Phelan-Dec. 15th


Apr 1, 2001
AMinkman--most of us will be on 2-stroke green/red sticker bikes. Some of the area we ride on is very undeveloped ( and undevelopable ) private property, and most of the ride is on US Forest Service land. The forest trails are all marked as off-road legal, as is the fire road. That is why we recommend spark arrestors; the rangers have been up there the last two times I've been there, checking for sparkies and registrations.
The terrain is very steep and twisty, with some sand, some hard-pack, and some rocks; a real mix. The loops we are planning are about 40 miles each, through real tight, twisty single track. ( Kinda like a roller coaster!)
Wilson Ranch Road is approx. 1 mile west of Johnson Rd., or 1 1/2 miles west of Sheep creek, off of Phelan Rd. If you head east on Phelan Rd. from Hwy. 395, it'll be almost into the town of Phelan. You'll pass under some large high voltage transmission lines right before Wilson Ranch. There's a left turn lane striped there; turn left and go past all the houses. Continue straight (dirt road), and you'll drop down into a small gully, then back up and over a small hill and you'll see a small natural MX track. This is where we stage.
Bring extra gas and munchies!

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
thumbs ------------ CR 125
scar tissue -------- KLX 340 ?
ktmboy ------------ 360 E/XC
a454elk ------------ RM 250
elk jr. -------------- 2-smoke
oldandslo ---------- XR 400
boodac + 2 ....... asian 2-smoke + ??
longtime + 4 ------ GG 300 + ????
desert_racer + 2 - KTM 300 E/XC - YZ 426F - KTM 200 M/XC
the eel ------------- WR 125
rmjeff -------------- RM 250
MXbundy ---------- YZ 250F
AMinkman --------- ?

wombat? ----------- KDX 250
gsr? ---------------- 200 M/XC
ttrguy? ------------- TTR 250
mastersandblaster? - ?
ol' whats his name? - XR 350
Captain Jack ? ----- XR 400

We're gonna have close to 20 easy ... maybe almost 30 !!!!!!!!!!

Twelve 2-smokes, seven 4-strokes, and eight wild cards. It's lookin' good for the 2-stroke forces right now. :)
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the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Cool - I did the update.


Jun 5, 2001
2 Stroke heaven, I can't wait for the four legged ostrich burgers too! I'm still in as long as I don't toss the bike on Thursday at Glen Helen.

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Phelan 100 (or "80 and a few beers")

thumbs ------------ CR 125
scar tissue -------- KLX 340 ?
ktmboy ------------ 360 E/XC
a454elk ------------ RM 250
elk jr. -------------- 2-smoke
oldandslo ---------- XR 400
boodac + 2 ....... asian 2-smoke + ??
longtime + 4 ------ GG 300 + three XR 600's + XR 650
desert_racer + 2 - KTM 300 E/XC - YZ 426F - KTM 200 M/XC
the eel ------------- WR 125
rmjeff -------------- RM 250
MXbundy ---------- YZ 250F
AMinkman --------- ?
Captain Jack ------ XR 400

wombat? ----------- KDX 250
gsr? ---------------- 200 M/XC
ttrguy? ------------- TTR 250
mastersandblaster? - ?
ol' whats his name? - XR 350

Twelve 2-smokes, eleven 4-strokes, and four wild cards.

Almost dead even now.

I have an idea that may sound corny but might be fun .... I say we start the ride with one lap around the moto track. I'd love to get a picture of everyone lined up at the start - as we begin a ride that will be a decisive battle in the 2-stroke / 4-stroke wars of the 21st century. This is even bigger than Carmichael vs. Ferry or Pastrana vs. Fonseca ! :)

Captain Jack is in but needs to leave by 3:30 PM. That means he needs to average 15.3846153846153846153846153846154 MPH to finish on time.
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Nov 17, 1999
As long as it's not snowing, I'll be in. WR 400
Might have a couple friends, xr400, xr650 much more capable than myself.
Hope the weather is good!!


Oct 7, 1999
Scratch the plus 4. At most plus two, now. So twelve to nine?

And hey, now, what about "Phelan 40" for the rehab crowd? I think 40, plus ostrich burgers, plus beers, sounds just about right. :) :) Heck, might even be able to sleep in and make it the second forty . . . :confused:

Dang, this is gonna be fun.

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
thumbs ------------ CR 125
scar tissue -------- KLX 340 ?
ktmboy ------------ 360 E/XC
a454elk ------------ RM 250
elk jr. -------------- 2-smoke
oldandslo ---------- XR 400
boodac + 2 ....... asian 2-smoke + ??
longtime + 2 ------ GG 300 + two XR 6-somethings
desert_racer + 2 - KTM 300 E/XC - YZ 426F - KTM 200 M/XC
the eel ------------- WR 125
rmjeff -------------- RM 250
MXbundy ---------- YZ 250F
AMinkman + 2 ---- WR 400 - XR 400 - XR 650
Captain Jack ------ XR 400

wombat? ----------- KDX 250
gsr? ---------------- 200 M/XC
ttrguy? ------------- TTR 250
mastersandblaster? - ?
ol' whats his name? - XR 350

Twelve 2-smokes, twelve 4-strokes, and three wild cards.

Dead even.

So what about the track idea ?

LongTime - as long as you show up and take care of yourself we'll be happy. You'll get bonus miles for having such a cool bike.

CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
Jack...needs to average 15.3846153846153846153846153846154 MPH to finish on time.

HA! Yeah ... with no breaks! - but that's how yoou ride Eel. You know I'm the leisurely type ("smoke 'em if you got 'em").

Hey, does anyone have the GPS coordinates for our staging area? I probably need help finding the place.

This is gonna rock!:)


Feb 2, 2000
Now you've got me scared :scream: I don't own enough clothes to keep me warm in that kind of weather.

Fri & Sat
Variable cloudiness with a chance of showers. Lows in the lower 20s to lower 30s. Highs in the mid 30s to mid 40s.


Can I huddle up next to the 250 header pipe when I get cold? :)


Jun 5, 2001
We rode up there back in Feb. and it was 26 degrees. Slight snow flurries with variable clouds, the best riding I've ever had! As long as it doesn't rain, that'll make it a little damp, still rideable, but damp. It'll be myself, Jr. and his friend (another 2 stroke).

We can grab a four stroke and set it ablaze so we can warm up if we need. No loss, they are usually laying on the ground anyway. We can just splash some gas on them and ignite em!

Here's the directions for those that don't know:

Take the 15 north to the 138 west. Go about 7 miles to sheep creek rd. (just past the 2) and turn right. Take Sheep Creek over the hill for about 2 miles and turn right on Phelan road. Go east for about 3 miles and turn right on Wilson Ranch Road, (by the big overhead powerlines), follow Wilson Ranch Rd. until it ends (about 1 mile) in the dirt parking area. You'll see the track to the left, down in the lower area. We can have someone vallet park the trucks if you want!!

I'm really looking forward to the big group meet, we can take some pix and post them so everyone that didn't go will be jealous! May the 2 stroke prevail



Oct 31, 2001
Gonna be cold

Going to be colder then a well diggers butt. Went to the District race yesterday and you couldnt ask for better weather. Was 70+ degrees until the clouds rolled in around 2PM. Then it got cold. Real cold. How many 40 mile loops we talking about? Im either going to die out their or run out of gas. Depending on the terain I figure were talking 2 hours or so, per lap. As far as the buds are concerned, they both ride 2 smokes but not sure theere coming yet.


Jan 27, 2000
Wow, miss a couple days and look what happens. My monitor went bad last week and I am using this little 15" monitor, so, you guys will have to speak up a little.:confused:

Eel. My bud, Mastersandblaster will be riding a WR400 and I will be on a WR400. I got the oil seals for the XR Valdeze but, have not had time to put them in yet. It only holds two quarts of oil, so, it would not be enough for a 100 miler.

Elk. Are you bringing the doughnuts? BTW, whats all this talk about jetting, altitude, spooge, poor gas mileage, is this a two-smoke thing or what????:)

MXBetsy. Will be gald to watch your back, as long as your not wearing the tutu.

BTW, we may have to eliminate the tutu and thong ritual from our rides. Some of you guys are starting to enjoy wearing them WAY too much.:scream:

Looking forward to riding with you all and meeting the new people.

Oh, and Longtime. What do you mean you don't know what I'm talking about. That Big Bear incident gave a whole new meaning to the term, Butt-ugly. I also heard that there is a new endangered species in Deep Creek now called the blind salamander. BWWWHHHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oops, excuse me.

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the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
My bike's not ready yet. Keep your fingers crossed.


Jun 5, 2001
Hey Eel, stay off this computer and work on the bike, just be there at 0800!

89r, the best things in life are never easy, the 2 stroke for example, a wonderful machine but it has to be massaged from time to time. I'll take a little jetting and spooging verses the starting technique for the 4 chokes! When you work for something, it seems to mean more to you, I try and tell my kids that but they don't bite! I may just have to bring a box of d-nuts, seeing is that there are so many around me all the time!

I'll bring the fish eye lens so we can get everyone in the picture. I think a great picture would be the whole crew going up the sand hill, at once!

Elk, the public servant

Jim Mo 67

Jan 15, 2001
Hey Ol'89er, I've missed about 6 months, I still have a red bike, with only 2 strokes, think you might have room between the sea of blue for the red one, tank of gas, gear bag, one skinny guy, a bag of doritos and a cooler? oh yea, a spark plug or 2 as well. Let me know I would love to go.

I hear Master Blaster has been a little under the weather, maybe he needs some chicken noodle soup or something.

Let me know what time you plan on leaving & if you have room



Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
Originally posted by the Eel
a 40-miler with bonus miles offered to those who drink the most beer at the Cafe.
This sounds like the kind of event that I actually have a chance of winning.

Originally posted by ktmboy
For anyone that has problems getting bigger jets, Tony knows a great trick for restricting your airbox.
Let me start by saying I'm a bit offended that this revolutionary breakthrough in technology that I have personally put countless years of research and development into has been referred to as a trick. This is on the cutting edge of technology. This is the kind of information that you will find in the "Advanced technology & Engineering" forum or even in the pages Popular Science magazine. Now not everyone should try to do this modification themselves. It is very technical and even a bit dangerous. That's right, I said "dangerous". There are a few thing that you must have in order to perform this mod correctly. The first is the obvious, knowledge and skill. I have spent many years perfecting this task therefore I have the skill and I have the knowledge. Second would be the tools and equipment. Now I'm not talkin' about the basic stuff that you would find in the average Joe Smoe's rolling box at the local motorcycle repair shop. I'm talkin' bout some high tech, state of the art stuff that even the guys at NASA or JPL would be impressed with. Lastly is courage and plenty of it. Remember I said this would be a bit dangerous.

For those of you that are still interested in learning this "trick" (as some of those that are technically challenged would call it) and want to be on the inside track of technology just show up a bit early on Saturday and I'll have a short 30 minute "How to" class. I'm not asking for anything in return for my services other than that you be on time and pay attention. You might want to bring a pen and paper to jot down some notes.

One more thing, don't worry about the all the high-tech tools that are needed. I'll bring all the necessary tools. All you need to bring is a clean dry shop rag.
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scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
Thumbs: You have two much free time. :p


You forgot to count my 4wheeler in the bike count:o
I'll be the one with the beer cooler and no helmet.

Desert Racer, MXbundy,

If it's OK with you, I'd like to take a little test ride on your EXC300 and YZ250F. As I'm always looking for the perfect bike.
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Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
Originally posted by scar tissue
Thumbs: You have two much free time. :p
I am a Production Manager and a Facilities Operations Coordinator. You are an Account Executive. My job is sales driven. No sales, no drive. Now get out in the field and bring some work into the office.:p

BTW - What are you doing for lunch?


Jun 5, 2001
Thumbs, you ever thought of getting into the defense attorney business? You can spend two paragraphs talking about something that could have been said in one sentence. "I forgot and left my rag in the box". Done, no more needed, we can fill in the glamorous details, trust me. I heard that it was a nasty french "G" string that you wore backwards! Not that I'm spreading any untruthful rumors, but that's what I heard. Look forward to seeing you again on the 15th. Who loves you brother!

Scar, we're gonna set the 4 strokes on fire so you might want to ride them first!

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
Originally posted by a454elk
Scar, we're gonna set the 4 strokes on fire so you might want to ride them first!

So your saying you've seen me ride:cool:

That's usually how my bike ends up. Funny thing I've blown up alot more 2 strokes than four strokes. Mostly because of my past excellent mechanic skills. Yet I've never left a rag in the air box. :p But Ihave used a piece of window screen are an air filter. :confused: And LT still let me work on his new GAS GAS:)
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