Weight Loss Contest Anyone?


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by Papakeith
. . . Beer is the enemy. But I love the enemy!!!:ugg:
I hear ya. I am down below 290 though. :) Cutting back to one beer a night helps some. Two beers a night tastes better, unfortunately! :D


Jul 6, 2000
Ok, I have'nt posted for a while but as of April 1st, I'm at 201 lbs down 29lbs since Jan. 1. I feel great and I'm riding as well as ever, but I'm not sure any better since I've lost the lbs. I'm still Nordic - Tracing and eating nutriant rich, and have just about decided to do some serious weight training, except trying not to work the fore-arms too much because I don't want arm pump. Anybody have any good weight training systems that don't focus on a Mr. Univese type body? I race off road which is always at least a 2 hour race and I need an endurance type body, not a Mr. Universe style. I hope everybody is having a positive experiance with this contest. I just hope I can keep it up. Good luck everyone!!

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
Mikromo; I just broke out the weight bench today. I am trying to lean down and firm up. My plan is to do three workouts a week, upper and lower body at the same time. Two sets of ten to fifteen reps on each of the muscle groups. About twelve different exersizes with the free weights. Bench press, squats, curls, etc.
Nothing to particularly target the forearms.
I started REALLY light and plan to build the weight very gradually. I could do much more, but do not wish to injure myself.
I had lost about 17 lbs since December something, but have found some of it again. I need to lose about 20 more.
My best advice to anyone is to get a partner and stay on schedule. It is very easy to find a reason not to work out! The partner thing is to keep each other motivated and on the schedule.
And really loud rock and roll music. Van Halen. 1984.
Anybody wish to critique my plan? I welcome it!


Aug 15, 2001
I want to join in.. but I will have to wait a few weeks before I start. I have to continue with the 'sympathy weight gain' while the wife is prego...

But after the twins arrive I may have to start drinking heavily as I will probably not get to ride much..... maybe I will have to be satisfied with fat and tan. Now to work on that tan....

hows that for an excuse?



May 3, 2001
I weighed my self and have gone down to 153 from 160 that's about 2 pounds a month ;) ohwell slow and steady.
later and good luck


Dec 30, 2001
Well, I broke the curse and am now loosing 2 or 3 lbs a week and thats about 20lbs so far, and I am now growling like a lima bean I'm back from 5'6 and just about 5'9 now. and my self esteme has gone way through the roof. now I just need encentive to keep up the good work...any one want to help me?


Apr 15, 2002

just got here and havent scrolled through the pages......
But im 17 at 5'7" (tiptoe on my yz :ugg: ) and 149 lbs, with a 7% body fat.
Wanna get down to about 135, and lower my body fat. The reason the % is so low is cause they factor in my triceps, which are cut, and they dont measure my gut. So i guess 135, with a visible six pack, hell it is summer, and im in a dry spell.


geez i hope im not resurecting an old thread.. shoulda read on.


Apr 15, 2002

just to clarify some things i have read....

I went to a high school where damn near everyone was a supermodel. In my high school body development class, instead of telling kids not to drink, they told us it was fattening :think: . One ounce of liquor contains about 7 grams of fat. Each gram converts roughly to about 9 calories. That is 63 calories per ounce of liquor. Someone please correct me if im wrong. Now if a beer contains 12 ounces (assuming you sissy's are not downing 40's.) That converts to roughly 750 calories i think. HOLY CRAP!

For that guy who said he eats sandwhiches instead of supersizing his combo, ask them to take off the mayo, or better yet, dont eat there at all! A Ultimate bacon cheeseburger from Jack in the Box has approx. 1200 calories! with fry's and a non-diet coke, your looking at damn near a 2k calorie a day diet without eating breakfast or dinner.

Stay away from sportdrinks, unless you are running alot, for instance 3+ miles. And balance your cardio work outs. MON WED FRI lift weights. TUE THUR run a circuit . A effective circuit (for me) is one lap warm up, then a lap, stopping every 1/4 lap to do a exercise, so stop four times. First time do like situps, second time push ups, third time lunges, fourth time pull ups. And on the second curve, run the curve backwards, it works your calves, and helps with shin splints. Four laps of the stopping , then another lap cool down. And dont forget to sprint that last 1/4 of the last lap, it really raises your heart rate!

If you guys are trying to eat salads, remember, dressing IS the devil, i just checked and the ranch dressing in my cuboard is 22% your daily value, for TWO tablespoons, who the hell uses two??? i use like 4-5 ergo it is now 50%. Switch to low or non-fat, and if possible dont use dressing, use a lemon or something.

SORRY for the long post, but i have taken training clases and i was sorta like a track star guy, anyone need help, pointers etc.... pm or email me at tomhedy@hotmail.com

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Old CR goat

Sponsoring Member
Nov 10, 2000
Sorry 909, calories it has, carbs it has, fat it don't. Light beer about 105 cal, Reg. about 150 cal. from carbs not fat.

Experience is the best teacher ;)


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
OK. I have read this whole thread and its gotten me curious. Where do people stand on this? Hows the progress going for everyone??


Sep 14, 2001
Well, I ride my bycycle 55 miles per week, ride my dirt bike twice a week, working 60 hours per week and I am sticking at 220 lbs. my eating habits are not effective and i crave sugar after exercising. My muscle mass has increased and my fat % has decrease but I had a physical last month and my cholestorol is over 200 and my doc says I need to lose 12 -15 lbs to get my bmi down. I feel 100% better since beginnin the regimen and I aim to pursue the weight loss further. But I am disappointed with myself for taking 70% of the steps neccessary for leading a healthy life but still need to eat better.


Aug 29, 2002
I have went from 204 to 193 in about a year. Muscle mass has increased but not where it should be. When your 32 years old it gets tough because the metabolism isn't as fast. I found that a good cardio work out in combination with hitting the free weights helps burn fat faster. Especially when you rest! Do not over-train. I have friends that are using the Atkins diet and running. They have lost a lot of pounds but they look deathly ill. I don't think it has helped their riding.

I try to stay away from excess sugar. If I go to Wendy's I have chili. Never drink beer and soda.

Old CR goat

Sponsoring Member
Nov 10, 2000
I'm 43, so it ain't easy. I've lost 40lbs, still smoking though not as much(my Doc says that's like saying I only rob branch banks now). Still need to drop about 15lbs, it's coming off, just slow.


Jul 30, 2001
I'm 38 and have lost 50lbs in about 6 to 8 months time by drinking Slim-Fast in the morning instead of a big breakfast. I cut way down on the carbonated beverages too. Threw in a little more excercise, and now it is pretty easy to keep it off. Back to a 34 waist instead of a 38 and my riding/stamina improved as well.
Even now being off from riding for almost 3 months I have gained very little back (2 to 3 lbs.) I think my metabolism has increased so I can splurge on some meals etc. without it causing me to gain it back.

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
What was I thinking?


Aug 6, 2001
I hate fast food, I think it's nasty. The only place that I eat that can be considered fast food is Subway. Anyways here is my stats: I'm 5'10", 170lbs, and I'm trying for around 160-5lbs. and it's coming faster now because of football season. :confused:


Apr 26, 2000
6'5" 170 lbs. I am looking to GAIN! Any one care to give me some extra weight?
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