
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
What are you doing to keep in shape this winter?

I want to know your secrets.

I play racquetball 3-5 times per week and do some other less fun stuff at the gym.

I believe that the whole weight loss thing is 80% what you eat, 10% exercise and 10% genetics. That is why I can exercise my azz off and still not lose many pounds - I LOVE FOOD - I LOVE BEER - I have gained 10 pounds this season and I am not happy.


Oct 8, 2009
About 10-15 hours of X-box per week, and I usually try to mix in a dirt bike game or two to keep my riding skills in tip top shape. :cool:. That coupled with a diet of ho-ho's, zebra cakes, and mountain dew!! :) .


Nov 17, 2005
I've lost ten pounds since the first of October, increased to 60 situps, and gotten up to 100 pushups per day. I got a Bowflex at the end of November, and have moved from 60 pounds of bench press to eleven reps at 160 pounds. I'm jump roping for fifteen minutes, three times per week, and also working abs, shoulders, chest fly, etcetera. Never before in my life have I ever been able to bench 160 lbs, and never could I do more than thirty pushups. Situps, I once did 59 in sixty seconds as a skinny & scrawny sophmore in high school, and I'm almost there as well.

I quit eating desserts, and reduced my portion sizes by one-third. When I'm thirsty, I drink a glass of water instead of grabbing a coke. There's now muscle where there wasn't any before, ever! I get hungry before noon now, and the same goes around dinner time, but an orange or apple usually makes it manageable. I was nearly at a size 38 waist but now I'm a 35 or a 34 waist.

That last end-of-season ride kicked my butt and woke me up, and I wanna be able to manhandle the WR500 next spring instead of it manhandling me.

Remember that calories in = calories out. Spend more calories, take in less calories, and you'll get stronger and thinner, regardless of genetics.

UP Magoo

Apr 4, 2002
Rivard809 said:
About 10-15 hours of X-box per week, and I usually try to mix in a dirt bike game or two to keep my riding skills in tip top shape. :cool:. That coupled with a diet of ho-ho's, zebra cakes, and mountain dew!! :) .

I don't believe it... nickolino let you have his training secrets?


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
Here's a little known secret that will help you avoid adding extra poundage during the holidays:

12 ounces of Budweiser = 145 calories

12 ounces of Guiness Draught = 125 calories

You're welcome.


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
BadgerMan said:
Here's a little known secret that will help you avoid adding extra poundage during the holidays:

12 ounces of Budweiser = 145 calories

12 ounces of Guiness Draught = 125 calories

You're welcome.

Guiness Draught usually puts me to sleep. ;)

I made a stop into Terry's Cycle in Alma to purchase my Winter trainer. Just need to use it more.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
Change it up Fred. Your body may be getting too used to the routine of racketball. Take a spin class one or two days a week at your gym. Get some cheap cross country ski's and make a loop around your woods track. If you confuse your muscle groups they'll work harder and you'll burn more calories.

If you can burn more than you put in.....that's the trick. As a recovering food addict who was pushing 240 (165-170 now), I feel your pain on liking to eat. :nod:

From the book of "what gets measured gets managed"....try writing your weight down on a calendar next to your scale. When you see it in writing, it sometimes can motivate you to play the game.....and step away from the desert table. I also write what physical crap I did that day to see if there is a pattern (good or bad). Yeah, you know it...but if you are writing it down you may be more apt to hold yourself accountable at the table and with the barley pops. I only have to do this during the winter.....we're busy enough during the summer!

I started doing a spin class on Tue and Thur...noon - 1:00....right down the road from my office. I also swim 2,500-5,000 yds per session 5-6 days per week. After all that I still struggle.

Good luck!

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Isn't fat just storage for energy? I think I am ready for the long course at Sumter then..


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
Good point on the change up Mark. I did that last year. As of last nite I followed my racquetball match up with 20 minutes on a stair climber and then 1/3 mile swim (590 yards), nothing like you do.

I do often drink Guiness but although it is less in calories it also seems to go down like nestles quick. :yikes:

Thanks for the advise


Oct 28, 2007
may sound funny, but just jog, jog, and don't stop jogging until your legs start cramping. That is what we do in wrestling, we run about 2-3 miles straight a day, do some circuit training, and then we wrestle in a heated room. I really have to push myself. It is not uncommon to see people lose 2-3 pounds in water weight in 1 practice. In 2 weeks I went from 170- 158lbs :p


Oct 2, 2005
Yam7M said:
Change it up Fred. Your body may be getting too used to the routine of racketball. Take a spin class one or two days a week at your gym. Get some cheap cross country ski's and make a loop around your woods track. If you confuse your muscle groups they'll work harder and you'll burn more calories.

If you can burn more than you put in.....that's the trick.
Plain & simple, right to the point and well said! People can slice that pie anyway they want to ......And believe me your going to get some off the wall horse shat tossed around over this thread. Bottom line is use the above advice along with some clean eating habits and you will change your body from a Co carbohydrate sluggish dependent into a fat burning machine in about 4 to 6 weeks! Once you have transformed and reached your ideal weight ,THEN you can start catering your training secessions towards your personal fitness goals to achieve what ever it is your after.

It's not going to be easy as there will be a lot of personal sacrifices along the way. Good luck Fred B.

PS. There is a lot of reading material out there about endurance training. Personally I like Joe Friel writtings....


Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Randy Mastin swears by sugar donuts and coffee by the gallon, the cheap stuff too.

Don Marsh

Jun 5, 2001
Jack Daniels & "Diet Pepsi"
An daily bouts of thumb wrestling works will for the winter 10.......


Oct 2, 2003
Change ups in what type of exercise you do are very important for the body and mind; but intense interval training at max output is key.

Skiing, calisthenics, ping pong, swimming, sledding.... and my personal favorite urban snow riding on a bicycle. And "PT" on all my problem areas.

+ I read again and again technique articles on riding offroad.
+ I watch all the offroad riding footage I can get my hands on.

I'm up about 5-10lbs; but will be back in the 150's by April.


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
Wolverine423 said:
Plain & simple, right to the point and well said! People can slice that pie anyway they want to ......And believe me your going to get some off the wall horse shat tossed around over this thread. Bottom line is use the above advice along with some clean eating habits and you will change your body from a Co carbohydrate sluggish dependent into a fat burning machine in about 4 to 6 weeks! Once you have transformed and reached your ideal weight ,THEN you can start catering your training secessions towards your personal fitness goals to achieve what ever it is your after.

It's not going to be easy as there will be a lot of personal sacrifices along the way. Good luck Fred B.

PS. There is a lot of reading material out there about endurance training. Personally I like Joe Friel writtings....


I want say a big thanks for the great advice :cool:

I know these things and they have worked well for me in the past. I just fell off the wagon starting in the fall. I need to get back with the things that worked for me in the past. Last winter I ate mostly meat and high protein foods (most all organic). The only carbs I ate were natural carbs from a few fruits and vegtibles. Venison is a great way to get good proteins.

Thanks guys, you have given me the wake up call I need!!!.

I will be getting the sweets out of the house. Last nite I got home from the gym about 8:30 and my wonderful wife had made lasagna with garlic bread. I drank a few beers and pigged out. WOW was it good but, I am sure it negated the last few days at the gym. - just babbling now - Thanks to all of you for your help and advice :cool:


Oct 2, 2005
I'll be on XBOX in 15 min - Towel heads & New Yorkers are the prime target for tonight!


Jun 26, 2006
Last year I was recovering from a broken leg, pulmonary saddle emboli, as well as clots in the leg. Being stuck on a couch as well as a diet pretty much restricted to meat and potato's thanks to the coumadin destroyed me over the course of 8-9 months. I can eat well and lose weight but kind of feel weak & like crap, or I can be extremely active and feel wonderful, but not lose anything. I need to learn the balance. I'm 100% physically able-bodied this year so I'm hoping between my MTB bike on the trainer, a seasons pass to Crystal and snowshoeing I'll be able to get everything in check. Then again...I have a new found love for Right Brain Brewery...I think I've had more beer in 6mos than I have the rest of my life combined :bang:


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
Update: I started a clean eating program and also started mixing up my workouts and I am down 9.5 pounds from when I started this thread. I am not drinking as much beer and the beer I drink is Becks LT, Amstel LT, and a few miller or bud LT limes. If you put a slice of lime in a beer it sure taste better to me. I normally like thick pale ales and such but, that is part of the sacrifice.

Thanks for the advice from all (YAM7 and DW especially)

It is the little things that can make the difference, like having a apple rather than some chips.

I am not quite ready to buy the DW blender yet.

Spin class tomorrow - wow that kicks my azz

Next I need to quit chewing tobacco and smoking cigars. I have done this a few times using the patches. Maybe I need some cannabis patches to take the edge off?. I am just not sure I can ride as well without having a chew in.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
Good for you Fred. :cool:

Glad to hear that you're in a spin class. That is a killer workout. I do OK by myself.....but nothing compares to a class with a good instructor. At least for me....

Good luck on kicking the nicotine dude. I know that's a friggin' beeaatch! :nod: Like the cheesy commercial says: Don't quit quitting.

9.5 is quite the drop. I imagine you're in for a platau pretty soon. Keep on keepin' on!


Aug 23, 2003
Keep going Fred and good job on the Cigars :)

Working out regularly, never stopped running even with bad knee.
As for smoking haven't attempted to quit yet this year, but there is always hope!

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
barkbuster67 said:
At least he didn't mention the Little Debbies. Those things make you ride everything a click higher. ;)

One more click on the shock and one spring size larger too.....

Hey I wonder what those baby's would do in DW's MX Blender?

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