Check each catagory that applies (only one ckeck foe each day)

  • I'll be there Saturday by myself (1 total)

    Votes: 14 100.0%
  • I'll be there Saturday with 1 other rider (2 total)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll be there Saturday with 2 other riders (3 total)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll be there Saturday with 3 other riders (4 total)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll be there Saturday with 4 other riders (5 total)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll be there Sunday by myself (1 total)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll be there Sunday with 1 other rider (2 total)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll be there Sunday with 2 other riders (3 total)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll be there Sunday with 3 other riders (4 total)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll be there Sunday with 4 other riders (5 total)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Flying Scot

Oct 13, 2002
 :cool:  Okay, Me, Phil a buddy, my daughter and my son. My wife and 2 of her cousins probably as well. We will be bringing a KTM 250 in blue and silver, a KX 250, an XR100, a XR70 and a KLX110. Will be staying over night at the camp ground ( in an Rv if we can swing it with a friend ) or in Tents if we can't, we might go up on Friday night but that might be pushing it. So looking forward to this, the KTM arrives Tuesday and I hope to get on down to the Airport next Sunday to try it out. So who is taking my money when we get there ?

I am a novice and Phil is a nut ! My kids are 10 and 7 so that adds a couple of more to the Brat pack. :thumb: :laugh:


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
I'll take your money if your giving it away :laugh:   


Sep 15, 2000
Bad news, mechanic got the wrong PV for my RM. FlyinKaw isn't going to make it and my other buddy now has some weird fascination with streebikes. This SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah well, the motocross ride in June or i'll jump off the Peace Bridge.

Have fun guys, no talk of swap donkeys... :)

:EDIT: Thanks for the vote of confidence Lori :) My knuckles haven't been battered that bad before. But good times, great people. First timers are in for a real treat. See you in June!!! ( you are going to make it out to the MX track aren't ya? :debil: :debil: )
Last edited:


Jul 4, 2001
Meeting place is at Paragons parking lot at 10AM for both days. Those staying at the campgrounds will come in as a group. For those meeting at Paragon we will stage about 100 yards past the registration trailer towards the middle of the parking area..

Here are some simple rules to follow:

If the trails are dusty, DO NOT go flying past peole on the bigger roads. Its simple etiquette not to dust them out.

Save the acrobatics for the trails, NOT the parking lot. I was guilty of this myself. There will be lots of kids there.

No booze, not even beer while on Paragon property. Lets look good for everyone else.

Lets leave this ploace better looking than it did when we came in. Pick up our junk.

Avoid Trigger at all costs when he is around water!! You have been warned!

OffRoadWarrior is crazy! Period.

It is mandatory to have fun while we are here!! Anyone caught not having fun will be severely harrassed!!

Is it the 3-4th yet?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jul 4, 2001
ATTENTION ALL CAMPERS: If you are going to be staying at the Red Ridge Lake campground, email me and let me kow what days and how many people, including children. We get a discount but I need to let them know a headcount in general. It is a really nice place. See www.redridege I will register everyone as DRN members for the discount

EMAIL to [email protected]


Nov 6, 2002
Unfortunately I cant make it for either day of the weekend. Something came up for my wife's work and I'll need to watch the little one for both days. Best wishes for a great weekend tho, and be sure I'll be thinking of you. :thumb:



Jun 15, 2001
Originally posted by Fark
we'll have to split into groups according to proper hardware(well prepped bike) / balls(stupidity) / experience. Good news for RV6 and GXdragon.

One more group called the sag group for people who get there late and for all the guys that needed to turn a few wrenches on thier bikes when they put them away for the winter/ forgot what it was they needed to do over the winter and remembered 5 mins into the ride when stuff started to fall off thier bike :) .

Whaaaada ya mean you cant keep gass in the tank for 8 months?????
Jason formaly puts his request in with the weater gods:
Mild weater in the mid to upper 60's with recent rain to keep the dust down and to fill the puddles to retaliate against Trigger :).

Flying Scot

Oct 13, 2002
Trig, The wife is trying to back out and I want to go up Friday night and Saturday so I won't know until later this week if I will be there 2 nights or one at this point. ( lame excuse for inexperience to be inserted here ) Sorry I won't be able to ride with you guys as I WILL have to take care of my kids but we shall regail with great stories around the campfire at night. :laugh:


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
This is gonna be one great ride :yeehaw:

Huck man, what the hell?? I was looking forward to seeing you do some deep water biking :p Just make sure you make it for the MX ride in June or I'll start to wonder about you ;)

Just a reminder. Wait until everyone gets there at 10:00 to register so we get the discount. Hopefully in the future we can do some pre-registering to make it easier.

And Trig, thanks for posting some rules...remind me about them when I get there :debil:

Flying Scot

Oct 13, 2002
Just got told tonight by my Bud Phil that he has 3 or 4 buddies that he has told about this weekend and they want to go. 2 have ATV's. I told him to find out by Friday whether they are going to camp and whether they are going up for both days or just one. He is not sure if his daughter will come it depends how she does this Sunday at the airport. Her first time on the XR70 he bought her she had a serious dump and has been petrified for 2 years. We got her back on last year but it is a slow process to make a child that young build confidence after a horendous start.

Some people in my group want to stay at a Holiday Inn or similar if we can't get the RV. I said we should camp as the fun starts there !

Still working on this and still building.


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
We have one less for the weekend....JPStealth broke his collar bone riding yesterday. :whiner: is his explanation of what happened....

JPstealth 88 (9:19:13 PM): i got a little squirrely in mid air
JPstealth 88 (9:19:25 PM): and was thrown over bars on landing then knocked out
scooter (9:19:45 PM): and I wasn't there with the camera....bummer
JPstealth 88 (9:19:53 PM): lol i know really
JPstealth 88 (9:20:15 PM): but he said it was a pretty wussy loking crash so u didnt miss out

I have tried to tell him that he is not really superman, but he had to find out for himself.  Lets all hope he gets better soon so at the next DRN ride he can show us all what not to do......Now I better shut up, or I will jinx myself, and get hurt on my next ride too :ugg:


Mar 17, 2000
Originally posted by Trigger1911
some simple rules to follow:

Save the acrobatics for the trails, NOT the parking lot. I was guilty of this myself. There will be lots of kids there.

Is it the 3-4th yet?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does this mean we will not be seeing some more of Woodsriders parking lot free style ? Last year he threw one of the longest held Look Back NacNacs I have ever seen . I think even RMguy was impressed .


Jul 4, 2001
Thats nothing! Wait til you see me do my new fandango multi-spin head roll with an inverted and truncated tri-plex nutsmasher. I only do this trick once so dont miss it!!

Is it the 3-4th yet!!!!!!!!!!!


Damn Yankees
Sep 14, 2000
Originally posted by knobbiethrower
Is it the 3rd yet? No smack talk between RMguy and Woodsy? Are you guys ok ?
They both don't have access during the day. We can pick on them all day long with no counter attacks.


Jul 4, 2001

Meet in the Paragon parking lot at 10AM both days.

So far I have only 14 people on the camping list. If you plan to camp please let me know as soon as possible how many and which days so I can give a heads up to the campground owner. EMAIL me at [email protected] or call me at 484-239-6187 anytime. Thanx!


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Can you post who is camping friday night and when they might be arriving? I'd like to know who will be there so i find them better and get a better idea as what time to leave friday. I'm looking at leaving by 1pm and arriving by 6pm. Thanks!

DirtyBkr, Sure your welcome to sit around the fire and have fun! Speaking of fire, do we need fire wood? I can bring a load packed around the bike in my bed if we need some.


Apr 21, 2000
Rohnman and I will be leaving saturday around 4pm.See you all at the campgrounds! I don't blame dirtybiker for staying in motel, with woodsy and RMguy running loose, no man may be safe, or farm animals for that matter.

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