
Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Just when you start to think things can't get worse. . .they do. Please tell your mother that she has my support. I wish there were something I could do to help.


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
I just wanted to chime in with my support also Speedy. It's sad when people will do this to a good person just to get their 15 minutes of fame.
The way schools are run nowadays is one of the reasons my Father took early retirement. :whiner:


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
bswift, my mother's counsel told her that the woman has the first amendment right to say what she wants. There's nothing she can do. My Mom doesn't want to sue anyone, she just wants to wait until this all blows over.

PapaK, 15 minutes is right. Apparently this woman is enjoying the lime light. Dressing up and talking to any microphone put in her face. But of course that is just second hand information which is exactly what she's spewing without any first hand knowledge so I guess it is worth about as much as her bs.


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Next time, Super Glue.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Damn media maggots. Aimee, I think your mom needs new counsel. There's a little thing called "libel", and this other woman could be crossing the line:


1. A false publication, as in writing, print, signs, or pictures, that damages a person's reputation.
2. The act of presenting such material to the public

And then there's "slander", which is oral communication of the same thing. Yes, we have first amendment rights to "free speech", but there are laws to protect people from maliciously spreading rumors and stories about a person. I'd check into it.

Your mom sounds like a genuinely decent person, and someone I'd like to meet. Give her a big hug when you see her.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
If the kid is a disruption during class time then he needs to have some lesson planning from his parents. Perhaps a trip to the priciples office and some detention...but to tape his mouth shut? I too would be upset. I know kids don't seem to get the guidance they should from home these days, but it in no way gives any teacher the right to take disiplinary matters to a level that is "not the norm".
I would be upset with her as well for taping my kids mouth shut, but not half as upset as I would be with my kid for insiting such a situation.
IMHO, they were both in the wrong. Problem is, teachers are supposed to know better, kids are still learing. Speedy, can you honestly say that this situation would not upset you if it were your kid?
These folks wanting to take this further probably have little better to do with their lives.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by Jaybird
but to tape his mouth shut? I too would be upset.

I don't see the harm. In High School I was a big disruption when I was awake and a loud snorer when I slept. My teachers did everything they could to quiet me down or wake me up.

Some kicked my desk, some put me in a corner after making me make my own dunce cap and color it red or orange (and one time green for whatever reason). I also promised one teacher I'd be quiet the rest of the day and she said I couldn't do it so I got up and grabbed her tape dispenser and taped my own mouth shut.

She laughed, the class laughed and that was what I was looking for... attention.

I have no ill will towards any of the teachers that played along and tried creative ways to keep me from getting out of control.

Tape on the mouth with a kid like I was is funny. It is not a problem and if the parents and the kids don't have a problem with it then we shouldn't either b/c we are only able to see the actions and not the atmosphere surrounding it.

I don't condone abuse or belittling of a child but I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt to the teacher that they may have enough of a relationship with the student to be able to be a little creative at times. It's not like the teacher paddled the student with his pants down in front of class as was the norm a while back when we had a lot less problems out of students. Back then we didn't have so much media attention and special action organizations that are ruining our system and bothering the hell out of me.



Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
< ADMIN EDIT: You know why > She didn't wrap tape around the kids head or slap a big hunk of duct tape across his face. She jokingly stuck a little piece of tape on his lips after trying to get him to be quiet several times. The child in question knew it was a joke and thought it was funny as well as his classmates. They were all cutting up about it and having fun. It was all lighthearted. I only wish I would have had teachers like that. We got dragged by the arm to the principals office and quite often got a board with holes in it across the butt.


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Amiee... what a terrible situation. I'm really sorry to see how out of control things have become. I hope it all blows over soon and can be simply looked back on and laughed at a few months from now.

Good luck to your Mom - sounds like an excellent mother and teacher.

Ivan - you make good points about the tape being a "joke". I too was a talker in elementary school and had to sit in the corner, wear dunce caps, move my desk next to the teacher, write "I will not talk in class" on the chalkboard, etc. One time I had to write an essay on "my life as a piece of chalk" as a punishment and read it outloud to the class - I don't remember why. That was in 5th grade. I guess times are changing though... and people see light-hearted punishments as an opportunity to make a big fuss. Gimme a break.

Jaybird - yeah I may have been upset as a parent, but a simple explaination and apology would have been the end to it. Then I probably would have let out a little chuckle and wish I had a picture of the incident for laughs. :moon:
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Damn Yankees
Apr 19, 2000
Man my girlfriend is halfway through teachers college. I hope she doesn't have to deal with that. Then again Canadians aren't as big on the media sueing thing here anyway. If your mom worked here it wouldn't have been a media issue anyway. Sorry to here that. Tell her to teach in Canada the pay is a lot better here for teachers. 70k after 10 years :)


Jan 27, 2000

That is very sad. Your mom sounds like one of those GOOD teachers that we all had and remember long after we get out of school. The one's that made a difference in our lives.

My wife was a teacher for the Long Beach district. She did many of these things. Gave kids money that didn't have money to eat on. Took kids home that missed the bus. Spent much of her own time and money for things that the district said they could not afford like text books and supplies. Spent countless hours making up lesson plans and grading papers after her regular hours at school only to be told by people how lucky she was to only have to work 6 hours a day. What a joke.

The media is in a feeding frenzy. They jump on something like this like the vultures they are. Doesn't have to be true, only news worthy.

The district, (Long Beach anyway), won't support the teachers even when they know the teacher is right. They are so afraid of a law suit from parents that they will bend over backwards for the parents even if it means sacrificing a good teacher.

The parents, (most of them anyways) are only looking for a baby sitter. They expect the teachers to teach their kids and also do the things that the parents themselves don't seem to have the time for anymore. A lot of parents are too busy to spend the necessary time with their kids in the evening with homework and lessons. But, if the kid doesn't do good in school, it is the teachers fault.

The kids know what they can and can't get away with. They know what their rights are and will push to the limits. It used to be scary to be sent to the principals office, not anymore.

Since my wife retired from teaching she has seen what a difference she made with her kids. It has been many years since she taught and she still gets cards and letters and phone calls from her kids. Many still come by the house to see her and now they bring their own kids with them.

Several of her students have gone on to be very successful and a few are teachers themselves. They tell her that it is because of her and the confidence that she instilled in them is the reason for their success.

Tell your mom to hang in there. There are a lot of us that know what kind of teacher she is and we really thank her for what she has done.

This will blow over.


Jaybird..Unless you have walked in those shoes. :|
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Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by nikki
That was in 5th grade.

For me it was my senior year :)

My mom would have provided duct tape for the teachers in my case. She then would have given them instructional classes on how best to affix the duct tape to my head so as to reduce any potential mumbling, grunts or miscellaneous noises I may try to put out :p



AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
70k Canadian . . . isn't that about 12 bucks? ;)

GSR, I'm not at a loss for words over your mother's situation, but if I used them the rest of my post would be full of ****s!

This is the main reason I didn't become a teacher back when I graduated college in 91. I could see the writing on the wall. If it were the parent of the kid that got taped, then maybe I could understand, but it'd still be an overreaction. Since it's another parent altogether, all I see is a busybody li-beral, probably a card-carrying member of the ACLU, with way too much time on their hands. I think your mom has a case to sue whoever for slander, libel, mental anguish, loss of consortium, etc. The NEA should be on her side, and their supposed to have some pretty good lawyers.

I guess I had plenty to say after all :confused: Tell Mother Speedy that she's got a lot of support from a bunch of doofy dirt bikers, for what it's worth. :)


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
I'll tell you one thing this whole thing has taught me. Not to believe everything you read or hear. You never can truely know the circumstances surrounding a situation or even all the facts unless you were there.

Obviously in this particular case I have first hand knowlege of the character of the person involved. I've been in my Mother's classroom many times over the years and watched her teach. I wish I had had more teachers like her. She makes things fun and uses humor a lot.
I don't think most people realize how difficult it can be to keep the attention of 30+ children for 6 or 7 hours! I don't see how you could survive without a sense of humor. And trust me 6th graders are no angels.

Even though I don't have kids, I can guarantee if this happened to one of mine and I knew the circumstances of the situation I would not be upset. I'm not that uptight. I would take a piece of tape on my lips in jest over some of the humiliating things teachers did to me when I was a kid without them ever laying a hand on me.


Jun 5, 2001
It has been said already and it's this, knowing what kind of relationship the teacher has with their students means everything. The parent of the other kid is the type that wants to file a lawsuit against a TV station because the pursuit they aired caused them emotional strain. Give me a break! This third party BS has got to go, if it doesn't involve you, keep your comments to yourself. Aimee's Mom obviuosly goes above and beyond in her duties as a teacher, more than we normally get from people. If the kids in the classroom all agreed that their take on it was in jest, none were bothered or upset by it and the teacher has that type of relationship with them, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. If my child was on the stickey end of the tape situation, and I knew the teacher personally (by going to meet them at meetings and back to school nights), I can honestly say that I would not be upset about it. It's not like the kids are in first grade and they don't understand the reasoning and humor. Kids in 5th and 6th grade are looking for the attention of the other students and the teacher because they want to stand out in front of their friends.

I can bet that this idiot parent has never once participated in the class for anything up to this point and now they want to look like the concerned parent. Bull****! I can also bet that they didn't even know the name of their kids teacher either.


Feb 9, 2000
Aimee, sounds like your Mom and the parent concerned need to work out a joint statement, maybe do something together to show no harm done.

Man school was different in my day, a taped mouth was nothing, disrupt a class, and you got thrown out, better yet, a good caning. One of the teachers decided to take matters into his own hands, clipped one boy across the earhole, the boy responded and knocked the teacher out. Funny thing is, neither the boy nor the teacher got into too much trouble, the boy got a reprimand, the teacher too, we all called it quits, and went on with our lives. (BTW, the boy was really disruptive and a menace, deserved the clip on the earhole !)

As long as your mother has the affected kids parents on her side, maybe she can resolve this amicably. A second unaffected party has no real standing, can't sue or anything. Your mother needs a good lawyer.


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
Somebody tape Jaybirds keyboard :eek: :) :p


Sponsoring Member
Jan 24, 2002
GSR, your mom has my sympathies. I teach as well, and I sometimes get tired of hearing what an easy job I have and how I'm lucky to get paid what I do (NM is 49th in pay scales for the US). The public doesn't seem to care about what happens to their kids until there is a tragedy or a chance to profit from it (like this parent with your mom). Teachers are supposed to be baby sitters, social workers, guidance councilers, police officers and in their spare time, teach. Seeing something like what happened to your mom almost makes you want to give it up, and then a kid comes back to see me to tell me I am the only teacher who made him wanna do something with his life and now I think they are right, I am lucky to have this job! Iknow she already knows this, but tell her to think of the countless lives she has touched for the better and that will help her forget this crappola! (sp?)


Sponsoring Member
Apr 20, 2001
How pathetic.

I wonder if the teachers union might have representation to pursue folks who have embelished or speculated about the truth in a public forum such as the media.

If any support through letters or such is needed, just let me know.
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Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
TTR Guy,
Why must you resort to name calling? Do you talk to people like that in person? Is it because I didn't offer Mom a hug?
I merely stated my opinion on the matter, and I don't think it was too outrageous of an opinion. Not once did I condone the actions of the young man, and as for the actions of the media....well...they were par for the course...especially in the land of holier than thou, CA. You did notice I stated I felt they had too much time on their hands. I suggest you use a different tone with me or none at all. Thanks.

ol'89r, Not sure what you mean by "walked in those shoes" Who's shoes? The kids, or the teachers, or the media's? I've made many a mile in a kids shoes besides owning 4(all currently in school). Plus I grew up in a family of teachers, school board pres., etc... My wife is currently a child advocate for the court system...not sure what all that's worth..but....I don't think I'm totally unqualified to comment here.

I think this has sure helped Speedy see one thing for sure:
You never can truely know the circumstances surrounding a situation or even all the facts unless you were there.


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Jaybird, thanks a ton for the advice but you might as well keep your suggestions to yourself. I guess I am sorry for calling you an ass but it just happened to be exactly what I was thinking at the time and yes I would have said it in person. I normally try to keep my emotions at bay and don't actually TRY to piss people off - How about you? Sorry but you can keep the holier than thou attitude - I've seen TONS of your posts where you let your true colors shine!

You still don't seem to get it - It was all in fun and the kid himself was laughing! She didn't actually TAPE HIS MOUTH SHUT! It was a small piece of tape on his lips.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Jaybird, actually when I read your post I originally had the same first line typed that TTRguy did.

Your posts usually come across as intending to incite. I don't like it but I give you the benefit of the doubt and hope that you are a little better in person than I see on the boards. I know not everyone likes my posts either so I just chalk it up to mis-communication usually.

Overall, I like many of your posts but you have wayyy to many that make me want to call you bad names :)


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