
Apr 13, 2001
After years of mt. biking, bicycle racing and a stint in the good ol' USMC, I get a broken arm/ wrist on a dirt bike. I hit a kicker on a jump that launched the bike vertical. I tried to save it, but gravity prevailed. ER said its a 'distal radius' fracture. I have to wait for the ortho dr. to look at it to deside if it needs to be pinned.
But more importantly.... didnt put a scratch on my bike!!!
Get this.... A guy was pushing my bike back for me and told my son that I crashed hard... he looks up and says 'he's walkin' he's ok.' " Thats my boy!" ;)


Jan 30, 2000
Sorry to hear about your crash, but your boy has it figured out! LOL!


Jan 17, 2001
Hey Wilson, did those new rim locks hold out?? Just kidding, I'm just trying to make you smile. Sorry to hear about the crash. I know what it's like to break a bone riding. The worst part is that your bike will start to talk to you tempting you to ride.....

Keep us updated! Remember I am just joking about the rim locks. :)

BullDog KX125

Mar 9, 2001
Yep... they did!!

This is Andy(too lazy to log off my boys) No more problems with rim locks;)

Man... did the guys give me grief at work, the joke is that I "tried a heel clicker and did a 'jar head' instead" even my daughter is getting in on the act
check out how she signed my cast


Jan 17, 2001
Re: Yep... they did!!

Originally posted by BullDog KX125
This is Andy(too lazy to log off my boys) No more problems with rim locks;)

Man... did the guys give me grief at work, the joke is that I "tried a heel clicker and did a 'jar head' instead" even my daughter is getting in on the act
check out how she signed my cast

When I broke my foot falling down the stairs at home I had some help from a few here at DRN making up a good story. I'm sure they will lend you a hand.

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