "wow, your english is really good. How long have you spoken english?"


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
...Correction. Most from North County are idiots, especially Escondildo... :eek: j/k

We were there. I want to say that Bubba's crash was one of the weirdest spectacles I saw all weekend, and remember--I was in Vegas. ;)

These were definite truths of the event:

1) If you've never seen James ride in person, realize now that he is heads and tails above all others in SX. Bubba, then Reed, then RC (5/3 only--obviously cannot comment on other nights), in that order. I cannot possibly fathom the physics of his style. All others look like clods by comparison. He quadded the first rhythm section all night, and no 250 even attempted it.

2) James was flying effortlessly. This was followed by 2 prompt brainfarts, with the 1st sophmoric-appearing casing of the front side of a short table leap occuring immediately in front of Wayneo426 and I. It was truely bizarre. Why he 'suddenly' developed this apathy is unclear. You just had to be there. God bless the kid.

3) After James wrecked out, everyone was so awestruck, no one really cared about the race after that. Everyone in my locale was just worried about JBS, and in particular, everyone was postulating that he suffered the same fate as Tony Haines. There were horrified faces everywhere, and many tears. I kid you not. This was not helped by the fact that the jumbotron was apparently incapable of doing replays. :silly:

4) Yes, Carmichael's off his pace--but there's more. He was caught up with another rider for the first lap, during which Reed pulled a JBS, RC or MC--whatever you want to call it, CHECKING OUT and subsequently ending any chance of catching him SAFELY.
RC obviously pulled back and probably ran fast enough to match laptimes and nothing more. He raced it smart--no excuses--just smart. I think after his suboptimal start, he was just wanting the season over, so he could prepare mentally (starting that night) for the Nationals, where he will no doubt cream CR's ass like no tomorrow.

5) CR is an absolutely beautiful SX rider, and IMO unless RC steps it up next year (which he probably will--by virtue of will, testing, desire, and probably the development of new technique), CR will do very well. His style his really, really, really fun to watch. (No...really ;) )

6) Some riders appear to be hauling ass, but getting nowhere. This was odd to me. Matthew Lalloz looked like he was flying, but was nowhere near as fast as say, Sellards or Tedesco. On the other hand, Short looked kinda droopy, but pulled better laptimes than Hot Sauce.

...other cool things...

I heard a big bore fire up while MC was giving a speech in the pits (talking about doing some motard)--and thought: 'wonder if Service Honda is here?' Yep, they were. And there was a spanking new AF sitting there as well--I would guess that was the source of my favorite sound. Campbell and Oelhoff looked great, too. Props to Service Honda/Subway.

Jamie is hot. :p

I didn't see Lusk, Pastrana, Tortelli or Ronron anywhere. I assumed they were preparing for the nationals.

Wow, my first supercross ever. My wife absolutely loved it. Absolutely loved it, although either the MR2 or (what smelled more like Nutec Pro MX) made her sick....


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Geez Okie chill out buddy, I don't think anyone is happy to see any rider crash like that. He's going to ride again. Nobody stuck a stick in his spokes or cut him off he completly did it on his own accord. Bubba has shown he is easily flustered in situations like that so it's not a huge suprise and he's not the first 16, 17 or 18 year old to turn pro nor to crash in a big way. Anybody remember a kid named Travis Pastrana? He still crashes his brains out from time to time doesn't he? RC pretty much followed that same path as well right? This is a sport of big dangers if you screw up just a little bit, it's also a sport where a rider with great skill turns pro at 16 or 17. Bubba's not the first nor the last in any of those.


Seven OUT!
Dec 21, 2000
Exactly. Just like TP in a way being young and having extreme talent, sometimes they rush it... Just like how alot were talking that Bubba would cream everyone in the 250's next year... Not that he wont, but he has shown time and time again, indoors, that when he doesnt get the lead right away, he seems to panick and hurries up the pace at a blistering pace that he makes mistakes...If he heads into the 250sx next year with that mentality and faces a more talented bunch, I would wager we would see him crash out often...Outdoors, that is a different story, that wild, off the edge riding is more suited... IMO....

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
Originally posted by marcusgunby
I watched the clip a few times but still cant work out what went wrong, anyone else have any clue?

Has Bubba said anything? Looked like he might have been "between" gears. Maybe. He pulled mightily on the bars, but to no avail. He knew he was screwed, but he had the presence of mind to bail. Had he tried to ride it out, it could have been worse. Maybe.

What kind of magic would allow him to come back for the 24th of May. Break clavical on May 3rd; race again on May 24th for High Point. Three weeks. Impossible in my book.

I have heard stories all my life about people racing with broken clavicals. Bullstuff. I always figured if a guy could race; then it wasn't really broken in the first place. I have had three; so I know a little about such matters.

Nephron; would you know? Is there some magic out there?


Jan 27, 2000
Originally posted by wfo74

What kind of magic would allow him to come back for the 24th of May. Break clavical on May 3rd; race again on May 24th for High Point. Three weeks. Impossible in my book.

Dr. Arthur Ting. :thumb:


May 22, 2000
Its always blown my mind as well. I was out 5months w/a broken collarbone. Granted it was a 2 fracture break, but anyone remeber when Windham broke his collarbone at the 99 Dallas race, then came back for the first national something like 3weeks later? Unbelievable! All I can say is they must have them on a massive local injection.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Like '89er said Dr. Ting! I believe there was an interview with him in one of the rags recently as well.


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
A collarbone break can mean anything from a slight line fracture, to multiple breaks, jagged ends that don't touch, loose, floating bone fragments, and tendon / nerve damage. I had the latter, and was out 3 months (and then back riding slowly!).

Being 17 is a huge advantage as far as the bone being able to grow back quickly, but the type of break can determine whether it's going to be 3-4 weeks out, or 3-6 months out.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Actually last year thekid broke his collarbone and at 3 weeks the dr said it had knitted together but strongly advised to give another 2- 3 weeks to make sure.
I guess if he had a major $$$ bonus from winning a series on the line he could have ridden

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