
Jul 6, 2000
Well, here it is May 1, and everybodys shut up about the weight loss contest. How many of you guys gave it up and went back to the 6 pack a night routine? I've hung on and stand at 30 lbs dropped since Jan. 1. I'm having a fine scotch ( Johnny Walker black ) as I write this thread. I have not had a beer since Dec. 31st, and I don't really miss it. I continue to eat a well balanced high nutrition diet, and have grown to enjoy it. My goal is still 50lbs down by Dec. 31, 02 and I think I'm going to make it. I just had my yearly physical today: BP 120/70 resting heart rate: 55 colesterol: way lower than ever 155mg. 1st race of the season: May 4th my 51st B day. I'm telling you I feel great! Hope some of you guys are doing as well, I look and feel 10 years younger, just hope I ride that way on Sat! Lets hear how everyone out there is doing. Good luck to all!


Feb 20, 2001
Well I'm still going to the gym every other day for weights and cardio on off days. I try to get one day in where I do atleast 1 hr straight of cardio. I don't know if it's helped my riding skills. I still ride like a spode. The only thing is I can do it longer ;)


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
I'm eating as many carbs(chips-n-beer) as my petite frame can handle. Crashing hurt more without the extra padding. ;) :whiner:

Actually, I fell of the diet wagon about a month ago. I haven't gained back all that I'd lost but I can tell I found a couple of pounds again. :(


Nov 5, 2001
Over the last three months ive cut down on beer, and started eating much more responsibly, ive been doing a lot of cardio-running, e-bike, step machine and lots of swimming also and also high rep. low mass weights. i wanted to get down from 220lbs to about 200lbs.

everyone has been commenting on how much weight ive lost, ive gone in 2 notches on my belt and my clothes are starting to hang off me. so i went and got myself weighed again and guess what?

ive gained 4lbs! :eek:

ah well, i feel much stronger and fitter, i will just keep at it and not worry about weight, but more about strength and fitness!



Mar 27, 2002
Hey just getting into this web site and would like some tips on how to burn some cals!!!! I ride as much as I can and starting to go to the gym after 3 years out. Would like some ideas for a good fat burning diet.



Sep 14, 2001
I am plateaued as far as weight loss. I am riding my mountain bike 20 miles on Tuesday and another 20-25 on Thursday everyweek. I am by far much more"in shape" and have tons more energy. I have been doing the cardio type workoputs but also have been working 12 hour days so it is tough to eat right every day. many late dinners and off to bed.
Mike, haven't seen you at the races. Am I missing you are have you not been going. There have been many a mud race and the race this weekend has actually been postponed. I am glad as I amtired of tearing upo equipment riding in the mud.


Jul 6, 2000
I decided to skip the Missouri series, and run the Foward Motion series only this year. I just can't fit them both in and I wanted to defend my title. At the 1st race I finished 3rd, but in the 45c class that I run in, 1st thru third passed the entire 125-200c class, which started 2 minutes b-4 us! I felt great the whole race, but gave up too much at the start when my bike took 4 - 5 kicks to start. Plus the 1st place guy was very fast, and my buddy Tom ( 2nd ) was'nt cutting me any slack. On the fittness front, I've finaly broken thru my sticking point of 30 lbs and have lost 5 more since I started phase 2, which is lifting weights. I lift 3 times a week, and am keeping the weight low cause I don't want big muscles, just a stronger me. Anyway I refuse too quit on this fitness thing and it is making a difference in all aspects of my life. I cant wait for race 2 June 2nd. Keep the faith everybody! :cool:


Jul 30, 2001
Been losing weight for about a year now and have managed to lose a little over 50 lbs by replacing my usually fattening breakfast with a Slim Fast, and by cutting my carbonated beverage intake (Coke fully leaded) to about 2 to 3 a day compared to 10 to 12 a day. Now I drink at least 5 time more water per day than before since I cut back on the Cokes.
I haven't physically lost any weight for about 4 months now but my waist and gut continue to get smaller. I really don't get more excercise than I used to other than maybe riding once a week more than I did before.
Know anyone that needs some size 38 pants? I'm back down to 34's and loving it.

BTW....I'm right at 200lbs now at age 38. I graduated high school at about 185lbs and excellent shape.
By the way.....can anyone tell me what that thing is sticking out below my waist now? Oh never mind thats my Johnson.

Good luck to all those out there trying to lose some pounds. If you don't see results, don't give up it's just a matter of time.
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Shawn Mc

Apr 8, 2002
Those slim fast drinks are great, about 9 of them with a cheeseburger will almost kill a hunger pang!

94ruk you need Atkins, spend 6 bucks on the book and read it before you listen to a bunch of people trash it. I was in the same boat. You need to jump start your metabolism. The Atkins diet will do that. Then you can probably survive on Fritos and Colt45!


Dec 30, 2001
Well, I have lost a total of 24 lbs and have went from a size 40 waist to a 34, but have hit a stand still I will loose some weight then put it back then loose it then put it back. And I broke my thumb so I can't get on my mountain bike like I was before.


Jul 6, 2000
The June 2nd Foward Motion hare scramble has come and gone, and I had my best race ever! The fitness really paid off big. It was a hot humid day, low 90's at Carbondale and I finished 18th overall ( 90 some riders ) 1st in class by a lap. After the 1st lap at 29mins, I rode 4 more in the 26's. I must have passed at least 10 - 12 riders on the last lap. I could have ridden another, I felt so good! I now know that my training schedule is paying off, and I don't plan on quitting ever. I am Nordic-tracking 60 mins a day 6 days a week, and lifting weights 3 times a week, monday, wensday, and friday. I bought a weight bench and 6 barbells, 2 10lb, 2 15lb, and 2 20lb units. I got a book at the library, Top Shape by Joyce L. Vedral and its working great, I just completed week 4. I was concerned about arm pump, but was pleasently suprised during the race when I had none. Usually it takes a lap or so for my hands to wake up, but not even a tingle this time. I've got to say I'm stoked! Next weekend is Knob Noster and I can't wait. I'll keep you all posted. Kevin, don't try anything rash, the platuea's will pass. Just keep on going' and pretty soon your body will respond. Good luck everybody! :aj:


Sep 25, 2000
Could you guys give me some tips on lossing weight? I just started my workout plan. I cycle about 10miles in the morning and swim 10 laps everyday.

How do I gage how much is too much? I'm at 210 pounds and I'm taking Xendrine. I drink as much water as I can. Should I wear warm clothing in the morning when I go my cycle so that l'll persire more?



I've been feeling very UNmotivated as of late, I'm sad to say. Heck, last time I got my shoes shined, I had to take the guy's word for it...
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