Dec 10, 2006
150rguy said:
ol I think they play us!!!! What a Suprise NOT!!!!


If people want me to keep writing this I'm gonna need someone to volunteer to proof read\every chapter before I post it. So basiacly I would write it, send it to the proof reader and have them correct the mistakes then they could post it or send it back to me and I could post it. I've been having 150rguy doing it, but he doesn't do a verry good job (Sorry 150rguy)

Any volunteers


Nov 27, 2006
i will gladly im gettin a b in english i think i could handle it lol

great story by the way im hooked


Nov 27, 2006
dirtbike_freak said:
well I just sent chap 9 to olderndirtmom. Maybe chap 10 though.

yea having an adult do it might be better. especially since she probably helped her kids with homework so shes probably an expert at this
May 10, 2007
AHA i was waiting for the 150r to come in (i had a feeling)

i like the story

you should put in a part about the neighbors complaining about the noise of his riding LOL
Dec 10, 2006
kx125412 said:
Aw come on, don't start the thumper movement on us. They're illegal anyways, get back to the 85.
Do you think that just because he got a 150 means he's not gonna race 85 anymore :coocoo: You think that he's gonna give up the points he scored by winning the last 2 rounds? They are legal by the way in supermini. And whats wrong with four strokes? It's my story not your's and he'll put the thumper in if he wants! People like you make me mad :bang:


Mar 30, 2006
Haha, sorry man I was making a half-joke. It's just going to be a sad day when the 85's die out i'm not telling you how to write you story. I like it so far keep doing what you're doing.


Mar 25, 2007
nicely done, but i think he should have been in his garage prepping his bike instead of just hopping on it and riding it :nener:
Dec 10, 2006
Im going to bed after I post this chapter. Thanks olderndirtmom for proofing this chapter :cool:

Chapter 9

Mark Peterson Interview with Garth Milian.

Rider Bio:

Name: Mark Peterson
Class: 85A/Supermini
Race Number: 83
Bike(s): 06 CR85, 07 CRF150R
Started riding: Age 4
Started racing: Age 5
First Win: Age 7
First Bike: PW50
Video Game: ATV Offroad Fury 4
Favorite Rider: Kevin Windham
Trick: Heel Clicker
Color: Red
Favorite Food: Pizza with lots of pepperoni
Drink: Sierra Mist

Mark Peterson has dominated the last two USMXN races in 85A class. We recently had a chat with this skinny 13 year old boy from Davis, Californa.

Q: Mark you are a relatively unknown coming into the United States Motocross Nationals (USMXN). and winning 85A in rounds 2 and 3 and getting 2nd in round 1. Where were you before?

A: Well, I used to do mostly local races around my area. My dad took me and my brothers to races. Then I won a race and Jordan [Styner] the Team Manager offered me a spot on the team, and now here I am. (Laughs.)

Q: You say your dad used to take you to all your races. How much difference is there from being on a factory team, and having your dad take you to races?

A: Oh there's a big difference! For one thing my family just has a trailer. TPA has a semi. When I used to go to races with dad, he would help me fix my problems on my bike and stuff. But now on TPA, we have the 2 mechanics that do basically everything. All I do is walk to the starting gates and then race.

Q: This is your first year racing 85A?

A: No, second year. When I turned 10 I started my 85 career in 85C. I rode that for a year. Then in my second year of racing 85 I moved up to B class. I won the summer series in 85B at one of my local tracks, so I decided to move up to 85A. And there is a HUGE difference. In my first year when I was 12, I would finish around 8th most of the time. I trained really hard over the winter, and then started on top this spring.

Q: You and Blake Gopy had some contact during round 3, did you not?

A: Yeah, we were battling for 2nd and then I went for the pass and he knocked into me. That move ticked me off a little so I was determined to get the pass and I just got a little aggressive. We've never really got along.

Q: Any other rivalries or friendships in this series?

A: No other rivalries yet. But the 4 regions haven't all raced together yet. As for friendships, me and Bobby Andrews are really good friends. But out on the track I treat everyone the same way.

Q: How do you feel about all the popularity you receive now that you're racing nationally?

A: Uhh, It's pretty cool. I signed some autographs the other day and I've picked up FMF as a sponsor.

Q: What are your plans for the future?

A: I really haven't thought about it much. Ever since I was little I wanted to be a pro. I think I'll probably spend next year in the 85 class and then when I'm 15 move up to 125. Then see how I do in 125 and if I'm good enough move to the pro lites class.

Q: Thanks for talking to us. I wish you luck in the rest of the series.

A: Thank you.


Just thought you guys should get to know Mark a little better. Thanks again to olderdirtmom :cool:


I got fat bars!
Dec 21, 2006
dirtbike_freak said:
I've been having 150rguy doing it, but he doesn't do a verry good job (Sorry 150rguy)


I got fat bars!
Dec 21, 2006
dirtbike_freak said:
I've been having 150rguy doing it, but he doesn't do a verry good job (Sorry 150rguy)
Thanks alot. It's not my fault I can't reconized a mispelled word from a spelled right word.


I got fat bars!
Dec 21, 2006
there's 3 posts 2 more. he's got chapter 10 done.
Dec 10, 2006
Chapter 10!

Ok guy’s, I just wanted to explain some stuff that if you didn’t pay attention in chapter 2, you might not get some stuff in the later chapters. The USMXN series is a series that in the end, the People from the whole US compete in it. But for the first 4 rounds, the 4 regions, northwest, southwest, northeast, and southeast will compete by themselves. So mark would do four rounds in the southwest. Then after the first 4 rounds, the top 10 in the points will move onto rounds, 5,6,and 8. In the rounds 5,6,8 the 4 regions will become 2-the west and south. So Mark would compete against people from the northwest as well as people from the southwest. After 3 races like this, the top 10 people in the points will move on to rounds 9,10,11 and 12. In these rounds the whole US competes against each other. Round 12 is the Final round. If anyone doesn’t get it, ask me and I’ll re-explain it.

Mark’s mom had been crying a little bit when they said goodbye. At least she hadn’t done it in front of Marks teammates, he would have never heard the end of it. Mark’s parents had promised to go to round 11, the final round, and round 7 which was only about 25 minutes from their house. But they couldn’t go to any other rounds because they had to work on the weekends. Mark’s dad worked at a bullet factory. He ran a lot of the machinery and he was the best at it, so he had to work a lot.
‘I wish he could come and see how good I’m racing’ Mark thought.

Mark had received an FMF silencer and pipe in the mail for his 85 from FMF since they were now officially his sponsor. Mark had also told them that he got a 150. They said that they would give him an exhaust for it when they got to the next round.

The drive to the next stop of the USMXN series was about 8 and a half hours long. Mark tried to go to sleep for a while, but couldn’t get to sleep. He started reading a magazine.

“Whoa!” Mark exclaimed. “We have an ad in this magazine!” On a page there was an ad that said TPA racing and it had a picture of each of the TPA team members riding.

“Why didn’t we get individual ads?” Matt asked.

“Because then whoever got their picture in it would be the only person who would,” Jordan said. “And then you guys would all be mad that you didn’t get your picture in it.”

“You’re right,” Kasey said, “I wouldn’t want everyone mad at me for the rest of the trip.”

“How do you know that you would have been the one in the ad?” Mark shot at him. The argument went on for a while then they finally settled down. Mark’s interview wouldn’t appear in the magazine for a couple of weeks.

Mark finally managed to fall asleep for 3 hours and when he woke up they still had 4 hours to go. They had left at 8 o’clock on the morning and were hoping to get there by 5 or 6. The ride was immensely boring.

When they got to the hotel Mark was so stiff from not moving in the car for 8 hours he got out of the van and ran around the parking lot. When he walked in he saw Bobby and Stephanie and their parents coming out of the hotel restaurant. Since the team had spent 4 days at home it was Thursday. The Andrews must have been there a couple of days.

Mark waved to them. Bobby came over to him, but Stephanie just kept walking with her nose in the air.

“Is she still mad about Saturday?” Mark asked Bobby.

“Yeah, she is,” Bobby replied. “And she has a big crush on Blake Gopy.” Mark scowled. “Don’t worry, she’ll eventually figure out he’s a jerk,” Bobby assured him.

The next morning Mark spent 2 hours in the weight room since he hadn’t been exercising. He walked back up to the hotel room at 7:30 drenched in sweat after just spending 35 minutes on the treadmill.

At breakfast Jordan told them that they were going to go to an off-road ORV area. When they got there they saw it was HUGE! There was over 2 ½ miles straight of natural sand whoops. There were not very many jumps, but there were woods, whoops, sand, and so much fun that they wanted to come back again the next day, but then they remembered it was the race the next day. They continued riding until they could see the sun going down. Mark had ridden the 85 for the first half of the day, and then switched to the 150 for the next half of the day.

On the ride back Mark said “That 150 is so much fun! I can't believe how much easier it is to ride than my 85.” The rest of the team had all tested it out, too.

“I wish my dad would have bought me a new bike while I was at home,” Matt said.

“Me too,” said Keenan and Kasey together.

The next day they went to the races at 6:30 in the morning. “Sign me up for Supermini, too” Mark said to Jordan as he went to sign them up. The rest of the team went to walk the track. The track had a lot of step ups and step downs. Mark had always been better at step ups/down than most kids his age. A part of this track, like the track before it was made of bark, which made it smell weird. The whoops were also HUGE. There was one other thing about this track. It had cement starts. Mark hated cement start pads! He never got good starts with cement. When he told Jordan this, Jordan said, “We’ll just have to trust your ability to pass people then.”

Mark was sitting on his new 150 at the cement starting gates for the Supermini qualifier. He was nervous because he had never raced Supermini. But he didn’t have time to think about that then because the card went up, then sideways and the gate dropped. Mark tried to get off the cement quick, but he just spun out and was one of the last people to get off of it.

He came around the first corner and saw most of the pack ahead of him. This is when all those hours of practicing was really gonna help, he thought. The qualifier was 5 laps and after 2 laps, his pit board said he was in 3rd. He didn’t know the person that was in 2nd, but he passed him fairly easily. He saw the leader. He was on a Suzuki and his chest protector said his name was Mike Steward. It took him another lap to catch up completely but he couldn’t pass him. He had tried twice. Mark started to realize where Steward’s weakness was: The Whoops. Mark started focusing on getting right on Steward's tail. When the whoops came Mark sped across them which leveled him neck and neck with Steward. Unfortunately for Mark, Steward got ahead again, and took the heat win.

Mark was going to have to figure out how to win against Mike Steward

Thanks olderndirtmom for proof reading this chapter. :)

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