
Apr 1, 2001
Oldandslo--thanks for the weather link. I was up in Oak Hills Sat. night, and it was sooooooo cold! Now I can keep watching the weather link so I'll know how many jackets to bring. Might even have to break out the pantyhose!
Elk----'burn a 4-stroke...they're already on the ground anyways...' LMAO!!!!!

"Dang; I let Tony re-jet my bike, and now it barely starts, and it's way down on power!":p


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
Originally posted by ktmboy
"Dang; I let Tony re-jet my bike, and now it barely starts, and it's way down on power!":p
There you go again, giving away my best secret on how to stay ahead of the competition.

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
thumbs ------------ CR 125
scar tissue -------- KLX 340 + 1 hopped-up ****
ktmboy ------------ 360 E/XC
a454elk ------------ RM 250
elk jr. -------------- 2-smoke
Elk Jr. buddy ----- 2-smoke
oldandslo ---------- XR 400
boodac + 2 ....... asian 2-smoke + ??
longtime + 2 ------ GG 300 + two XR 6-somethings
desert_racer + 2 - KTM 300 E/XC - YZ 426F - KTM 200 M/XC
the eel ------------- WR 125
rmjeff -------------- RM 250
MXbundy ---------- YZ 250F
AMinkman + 2 ---- WR 400 - XR 400 - XR 650
Captain Jack ------ XR 400

wombat? ----------- KDX 250
gsr? ---------------- 200 M/XC
ttrguy? ------------- TTR 250
mastersandblaster? - WR 400
ol' whats his name? - WR 400
Jim Mo 67? ----------- red bike - I think it's a 4-stroke

Thirteen 2-smokes, FOURTEEN 4-strokes, and two wild cards.

The tide has taken an evil turn. The dark forces have rallied. It's now down to Boodac's two buddies.

We've potentially got 29 riders showing up for this blowout !
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Feb 2, 2000
Eel - The count is even once again. My buddy that rides the 426 broke his femur (sp) Sunday at Elsinore. Anybody out there on Sunday see anything. He can't remeber S**t. He doesn't even remember which track he was on.

Sucks to be him cause his wife HATES , in case you didn't catch that HATES bikes. Could be a slightly used YZ 426 for sale CHEAP.

Scar Tissue - Brother, as long as you don't ride like Bundy you can take the 300 for a spin.

I can't remember who was giving the advice on jetting but I pulled my plug after riding at Ocotilla Wells last week and it was a little on the black side so if you would normally richen it up for the cold then I should be good.... Let me know if I'm not thinking right here cause I would hate to be beaten up the Sandhill by Bundy on the 250. :p

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
That sux.

Every now and again I remember that this sport is D A N G E R O U S. We should all make sure we keep in mind that Saturday's ride is all about everyone having FUN and getting out in one piece - regardless of whether we go 100 miles or 5 miles. We're all gonna be pretty dog-tired at some point on this ungodly ride and that's when the margin for error starts to get small. (Which nutjob came up with this idea anyway ?) Let's ride smart and have a good time. That way we can all keep doing it for many years to come.

(Alright - I'm off the podium .... next speaker) :)
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Nov 17, 1999
Hey Desert_Racer, if your bud is the one I read about on www.proride.com
he got sideways in a corner and carried the sideways over a double and didn't land it. Elsinore snot claims another. Over crowded track with bad dirt, I can't believe they named a motorcycle after that place.


Oct 7, 1999
Originally posted by desert_racer
Scar Tissue - Brother, as long as you don't ride like Bundy you can take the 300 for a spin.

:scream: I already said he could take my 300 for a spin! What have I done? :eek:


Feb 2, 2000
AMinkman - Thanks bro. He could be the one. My buddy is NOT an aggresive rider at all so I'm not sure if he just got out of control and lost it or what.

Anyway I am looking forward to Sat. and riding with all of the So Cal DRN's out there. Should be a blast... A COLD blast but still a blast.

LongTime - Better your 300 than mine ;)


Jun 5, 2001
My wife HATES that I ride also. She can't stand bikes and whines about it all the time. I've been riding since I was 8, that calculates to 27 years for those that can't count! She should be happy that bike riding is all I do, you don't see me in bars or strip joints! Not that those are bad things but I think she has it pretty good if I don't say so myself. I've made alot of great friends while riding and met even more here. I've been hurt out on the Elsinore snot myself but I've got no one to blame but myself.

This Phelan 1000 or whatever we are calling it will be a blast, I don't care how many miles we go really as long as we all have fun. I hope I don't sound korny but I live to ride. Picture this, you're riding up a great singletrack trail, on the ridge, and you get to the top, pull off your helmet and then you see it, a 6 ft crow sitting there just yards away from your position. You rub your eyes and yes, it's still there so you grab your handy dandy digital photo thingy and try and snap a picture of the beast. When you look at the picture after, all you see is a white flash where that crow was. You have just experienced the motor God, as he watched over you as you transversed his mighty land.

You start your bike and finish your ride, all the time knowing that the motor God is always watching you and protecting you from the evil empire, (no not the 4 strokes), the evil is society whining about the dirt you disturbed on your trek. They will never understand, never.

God speed and see you all on saturday!
The mighty Elk


Sponsoring Member
Feb 16, 2001
Hemet, CA.
Wow, go away for the weekend and look what happens.

Start fires with the 4 strokes? You gotta catch me first brother.:p
And who started that ugly rumor about me being hard on bikes? Except for that one time whan I ripped my buds shrouds off and pretzeled his bars, :eek: Its not my fault that after riding my other buds 250 that the the tranny didnt shift right.:scream: Come on these things only happened since Oct. so its not like they happen often.

Had a great showing at the race, brought home the bacon, although my bike paid the price.The course was about 5 or 6 miles of beach sand. Lets just say that a 250 4 stroke wasnt the ideal ride for this race. I mean 500 2 smokes had trouble in the sand. I rarely could use 5th gear, had to scream it in 4th most of the time. I may be doing a my first 4 stroke top end sone, any of you guys done this before, i`ve never been in a 4 stroke before. Of course this would be a good time for an Eric Gore big bore kit.:debil:

Eel add one rider to me ,125, 2 smoke. That might tilt the balance back towards the 2 spoogers.

Desert_racer, I`ll spot you going up the hill, although the 250F makes it fine, your bike should work me. But now lets talk about racing DOWN the hill.:p

later mxbundy


Jun 5, 2001
Yes, another 2 stroke, you da man! Don't worry about Bundy, we have some poison oak for him!


Jan 27, 2000
Jim Mo 67. Of course you are welcome to come along. Master Blaster is driving. Do you think your CR250 might get a little nervous sitting between two mighty four strokes? Kinda like the lone sheep in Gomers trailer.:) That's ok, if it doesn't start there will be enough thumpers there to drag it til it does.

Thumbs. The costume shop called. They want the tutu back. Did you get it out of the dry cleaners yet? I sure hope they were able to get all of the air filter oil out of it.;)


the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
The parts are in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jun 23, 2001
Originally posted by desert_racer
Eel - The count is even once again. My buddy that rides the 426 broke his femur (sp) Sunday at Elsinore. Anybody out there on Sunday see anything. He can't remeber S**t. He doesn't even remember which track he was on.

Sucks to be him cause his wife HATES , in case you didn't catch that HATES bikes. Could be a slightly used YZ 426 for sale CHEAP.

I was out at Elsinore on Sunday. I saw the EMT put on a temp. cast on a younger kid. 20ish or so. They were in a full size truck???
I did see a few guys go down, but only saw the one guy get EMT help.

If I didn't have to go to a X-Mas party I would be up for this phelan ride!:)

Does anyone here play Motocross Madness 2?? there is a track called Phelan, Ocotillo Wells and I made 4 tracks with SoCal names...:)

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
I am way addicted to Moto Madness 2 - where can I find those trax ?

And not only are the parts in - the graphics are in too !!!


Jun 23, 2001
Hey Eel!! I have tons on my hard drive. I've noticed that the download sites have broken links for the tracks. I'm on a team and you can get my tracks, bike and gear that I have made. http://www.mcmveterans.com/2nd-gear/
Look under Nats for National tracks and look under skins for the bike and gear skins. I will post more links in a few.....:D


Sponsoring Member
Feb 16, 2001
Hemet, CA.
Eel, great news, hope you get it back together.
Does anyone have a spare bike incase he cant get fixed in time?
If i had one i`d lend it to ya brother.

Desert_Racer and myself are gonna meet up at the Micky Dee`s at the 138 exit between 7 and 7:30 if any one wants to join us.

Hey elk, lay off that stuff, its supposed to be for EVIDENCE.:p

later mxbundy

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
You rock LT - thanx a bunch. Good thinkin' Bundy.

See you guys Saturday ... I'll try to post Friday to let you know if you need to load it up or not. Awesome guys.

Jim Mo 67

Jan 15, 2001
Keep counting, add TJ Pat, he rides a CR250, hey '89er (oops I forgot the old) I'm probably going catch a ride with TJ, he coming up Friday night, we will have to hook up & have some breakfast burritos or something. What's the latest on Master Blaster, & what about Bad Andy?

talk at you later
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