
2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Anyone ever have a vehicle stolen with that steering wheel bar thingy in place? My neighbor went out and bought one and I'm thinking of it myself. I would hate to lose that Silverado, I'm emotionally attached to it, lol.

If the thief comes prepared it will take a whole 15 seconds to get past it. Our news showed them hacksaw through the steering wheel in under 30 seconds.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Dang Natty, that sux.

Be sure and keep your On-Star account on your Tahoe. I let mine go about 2 months before my Suburban was stolen last year. I will never drop it on the Sierra.

TJ is right on the steering wheel bar. A better way to go is to put a switch on your battery cable that disconnects you battery from the vehicle. You can get them from JC Whitney (among other places) and some are even remote activated. Without power immediately to hot wire the car, they usually leave, as it takes too long to figure out the "problem". I would also consider Lojack (sp) for the sheer enjoyment of knowing that they WILL be located.

My trailer was broken into last week, but all they found was debris from my remodeling effort. The radio reported that we have had a 9% increase in break-ins in NE Dallas since the first of the year. The police are finally starting to round up truants, as they think that is who is do the jobs.

BTW - My insurance company was NO help in solving my theft with the restaurant and valet service that had my vehicle. Although I got money out of my insurance company, it cost me about 15K because of stuff in the truck and the value vs cost ratio of replacement. Insurance is a scam.


Aug 18, 2000
Sorry to hear this Natty.

I am going with the glass is half full and this incident could have been alot worse if they had gained access to your house.

Thieves do suck........


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
That sucks to hear. My truck was broken into a few years ago, parked right under the window of my apartment building inside the gated and locked complex! Had to be a resident, although it wouldn't have taken much to hop the fence I am sure. My gun and purse and everything were inside, but they got my stereo, CDs, camera, radar detector, etc. Broke the window out. Well below the deductible of course.


Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
Sorry to hear Nat.
I had a snowmobile stolen a few years back, made me want to stoop to their level and do something unlawfull in retaliation. It was a total loss on my part, no ins. Theives suck.


Aug 25, 2000
Natty - sorry to hear about the truck thieves. As most everyone has said - at least you still have your truck with some minor damage. The few scum thieves in this world keep all of the rest of us on our toes.
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