What the heck is the matter with my clutch?????


Jan 17, 2001
I have a 1996 KX60. When I got the bike the clutch would chatter if you will when it was partially engaged. Kind of like grab slip grab slip really quickly. When the clutch was fully released, it would grab completely and pull with no problem. The chatter was not there. So I pulled off the cover and took the clutch apart. What I noticed was that the clutch wheel appeared to be warped because it had a shiny dull shiny dull shiny pattern all the way around it plus it had some either casting flaws in it or some really small spider cracks in it. I figured that was my problem. The clutch basket had virtually no dimples in it. It looks very slightly used nothing alarming by any standards.

I went out and purchased

a new clutch wheel
a new clutch hub
new clutch friction and metal plates
new clutch springs...

Well, I just got it back together and it is doing the same thing! :debil: :| I am dumbfounded. Has anyone had this problem before with any bike? I really need to figure this out. Does this bike just do this when it is cold? Is this just how this clutch works?


Jan 17, 2001
As a mini update, When looking at the inner clutch wheel there is an arrow on it. I didn't know what this was for so I asked the parts guys and they had no clue. I just spoke to someone and they said that the arrow aligns with some sort of mark on the clutch hub. I couldn't find a mark on the hub. Has anyone done a clutch and knows what mark to look for???

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