
Dec 30, 2001
well, I lost 16 lbs but I have shrunk 1 1/2 so I am now 5'6 1/2 (yikes) I need to hit the vitimans and more exersizing, the weight loss is at a stand still, haven't been able to loose anymore weight. I need some help on what work outs to do also, so please help I want to loose atleast 25lbs more for prom time, and maybe grow to 5'10 ( woooh, god give me the stringth to GROW!).


Dirtweek Junkie
Feb 15, 2002
How do you shrink an 1 1/2" is the gravity especially strong where you are at. :think Just kidding keep up the good work on your wieght loss. You'll get there.

I am down 5#. sure is hard its crawfish season here, and nothing goes better with boiled seafood than cooooooooooooooooooooold BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :moon:


Jul 6, 2000
I'm down to 206 ( from 230 ) for a big total of 24lbs, since Jan. 1. I feel a lot better and look much better too. Only 26lbs left to go, but I gave myself all year to get there so I'm pleased at this point. On the racing front, The 1st hare scamble of the year was somewhat of a disapointment. I could muster no more than a 5th place in the super senior class,and my best lap was the practice lap! I may have to stop running the practice laps, because its just another lap to wear me down. Anyway, I'll just keep on keeping on and report my progress. Hey 94ruck, How'd you do at Lebanon? Good to finally put a face to a DRN member.:cool:


Dec 12, 2000
I took me a 5 weeks to loose 6 pounds. 206 down from 212.
I am pumped about getting my endurance up lately. I started out running a mile in 11 minutes 30 seconds and only able to bike for about 10 minutes to now, i'm ran a 7 minute 30 second mile and ride a bike for an 60 minutes for 21 miles. :aj:

Old CR goat

Sponsoring Member
Nov 10, 2000
Originally posted by BigLou
BTW-Old CR Goat, I made need some reciprocal support here!:)

No problem Lou, Want me to send you a copy of my diet:scream: .
" If you put it in your mouth and it tastes good, spit it out"
I'm down to 216 now:cool: Losing steady. If a fat old goat like me can drop the pounds, I know you can.


Jul 26, 1999
OK guys...I'm in. I gotta loose weight, get in shape and eat better. Last time I got weighed...at the doctor, I think I was 172 pounds. That's up 12 pounds from a year ago. That's gotta go. But, the main thing I have to work on is...My cholesterol (sp?) was 249!!! That's got to come down.

I had fish for three meals in a row. I haven't had red meat in 2 weeks. I'm on lots of fruits and veggies.

My doctor has also put my on 1500mg of Niacin a day. Anyone else on this to combat high cholesterol?

I did 38 minutes on the tread mill this week, and I'm hitting the track tommorrow!

Oh...BTW...I'm 30, 5'9" and about 172. I'd like to get back down to 155-160. (When I graduated from college, I was 135 pounds.)

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
Wow! I came in here looking for a diet regiment, as my short frame is carrying way to much poundage. 5'8" and 185 lbs. I need to lose about 25 lbs, but my evil wife keeps doing things like making shrimp jambalaya with a fresh batch of choc chip cookies...mmm choclate melty things.

Looks like I'm going to have to start using that treadmill that we keep stepping around in our room. Any eating program suggestions?

Hey Ruck, see you at Steelville, we are going there instead of the Merwin team race. BTW, Chadwick run this Sunday...


Sep 14, 2001
Chadwick Sunday?! Let me check with my crew but I think I am in!!I am still fighting soreness in my chest and I got some heavy duty scabs on my knees and elbows but I think I am ride ready!:aj:


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
I haven't done any weigh-ins. The home scale only goes to 280 :( so I have to rely on the fit of my clothes and general wellness.
I spent 1 1/2 weeks on the induction phase of the Atkins diet. I was going along beautifully. I didn't really miss the breads or any other "banned" foods. That is untill I went to my nephews B-day party. Home made pizza. Three different cakes (It was my nieces and sis-in-law b-day party too) and beermmmmm, beeeeeer. I lost it! Since then I've keep a close check on my daily carb intake. But nowhere near a stringent as Atkins prescribes. I'm keeping carbs between 40-50 grams daily. If I don't notice a continued loss, I will cut back furthur.
On the bright side, I had to break out my sewing machine and take in my dress slacks aprox 1 inch:). I'm also starting to get comments from people. Visually, I can't tell the difference, But I have to cinch the belt 1- 2 notches tighter now than when I began.:)

Lou If you want more support give a call or email.


Sep 14, 2001
I did the atkins diet a couple of years ago and lost 25 lbs in 3 months...motocrossed in the texas /ok procircuit series during that time. I had enough strength to get on the bike, ride five lasp and stop while doing that diet. Now i watch my intake and eat everything in moderation, exercise regularly and feel a whole lot better. I just gotta eat somethin' to keep me from crashin' now. Still exercising for 2 -2hour seesions during the week and then riding on the weekend 1 day for the entire day plus oving around alot more at work. Conditioning still gaining and sleeping much better.


Dec 30, 2001
Alright yall, my weight loss is compleatly at a stand still (even thow I can run faster and lift more) I need to know how to loose fat and not gain much more mussel. I expecialy need to know how to knock off some of my rump roast:D .

My meal plan is chicken for breakfast ( I know I know it is to fattening, but too good to pass up), a snickers for lunch, a bowl of froot loops when I get home, and hambrger helper for dinner.

And when I get home I do my work outs: puch ups, sit ups, curls, squats, backwards situps, wind mills, jumping jacks, leg streches, do 50lbs lifts on my bench, and 2 times a week ride 1 mile on my bike.

What else should I add to help me loose some holliday fat?


Sep 14, 2001
mikromo, I fell down and went boom at lebanon, got up after spending some time on the ground(I was 2nd vet at that point), was going to head to the truck as i was bleeding and knock the wind out of me...got back up to speed and decided to race, finishing 7th vet, 52 overall but i still got 4 laps in and did some passing. i am ready for park Hill even though there is some soreness. i feel like my training has helped me alot. i was ready for the 5th lap and i came in at 2:22 at the end of my 4th...still had strength to spare.
CRSWADE-trust me dude, you don't need to be on this weight loss thread...I weighed more than you do now when I was in 8th grade!!
See yall this weekend!
BTW..stil at 22o but I am working 12 hour shifts and still working out and i sleep better and feel better all around. need to lose 10 more lbs but endurance definately improved!1(ask my wife)


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Well according to the Drs. scale, I have broken (barely) the 300 pound mark.
The official weight is 299.999999999~ But it's under 300!!!:aj:
Only 85 more pounds to go:ugg: .


Oct 10, 1999
Well ok,

I admit I read the first page of this thread and now skipped to the last page, don't know what was posted in the middle. I'm about a year late, so here is my story. I am 32 years old. January 2001 I was 5'8 and 215lbs. By January 2002 I am still 5'8 and now 160lbs.

I read the Dr. Atkins book. I now stay way way away from sugar (gatorade, power aid, orange juice etc.etc.) that is evil. I switched from beer to scotch. I maintain carbs about 10gms-80gms/day. I am still loosing and am 5 lbs from my goal of 155. I took off 6 inches from my waist.

I sold the big ATK406 and bought a 2001 WR250F-Wow! what a bike! I can ride all day long now and still come home and do a work out on the Bowflex. Lately, I haven't worked out in a month because I shattered my right wrist. (over the bars!). But low a behold, I just lower my carb intake when my activity is reduced and...Presto! I loose weight.

For all you that are trying to loose just keep it up. Papakeith, I was there dude, keep going and take your time, eventually you'll wake up and realize that your there. Just like me. You know, it took a year to loose but I know now it will NEVER come back. Thank you Dr. Atkins!

Good luck to you all and stay on your course!


Aug 25, 2000
OK - I signed up in the beginning of this thread and have not been regularly posting anything. THis is mainly due to the fact that i am embarrassed of the effort that i have been putting forth. I followed my wifes diet of cakes, doughnuts & cookies and it was just not working.

So - for lent i gave up red meat (actually beef & pork) and all soda pop (i am/was a loyal non-diet drinker). I have really cut back on the sugars too. I pulled my bike out from under all the junk in the garage (that's another DRN thread) and after removing the cobwebs greased the crank & wheel bearings. Now i am actually riding the bike (this is a bicycle, pedals, no engine) as i have committed to riding a 200 mile two day ride in May. :eek: crap - that's just around the corner!! :ugg:

My weight is now at 189.999 (+/- 2) - i started at 200. I will keep ya'll posted.

btw - is someone keeping a spread sheet on everyone's progress? (excuse me - but like i say i have not been reading this thread regularly).


Dirtweek Junkie
Feb 15, 2002
Great work Papakeith!:D I know that is a big accomplishment. Those lightwieghts don't understand how hard it is for us Thin challenged people. I forgot I was in this thread but I got an idea:think . Since it seems you,me, and big lou are the heavywieghts, let's keep each other motivated. That always seems to help when you have a long way to go.I like the email or calling thing I want in.

The scale says i am at 270. down 10.


Feb 17, 2002
I wish I found this thread earlier. Actually I just started 3 weeks ago. I'm 5'6" and started out at 231.5 on Mar 4th.

Mar 11th 227.5
Mar 18th 225.5
Mar 25th 223

I want to continue to lose about 3 pounds a week. No special diet just eating less of everything for example instead of a supersize value meal I just get the sandwich. Oh and the hardest part is I only drink beer on weekends now.


Sep 22, 2000
I've been doing the low carb diet. I've gone from 232 to 218, since January and still trying to lose. A question for others on the low carb diet, How many carbs in a cup of coffee? I think coffee and tea are both real low or zero.


Sep 14, 2001
Yeah BUT if you read the ATKINS book you would find that with a low carb diet that you shouldn't be doing caffiene...I did that diet for 6 months and lost a lot of weight in a short period of time. I have gained some back but it is "healthier " than before.


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Originally posted by Philip
Since it seems you(Papakeith),me, and big lou are the heavywieghts
ya hear the BigLou? He just called you fat! :p But I got top billing! ;)

let's keep each other motivated.
That works for me. Drop me a line.
I haven't been as strict as I was when I started. I am probably back over the 300 mark. Beer is the enemy. But I love the enemy!!!:ugg:


Sep 14, 2001
I am finding motivation to be my enemy..12 hour workdays make it hard to work out twice a week...but I have a workout partner who is training with me so we can challenge each other to perform workouts. I am still 220 but heart rates per workout have dropped and my conditioning is much improved. 2 hour endurance training with heart at 135bpm has done wonders.


Oct 10, 1999

As far as low carb and caffeine. Caffeine does not have carbs-BUT, it will make you feel like you've ate them, i.e. bloated, brain fog, tired and fatigued etc. The caffeine will stimulate your liver to over produce insulin into your blood stream and produce these bad feeling affects. Therefore the recomendation that you stay away from caffeine while on the Atkin's diet. Simply stated in the book "why would you want ot feel that way".

For me I do not gain weight when I consume caffeine, I just don't feel as good.

BTW-I just weighed in at 5 lbs less than a month ago!
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