
Mar 22, 2000
OK the official tally... 52 women riders entered the Furnace HS today. I'm just guessing, but I suspect this was one of the largest AMA sanctioned women's cross country races of the year... in the US.

It was hot (100 degrees in Sacramento) . The racing was great. I'll leave the details to the ladies.

Thanks to everyone that made it out, I hope you enjoyed it.
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Mar 22, 2000
They wouldn't stop racing.. , hopefully we will have a few race reports when everyone cools down a bit!

I have the preliminary results in hand and the DRN ladies did very well.


Apr 3, 2002
Originally posted by Fe_princess

Where? I don't even see the Prarie City Race on the cross country schedule??
Denise, it will probably be in the Youth Cross Country page...

How's your knee/leg? Jennifer has a good collection of bruises from her 2 crashes... :)



Sep 7, 2001
Originally posted by jennifer

Denise, it will probably be in the Youth Cross Country page...

How's your knee/leg? Jennifer has a good collection of bruises from her 2 crashes... :)


Ride report forthcoming...
I think I pulled the ligaments on both knees, so I'm stiff and sore, but otherwise in good shape.
Thanks for asking. It was really great to meet you!


Apr 3, 2002
Originally posted by Fe_princess

Ride report forthcoming...
I think I pulled the ligaments on both knees, so I'm stiff and sore, but otherwise in good shape.
Thanks for asking. It was really great to meet you!
Great to meet you and Bill too, Denise! I have a tape of the race, including you laying on the ground next to your bike up side down and then you kicking the yamaha 2 gezillions times. Are you interested? ;)

Dennie, nothing on the D36 Wed site, I think you will just have to post the results here... :D


The Ant

Jan 3, 2002
Oh my, where to start? The race was great, very well organized, quite a big deal to be lined up with that many women and all the menfolk buzzing around holding umbrellas and generally trying to help where ever they could. Didn't do the Le Mans start after all because it was too hot, we just did hands on helmet, cold engine... which gave e-starters a deffinite advantage - Jennifer got out 3rd, I was 4th!! Got passed before the first corner then again before the first drop off into this deep sandy wash single track into some bushes, having racers hot on my trail meant I had no time to dither about yipes(!) and rode thru it probably the best of all my laps, came around a corner onto the mx track and a bike was down sideways which I joined when I tried to get around her.(splat)....so got the first crash over, now had an open track as planned - everyone in my heat was long gone! But as I started catching up, found out what single track desert racing means...dust. Dust enough to obscure the trail suface if you got too close, and track was mostly too narrow and rocky to pass easily - so when I came to a wide uphill and the 2 in front of me went left, I went right shifted into 4th gunned it... and hit a foot high rock shelf about 30 feet up the hill that I couldn't see dead on - went over the bars pretty hard...enough to just sit there a bit and think about life... one gal stopped to ask if I was okay - not too many people passed me I don't think, but then, how would I know??? :-)
So checked all moving parts, got back on - fortunately I'd bounced up above the shelf and had landed on a big flat rock - no pointy things, so got started up and went off slowly til I got my confidence back and then started to pick it up again. Somehow the dust was never as bad later on, and I managed to stay upright the rest of the time, loved the little zigzag tunnel thru the trees, found that there were spots to pass and be passed safely but one had to be patient, know I got lapped by the front runners - there were a couple gals there who were incredibly fast..and Jennifer was running in 4th place for most of the race, wow. Got to check out my rock shelf (stayed left this time) several times more and was amazed to see it was painted flourescent orange even.... so my big lesson was "Never ride blind thru dust". No kidding. And I was pretty glad to see that checkered flag... 45 minutes was plenty!
All in all it was a great experience, fun time, looking forward to next year!

BTW, FePrincess, I think its your comb I found on the picnic table and blue towel? My email is [email protected] if you'd like me to mail it to you, send me your address.
Hope everyone who crashed is recovering fast!


Apr 3, 2002
It was awesome riding with everyone. Sounds like we all came out with bruises. Fe Princess... sorry to hear about your knees. Susan, I think, got pretty banged up and my date with the ditch was quite an experience. It looked like flat land with a few bumps... SURPRISE, SURPRISE!!!!! Needless to say, I have a very sore wrist and thumb. Do you think that we will all make it to the next race?

Who's doing the Prime Time at Metcalf?


Mar 22, 2000
I guess I better post the results that I have... they are unofficial:

JR #432: 3rd in class and 4th overall out of 52 riders, 5 laps.
SP #412: 3rd in class and 8th overall, 4 laps.

If you let me know your numbers I can post the rest. Sorry about all the bangs and bruises. You all rode like screaming banshees around the course and it was a true cross country layout. We had a club debrief last night and were all talking about the speed the women's class, incredible!


Apr 3, 2002
Thanks for posting the results Dennie, Jennifer kept asking me every 10 mins to check if they were published online... :)

Way to go Susan and Jennifer!!! Two 3rd places! Jennifer's first trophy and tomorrow is her birthday!!! Woohoo!!!

Pierre ;)

The Ant

Jan 3, 2002
Wow Jennifer, you did great! Wonder how they divided up the classes - thought we were in the same, maybe there was an over/under 40 age group? Elsinore's gonna be FUN! Imagine if we BOTH manage to stay upright?! My new plan is to just keep you in sight and hope you wear down.... :-)


Apr 3, 2002
Hey there Ant!

You did an awesome job as well! Congrats! Regarding the stats.... I thought that we were in the same group too???? Maybe Dennie can help with that?

Actually, you helped me with strategy... so maybe a thanks are in order! I tried to conserve energy on Sun. and things worked out. However, you have got way more endurance than me. You were amazing at Elsinore last year! I will be worried!

It was really awesome hanging out with you and E-ticket this weekend!


Sep 27, 2001
Congratulations you two! My hat is off to both of you! We, unfortunately, weren't able to make it. I was running errands Sunday morning when it was nearing 100 Degrees and I said to Justin, "Geez, I am glad I am not riding today!" It was probably hard enough to just get your gear on, let alone race!
Justin and I went riding yesturday at Deer Creek. It was 3 months since I had ridden my "big" bike (the Trial's bike doesn't compare) and I felt like I was riding a BEAST! Hopefully I will be ready for the Training Wheels in November!




Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Yepper! Congratulations to all of you, I sure I wish I could have been there. Chicago was fun/productive, but I really wanted to enter that race and see you all. I hope Cindy Roberson is okay, anyone heard from her?

Happy Birthday Jen!! Now I owe you and Pierre TWO cakes!!! :)


Apr 3, 2002
Originally posted by GETMETOCA
I hope Cindy Roberson is okay, anyone heard from her?
From Tami Rowell: "Cindi Roberson is home from the hospital and doing fine. She broke some ribs, punctured a lung, and has a nasty slice between her eyes. She was pacing Naomi, waiting for the right opportunity to take the overall lead, and apparently got tangled up with a lapper (there were many, as the course was only 3.5 miles long with all 52 riders on the course at the same time) and they both went down. Cindi thinks the other gal possibly broke her wrist. Anyway, she's a tough customer and she'll bounce back good as new, I'm sure. "


Jan 22, 2002
Congratulations to jennifer and The Ant! :yeehaw: :yeehaw: :yeehaw:
I'm so happy that my riding buddies got trophies from the race with 52 women! That's so cool!!!
And all of you who rode the race in that unbelievably hot weather, you guys are awesome, too. I was hiding in a shade that day...... :ugg:

Jen and Susan, I look forward to your plaques at the Elsinore GP!!

PS: I sent an email to Cindi. Hope she is not too uncomfortable......


Mar 22, 2000
Here's a couple more stats about the race:
220+ riders
52 women, including 30 in the beginner class
16 youth girl riders - 1 raced a CR450F (68 female riders total)
160+ kids
115+ riders in their first D-36 event this year
16 riders in the 125 youth class (an event specific class)
50+ on-site volunteers
Contingency prizes of approximately $3,000
High temperature - a Furnace-like 100 degrees

BIGTIME kudos to Susan and Jennifer. They really were tearing around the course. Overall the ladies redefined their presence in the off-road racing world in Northern California this weekend. There are more riders than folks realize and they are more skilled and much faster than they get credit for (although I knew all along!!!).

Congrats again... oh, the Second Annual Furnace may include portions of the Hangtown National track...

The Ant

Jan 3, 2002
You should post those photo samples, great one of FePrincess dramatically Under her bike... and just shows the general start. And o'course all those of Jen going fast!!!


Apr 3, 2002
Susan, I did not post the photos because they are just a few stills extracted from my camcorder so the quality is very poor... I can also extract stills of Susan going fast but I am just going to send you a copy of the film... as soon as I figure out why I can't copy back the film from my computer to my camcorder! $@&#% computers!!! :)

Dennie, I looked at the result page on the D36 Web site and there seem to be an error. The 125 class and 125+ class both list the same riders...

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